Start With a Fake University

Chapter 689: Fired out a super...electromagnetic gun?

"President Ding, in about a week, the National Education Administration will officially announce that your Wucheng University of Arts and Science is listed as a national key education project. At that time, our Wucheng Education Department will also announce it at the same time."

On the phone, Director Xiao Wenxing said seriously.


Ding Yue's mood was extremely happy.

It is quite good to be able to reach the national key private colleges and universities. The next goal is to catch up with Qinghua University, surpass Yancheng University and so on, and go to the world to become a university with world-class influence!


Just when Ding Yue was very happy, a long-lost system reminder suddenly sounded in his mind.

To be honest, Ding Yue hadn't heard this voice for a long time.

"Congratulations to the host's Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for successfully becoming a national key university and completing the task of [national key university]!"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task of [National Key University] and get the reward [Level 4 University Treasure Box] +1!"

A system prompts to complete the task, and the sound of the reward rang in the ear.

Ding Yue moved slightly and pulled out his system panel.

In the "Items" column, Ding Yue saw the sparkling [Level 4 College Treasure Box], this Level 4 College Treasure Box, under normal circumstances, can produce very good things.

For example, technology products that surpass this era or technology.

"President Ding, at that time, will you have a ceremony or event at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences? After all, I think this event is indeed a thing to celebrate for your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

Director Xiao Wenxing on the phone suddenly suggested.


Since Director Xiao Wenxing suggested it, Ding Yue naturally adopted it directly.

It is indeed necessary to have a celebration event.

After all, Wucheng University of Arts and Science has become a national key university recognized by the state from a privately-run pheasant college that was not well-known at the beginning. Such a transformation is undoubtedly equivalent to a pheasant turning a pheasant into a phoenix.

"President Nading, you have confirmed the time of the celebration activities, remember to inform me, I will be there by then, hahahaha."

Director Xiao Wenxing said.

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Ding Yue quickly responded.

Director Xiao Wenxing will come to town at that time, of course it is a good thing, because he is the Director of the Education Department, to participate in his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences won the national key university honorary activities, which is equivalent to an announcement to the whole society, Our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is now also a serious and important university.

"Okay, President Ding, I have something to do first."

Director Xiao Wenxing didn't say much other nonsense. After talking about this to Ding Yue, he was about to go to his own business.

"Okay, Director Xiao, goodbye, Director Xiao."

Ding Yue hung up the phone, and when he was happy, he moved his mind slightly and pulled out his system panel.

I was planning to open this 4th level college treasure box just now, but I was talking on the phone with Director Xiao Wenxing, and Ding Yue couldn't get distracted.

"Principal Ding, did Director Xiao say anything?"

At this time, An Yujia, who was still in the office, asked curiously.

"Hahahaha, President An, there is good news. Our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is now on the next level."

Ding Yue raised his head, looked at An Yujia and said with a big smile.

Seeing Principal Ding so happy, An Yujia knew it must be a huge piece of good news, and quickly asked: "Principal Ding, what good news?"

"General Manager An, our Wucheng University of Arts and Science has been listed as a national key education project by the country. This means that from tonight, our Wucheng University of Arts and Science will be a national key university."

Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Really, that's really great, national key universities, such honors are not something ordinary private universities can get, and most of the national key universities are public universities."

After An Yujia heard the words, a sincere smile filled his face instantly.

Because An Yujia has long regarded Wucheng University of Arts and Science as his "home", An Yujia is really happy that Wucheng University of Arts and Science has received such a prestigious award.

"From now on, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will be on the right track. Mr. An, our goal is to become a top university in the world."

Ding Yue nodded and said.

At the same time, while chatting with An Yujia, Ding Yue pulled out the system inventory panel and focused his attention on the [Level 4 College Treasure Box] in the inventory.

Such a good college treasure box, don't know what good things can be opened?

"I want to open this [Level 4 College Treasure Box]!"

Ding Yue moved slightly, ready to open the treasure chest.


"The host is requesting to open the item in the inventory [Level 4 College Treasure Box], please confirm whether to open it?"

The system prompts.


Ding Yue agreed.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the [Level 4 College Treasure Box] and obtaining-[Super Electromagnetic Gun Technology and Design Drawings]!"

Accompanied by the sound that rang in his mind, Ding Yue was taken aback for a while after listening.

Good guys!

I opened a [Level 4 College Treasure Box], and even opened a super-electromagnetic gun technology and design drawings?

Super electromagnetic gun?

Is this definitely not a technological weapon?


I'm a good boy!

I am Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, which is engaged in college education, not an arms company engaged in military weapons!

"This super-electromagnetic gun, it seems useless for me, although this is awesome!"

Ding Yue felt a little bit dumbfounded when he saw this thing he had opened in the college treasure box.

This thing is definitely a good thing, but for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it is a good thing that is not needed at all. Can't you develop a super-electromagnetic gun weapon by Wucheng University of Arts and Science?

Of course.

This is not completely useless.

Some of my majors in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences may be able to cooperate with the national military industry in the future.

At that time, maybe you can take out the super-electromagnetic gun technology and design drawings, and after cooperating with the national military industry, can it be considered as a contribution to the development of national military weapons?

"Now that Wucheng University of Arts and Science is already a national key university, it should only be a matter of time before it goes to the world. I don't know exactly how to develop it, but I believe that Wucheng University of Arts and Science can do it, because Behind Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is supported by a powerful Feiyue Group."

An Yujia said confidently.

She is a broker. She certainly doesn't understand the construction and development of colleges and universities so much. The principal Ding in front of her is a professional householder.

But An Yujia knows very well that the Feiyue Group behind Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is now getting stronger and stronger. According to the profits of the graphene industry, new energy automobile industry, and other industries, it can invest more than tens of billions of dollars each year. More funds go to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

With such a large amount of capital investment, coupled with President Ding's insightful eyes and knowledge, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has gathered more and more talents and developed better and better. This is an inevitable general trend.


Ding Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Feiyue Group is the source of our Wucheng University of Arts and Science, and our Wucheng University of Arts and Science is the talent training and technology research and development base of Feiyue Group."

"Yes, the two complement each other and are indispensable."

An Yujia said, "President Ding, besides the daily output of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles, what else President Ding would like to know?"

"Let’s talk about the business development of other companies in the group, let’s talk about graphene first."

Ding Yue also wanted to know more about Feiyue Group's affairs in the new year.

"The graphene material has opened up more and more markets, but since the price of graphene is not like a leap forward new energy vehicle, the current scale of the industry supported by the graphene industry is probably At around 200 billion yuan, there will be tens of billions of net profits. At present, in addition to the military, there are still many domestic companies that have a demand for graphene."

An Yujia earnestly reported.

Since graphene materials are used in a wide range of applications, there is no need to worry about orders.

"Well, the graphene industry is definitely not a problem. It is now a basic high-tech material industry for our development of new energy vehicles and other fields, and it has also established a foothold in the fog city. By the way, the fog The city’s tax incentives for our industries are pretty good, right?"

Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Yes, President Ding, Wucheng has a lot of support for our Feiyue Group's industry. In terms of taxation, taxation will be very low in the next two or three years, and there will be huge local and national policy preferences."

An Yujia immediately replied.

The two major industries of Feiyue Group, the graphene industry and the new energy automobile industry, can generate tens of billions or even more than 100 billion in revenue. If there is no preferential taxation policy, then the government will have to pay a lot of taxes. money.

However, in order to support the development of the two industries of the Feiyue Group, Wucheng has given quite generous tax policy preferences.

In particular, Feiyue Group also took over the bankrupted Chang'an Group. In order to show its sincerity, the Wucheng City Mansion naturally wanted to give Feiyue Group more preferential urban development.


Just two major items, the graphene industry and the new energy automobile industry, can create hundreds of billions or even a trillion-dollar gdp for Wucheng!

On top of the original foundation, adding hundreds of billions or even trillions of GDP, then it is not impossible that the city's GDP in Fog City can directly rush to the first-class position in the country or even become the first in the country.

Such a glorious GDP performance, for Wucheng City Mansion, for Li Chengzhu, is naturally to be grasped.

"Then other fields such as Feiyue Media, Feiyue Games, Feiyue Logistics, etc., have developed pretty well. Don't worry, President Ding. But in these areas, the ability to make money may not be as hungry as graphene and new energy vehicles."

An Yujia continued to introduce with a smile.

"I know this. As a supporting industry development, for example, Feiyue Logistics can cooperate with our product delivery."

Of course Ding Yue understands.

In this way, Ding Yue was in the office and listened to An Yujia's report on the past year and the future development plans of Feiyue Group's various industrial companies.

It sounds like An Yujia has made real efforts to make the development plans of various industries under Feiyue Group quite detailed.

Upon hearing this work report, one day passed by in a blink of an eye.

On the second day, on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the secretary Wen Ruohan finally returned to school. On the day of returning to school, Wen Ruohan spent only three hours packing her things, and then he came to find Principal Ding and started on her own. The day-to-day secretary is working.

In the next few days, the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences seemed a little quiet because the students still did not return to school, only a few thousand students stayed on campus.

In the beginning of the school season, it will still look like about half a month.

But after a week.

The good news that Director Xiao Wenxing told Ding Yue was officially announced by the State Education Administration.

The National Education Administration officially announced a batch of newly selected national education key projects. In the list, most of them are public universities and there is only one private university.

And this private college is undoubtedly Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!

At the same time, the Wucheng Education Department also released this heavy news.

Wucheng University of Arts and Science keeps up with it, and officially announced on all major platforms that it has become a national key university!

For a while, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, a well-known private university, was once again noticed by netizens, and its popularity once again soared.

"Good guy, is Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences now a national key university?"

"Awesome my Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!"

"What does it mean to be included in the national key education project? Does it mean to become a national key university?"

"Let me come to popular science, our universities in Xiaguo have the national double first-class education project, as everyone knows, first-class universities and first-class disciplines, and then the national key education project. This is what we usually say. The key universities and double top universities are all key universities, but the key universities are not necessarily double top universities, understand?"

"So this is ah!"

"Thank you for the popular science."

"Is it possible for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to become a double top university in the future?"

"It's not so easy to become a double first-class As a student of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, I went home for a year. What happened?"

Netizens have to sigh that this little-known Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can actually become a national key university.

As the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it is also unexpected. They are studying in a private college. As a result, after returning home for the winter vacation for a year, they found that their school has become a national key university before returning to school. .

This excitement, this sense of pride, is spontaneously alive in every student of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!

I chose Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences only because this private university has a high degree of "freedom". As a result, before graduating, I became a student of a key university?

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