Start With a Fake University

Chapter 685: "Wandering Earth" officially released

New Year's Eve.

The whole country of Xia was filled with a festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

The red lantern was hanging high.

In Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, red lanterns were hung on the trees beside each road. When the lanterns were hung, Ding Yue also participated.

In addition, some school employees also stayed in the school, so it was easy to hang the lantern.

In the entire Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there were more than 5,000 students who stayed at the school during the winter vacation. These students did not go home for the New Year for various reasons, and finally chose to stay at the school.

In Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, various activities are held every Spring Festival. For example, everyone has a New Year???s Eve dinner together. Students in the school can easily find a sense of belonging to a second home.

From the early morning of the New Year???s Eve, Ding Yue???s mother, Zhang Yuping, took the cafeteria team and began to prepare New Year???s Eve dinners for the school???s faculty and staff and students.

Since Ding Yue founded Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue and his family have basically not celebrated the Spring Festival as a family, but spent a "reunion" year at the school.

There are also Huang Youjie and Xu Bin. The two of them now come directly to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences every Spring Festival. After this lively year, the three families will be together, plus Liu's those at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are more important. Together, the crowds are really lively.

"Principal Ding, Happy New Year."

"I wish Principal Ding a happy Chinese New Year."

"Principal Ding, does the school prepare a New Year's Eve dinner this year?"

Ding Yue wandered around the school during the day and met many students who were staying in the school. After seeing President Ding, the students all greeted him.

"Happy New Year, classmates."

Ding Yue also responded to the students, and at the same time answered the student who asked about the New Year???s Eve dinner: "At the fifth cafeteria in the evening, the school has prepared a New Year???s Eve dinner for everyone. Don???t forget to eat it. You can also have dinner together. Watch the Spring Festival Gala at the Five Canteen."


"Principal Ding yyds!"

"Sure enough, the school won't let me down."

"You may not believe me. I will stay at school this year and not go home to celebrate the New Year. I just want to catch up with the school's New Year's Eve dinner, hahahaha."

"The buddy in front who was rubbing the school New Year's Eve dinner, you are really cruel!"

When the students heard Principal Ding say that this year is the same as in previous years, the school will still prepare the New Year's Eve dinner, and every student has a happy look on their faces.

In a blink of an eye, it was getting late for the New Year's Eve.

As night falls, the New Year???s Eve dinner is also approaching.

In the five canteens, the school has prepared a total of 30 big round tables and full of the original dining tables. Ding Yue will be here, with his family, friends, teachers, faculty, and company employees. Spend the New Year???s Eve tonight with the students.

One after another, more and more students came to Wu Canteen.

The big screen in the middle of the five canteen is just right to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Ding Yue feels that the quality of the Spring Festival Gala in the past two years has really improved gradually. The Spring Festival Gala in the past few years was indeed good-looking. Later, the quality of the Spring Festival Gala fell sharply. It has improved in the past two years. I got up again with the smell of watching the Spring Festival Gala.

However, for Ding Yue, the most important thing to watch the Spring Festival Gala is actually the proud student of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

That's right.

It is Lin Zhirou.

Lin Zhirou is still invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year. This year, she will sing the new song "Big Fish" which has just been released for more than a month.

Before the Spring Festival Gala began, the New Year's Eve dinner was already on the table.

Before the meal, Ding Yue followed the old rules and said a few words as before.

"Classmates, teachers, and staff of the school, on the New Year's Eve, here, I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year."

Ding Yue picked up the wine glass in his hand and smiled and said to the teachers and students in the five canteen.

"In the past year, we have achieved very good results. I hope that in the coming year, we can continue to work hard and forge ahead. Well, I won???t say more. After all, this evening is not the school???s annual summary. Tonight, let us spend the Spring Festival together and Happy New Year!"

After Ding Yue finished speaking, he drank all the wine in the glass directly.



After seeing President Ding finished speaking, the students in the five canteen all started to scream.

"Okay, let's eat!"

After Ding Yue finished drinking, he sat down, and then began to enjoy the feast of the New Year's Eve dinner.

The New Year???s Eve dinner on this table was made by Ding Yue???s mother Zhang Yuping.

At this time, the annual Spring Festival Gala of China National Television Station kicked off, and the opening performances had the kind of beaming Spring Festival atmosphere.

"Come on, Brother Yue, we both need a drink!"

Huang Youjie walked towards Ding Yue with the wine.

The two brothers are deeply emotional, and they are bored. Huang Youjie is really bored with a mouthful. Ding Yue can't help it, and he is bored with a glass of wine.

Soon after, Xu Bin came again.

The two people seemed to have negotiated, one after another, drinking Ding Yuejiu.

Ding Yue could see it too. In the end, the two of them were bored. Ding Yue didn't accompany them, and just took a sip and finished the work.

"Have you watched the program, classmate Lin Zhirou from our school, when will he be on stage?"

Huang Youjie asked curiously.

"It's too early to appear on the thirteenth show."

Xu Bin shook his head and said.

"Look slowly, I feel that the overall program quality of this year's Spring Festival Gala is quite good." Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Yes, the quality of the programs of the Spring Festival Gala in the past two years is not bad."

An Yujia on the side also said with a smile.

An Yujia did not go back for the New Year this year, because An Yujia came back from abroad, and her family went abroad this year. It is impossible for An Yujia to go abroad alone during the Spring Festival.

It is better to stay in Xia Guo during the Spring Festival.

In addition to An Yujia's staying, the younger sister of An Yujia, Chen Yilin, the dean of the School of Business Administration of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, also stayed in Xia Guo for the New Year this year.

"President Ding, it is another festive season. For our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and the bright future of Feiyue Group, I toast you a cup."

An Yujia came over and had a drink with Principal Ding.

"There is bound to be a bright future. Feiyue Group's big and small affairs will inevitably leave Mr. An to worry about in the future."

Ding Yue smiled and nodded, and said to An Yujia.

In the past two years, after having An Yujia, Ding Yue has been less concerned about the company's Feiyue Group. He only needs to make decisions and make big decisions.

I have to say that An Yujia's role is still very large.

"Principal Ding."

After An Yujia sat down, her younger sister Chen Yilin stood up, as if there was a sense of guilt on her face.

"Director Chen."

Ding Yue looked at Chen Yilin, the director of the business school who had returned from overseas, and said with a smile, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, President Ding. In the past year, our School of Business Administration made President Ding bother you. I will definitely strengthen management in the future, and strive to bring President Ding a brand new and satisfactory School of Business Administration."

Chen Yilin said very seriously.

The meaning of Chen Yilin???s words is obviously a little guilty about the misappropriation of teaching funds in the school last time, and she also assured Principal Ding that in the future, we must lead the School of Business Administration and strive to achieve results so as not to disappoint Principal Ding. .

"I still believe in your abilities, Director Chen, please do it."

Ding Yue smiled and nodded.

The last time the teacher had been punished by law, Ding Yue believed that it was not Chen Yilin's cause, but at best it was an oversight.

Director Chen Yilin's ability, as An Yujia said when she recommended her, is still very strong, and Ding Yue never doubted that.

"Thank you Principal Ding for your trust."

Chen Yilin was very grateful to see that President Ding didn't seem to have any opinion on herself for the last time.

If this is placed abroad, because someone under his hand has something wrong, his immediate superior will definitely be suspected by the senior leaders or what it is.

"It's coming, it's almost coming to classmate Lin Zhirou's show."

Seeing that the twelfth show had already begun, Huang Youjie couldn't help but get excited.

"Student Lin Zhirou sang the song "Big Fish", right?"

Xu Bin asked.

"Yes, I think this song is pretty good. I have listened to it a lot during this time. It sounds like an ethereal feeling."

Huang Youjie said with a smile.

Soon, the twelfth show ended.

Next, Lin Zhirou sang.

Sure enough, the stage suddenly entered the artistic conception of "Big Fish", and the students in the five canteens were all waiting for Lin Zhirou's singing.

After singing a song "Big Fish", it is like a natural sound, which is a long aftertaste.

After Lin Zhirou???s singing session, the following programs were more exciting. Ding Yue, his family, and his teachers, students, and faculty members of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, watched the Spring Festival Gala approaching ten in the morning. two points.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, it is the most exciting countdown of the year.

At this time, cities across the country were ringing the bell of the New Year under the countdown to the Chinese New Year Gala on National TV Station.

"Let's count down together!"

"Nineteen eight seven six five four three two one!"

Ding Yue and everyone in the Five Canteen started the countdown and cheered.

"Happy New Year!"

Everyone shouted!

Bang bang bang!

At the end of the countdown and entering the new year of the Xia Guo Lunar New Year, the fireworks outside the Five Canteens rushed to the sky to celebrate the arrival of the Spring Festival.

This firework is still the pollution-free firework used in the New Year's Eve Gala on New Year's Day at that time.

After 12 o'clock in the morning, the Spring Festival Gala came to an end.

After watching the Spring Festival Gala, Ding Yuejiu had almost drunk, and he was ready to go back to sleep and rest.

However, before going back, Ding Yue told Lao Huang, A Bin, and his sister Ding Xiaoyou one thing.

"Tomorrow on New Year's Day, the big guys will go to the cinema to watch "The Wandering Earth" together?"

Ding Yue suggested.

As the science fiction movie "Wandering Earth" produced by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group, it will be officially released on the first day of the Lunar New Year tomorrow.

It is estimated that the earliest screening of the cinema will start at around nine o'clock in the morning.

The first day of the new year is the day when the big guys play, so Ding Yue is going to call on his little friends to watch "The Wandering Earth" in the cinema.


Lao Huang agreed without thinking.

Xu Bin also nodded: "Then we have to watch "The Wandering Earth". If we don't watch "The Wandering Earth", is it possible that we still contribute to the box office of Q Entertainment Media's "Feng Mo Chuan"."

Anyone at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences knows what movies to watch on the first day of the new year.

"President An, Director Chen, old girl, are you going to see it together?"

Ding Yue immediately looked at Mr. An, Director Chen, and his sister Ding Xiaoyou, and asked them if they wanted to see them together.


An Yujia nodded immediately after hearing this.

Anyway, there is nothing to do tomorrow. During the holidays, if you can go to see a movie, let alone a movie produced by your own school company, that would be a good thing.

"no problem."

Chen Yilin replied.

"I also want."

Ding Xiaoyou raised his hand, as if to say that she could not be missing from her.


Ding Yue smiled and nodded, and then said: "Then I will call you tomorrow. The movie theater in the school mall will be open tomorrow. Let's go to the biggest imax hall to see. The visual and auditory effects are the best. ."

In Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there is an on-campus shopping mall, and in the shopping mall, there is a cinema. This cinema is actually owned by Ding Yue???s family and belongs to Ding Yue???s assets.

Tomorrow, the film schedule of this cinema will naturally be "The Wandering Earth". Although other films are also scheduled, in the home theater, the film schedule is obviously not on the same level as our own "The Wandering Earth".

Although there are no more than 80,000 students in the school during the Spring Festival, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com, but there are still more than 5,000 students staying in the school. These students basically go to the movies, so the school???s cinema does not have to worry about the winter vacation and the Spring Festival.

Ding Yue discussed with relatives and friends to go to the cinema to watch the science fiction movie "Wandering Earth" the next day, and then went back to his apartment room and fell asleep.

No way, this Spring Festival and New Year's Eve, there is really too much to drink.

Go back to the apartment room and fall asleep.

After waking up the next day, it was already twelve o'clock at noon.

At nine o'clock in the morning, large and small movie theaters across the country have already officially released several popular movies during the Spring Festival.

"Xiangjiang Talking about People", "New Year's Good Fortune", "National Games", "Feng Demon Biography", these are all the big hits in this year's Spring Festival.

Of course, there is also the science fiction film "The Wandering Earth" produced by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Feiyue Group, and directed by Su Yangfan, which is also highly anticipated by the audience.

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