Start With a Fake University

Chapter 677: Chinese martial arts performance, is this a real fight?

  Chapter 678 Chinese martial arts performance, is this a real fight? (For subscription)

  When listening to the song "Meet" again, Ding Yue couldn't help but recall the time when he gave Lin Zhirou the song.

  At that time, Lin Zhirou was still a Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences who had made her mark in music talent. Now, Lin Zhirou has become a very popular music queen.

  Ding Yue quietly listened to Lin Zhirou’s singing of "Meeting". It can be heard that Lin Zhirou's singing skills, especially live singing skills, are really steady and explosive, and compared to the previous time, they have improved a lot.

  It is not easy for a girl who loves music so hard to be true.

Of course.

  Behind all this, it is natural that Ding Yue, the principal's promoter, is indispensable. Otherwise, it would not be easy for Lin Zhirou to obtain the status of the little queen of the song world.

  For Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the most popular person for this New Year’s Day party tonight is undoubtedly Lin Zhirou.

  Because Lin Zhirou’s popularity is too high.

  Since her debut, she has stood firm in the Chinese pop music scene with three classic songs. Now, her popularity has reached the top level of the younger generation.


  It is precisely because of the continuous soaring of popularity. During this year, fans have very high expectations for Lin Zhirou.

  In addition to Lin Zhirou’s continuous improvement in singing skills, what fans and netizens are looking forward to is undoubtedly Lin Zhirou’s new song.

  Almost every day, someone will ask, when will Lin Zhirou’s new song come out?

   Will Lin Zhirou release a new song this year?

  No way, the big guys have listened to the three songs "Meet", "Confession Balloon" and "Blue and White Porcelain" many, many times.

  I used to listen to cloud music and penguin music, but now I listen to Feiyue’s home streaming platform. Fans are all looking forward to Lin Zhirou’s new song.

  Among the young people in the Chinese pop music world, a popular song is considered a popular singer. Like Lin Zhirou, he has trained three songs. The three capitals are at the national level. I am afraid that Lin Zhirou is the only one.

  But if you want to stabilize your position in the music world, you still have to continue to release new songs.

  After all, looking at the big names in the Chinese pop music scene, the former queens of heaven, which one has many classic pop songs that people have always remembered?

  So, Ding Yue had already prepared Lin Zhirou’s new song this year before that.

  In order to cope with the New Year’s Eve party tonight, it will be released tonight. Lin Zhirou will sing live in person, and then the digital version will be released on the Feiyue home streaming media platform.

  This live show of singing new songs is yet to come.

  After Lin Zhirou sang "Meet", the next program was also one of the highlights of today's New Year's Eve Gala.

  The name of this show is "Hanfu Show", which is provided by the student members of the Hanfu Club of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and Xu Meijia mainly provides the Hanfu designed by her for the "models" to show!

The most important thing is that many of the "models" showing the Hanfu designed by Xu Meijia are school flowers of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. For example, Jiang Yao and others, there are others. Ding Yue also used to rehearse before. I have seen that each of them looks good, good guys, they are basically over ninety points.

What is the concept of   90 minutes?

In Ding Yue’s mind, those with more than 80 points are considered to be beautiful women. Ding Yue even wondered whether Xu Meijia had all the beautiful women from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in order to show off her Hanfu design. Called over to be a "model"?

  "Next, please enjoy the performance "Hanfu Show" brought to you by the Hanfu Club of our school!"

  After the host introduced, the style of painting on the stage suddenly changed.

   suddenly became antiquity.

  The national atmosphere is very strong.

Moreover, a BGM that everyone is very familiar with rang. This melody almost everyone knows. Yes, it is the music of Lin Zhirou’s "Blue and White Porcelain". There is only pure music, but even though it is pure music, it sounds It is also very beautiful and elegant.

  With the sound of the Guofeng stage and BGM, the first model wearing a beautiful Hanfu walked onto the stage.

  This model is the second year of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Jiang Yao!

Then came Jiang Qiuying, Zhang Yu and others from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for the third year. All of them are extremely good-looking, not to mention wearing beautiful Hanfu. Once they appeared on the stage, they attracted the scene. The cheers of the students.

   "They are so beautiful!"

  "Is this the school flower of our school? I know that, that is Jiang Qiuying."

  "This Hanfu looks so good, with these models, it's a must-see!"

   "What I am most looking forward to is this Hanfu show."

   "I saw them wearing Hanfu last time. This Hanfu seems to be designed by Xu Meijia? It's really beautiful."

   "This Hanfu performance plus the BGM of "Blue and White Porcelain" is a perfect match."

  In the official live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, netizens and viewers saw the models performing in the "Hanfu Show" show wearing Hanfu, and there were only two words on the barrage of the live broadcast room-wife!

  I can’t wait for one of these models in Hanfu to be his own wife, or even all of them are their own wives.

Ding Yue was different. Ding Yue watched the performance of this big Hanfu show and watched the beautiful college students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences wearing Hanfu designed by Xu Meijia, quietly cultivating his sentiment. It's just a pure appreciation of beauty, nothing else.

In this show of "Hanfu Show", Xu Meijia’s beautiful Hanfu design shocked the audience of netizens. The beautiful college students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences also shocked netizens. In the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, online The number of people soared and reached a new height once again.

After the performance of the Hanfu Show, the BGM of "Blue and White Porcelain" did not disappear, but Lin Zhirou appeared again, which can be said to be seamlessly connected with the show of "Hanfu Show". Lin Zhirou stood on the stage again and sang live. The audience brought this popular "Blue and White Porcelain".

  And Lin Zhirou is also wearing Hanfu this time. Yes, it is still the Hanfu designed by Xu Meijia. In fact, Lin Zhirou’s singing is the same as the previous "Hanfu Show" program, basically sitting seamlessly.

   "The seamless connection between these two shows is really good."

   "It's my goddess Lin Zhirou again!"

   "I'm so excited to sing "Blue and White Porcelain"!"

  ""Blue and White Porcelain" is here, all stand up!"

  Tonight's New Year's Eve Party of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, from the beginning to the present, it can be said that the whole process has brought surprises and shocks to the audience, and the audience is high-powered!

  Sing the song "Blue and White Porcelain", and the next show will be a **** existence again!

   is also the long-awaited artificial intelligence robot that many netizens have long-awaited. It is the powerful combination of Guoshu star Sun Chengkang to perform a Chinese sports program called "Cyberpunk 3077".

The popularity of Dabai is undoubted, and it doesn't even need to be worse than Lin Zhirou, and the national martial arts star Sun Chengkang, since he became famous in that battle, has continued to rely on his hard power to accumulate many fans, and he is also a national martial arts star.

  Now, the two people will join forces to bring everyone a performance of the national martial arts program. The expected value of this program is naturally stretched infinitely high.

   "A wonderful show is here."

   "Brother Yue, if you say that Dabai and Sun Chengkang fight with Chinese martial arts, who can win the fight?"

Huang Youjie next to Ding Yue asked excitedly.

  Ding Yue rolled his eyes and muttered: "Lao Huang, are you stupid? Da Bai is artificial intelligence. Don’t learn Chinese martial arts too fast."

   "Then Sun Chengkang is very powerful. The last time I was beaten by a Muay Thai master, I saw my blood boil. The flexibility of man is not comparable to that of a machine."

   Huang Youjie argued, because Huang Youjie believes that humans can defeat robots.

  However, at this time, Xu Bin smiled and said, “Can Ke Jie play Alpha Dog?”

   "It seems to be really good."

  Huang Youjie touched his chin, and remembered the human-computer battle between Alpha Dog and Ke Jie. Alpha Dog basically won.

   "Furthermore, Da Bai's mobility is so strong that humans can't compare it." Xu Bin said again.

  After a while, Huang Youjie couldn't help but muttered, “If Dabai is so powerful, what if the artificial intelligence gets out of control in the future?”

  "Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence, artificial in front, intelligence in the back, it is also based on the premise of human beings."

  Ding Yue shrugged, and said with a smile: "The show is about to begin."

  By the way, Ding Yue changed the topic and reminded the two friends to watch the show seriously, because if the topic of artificial intelligence out of control is to continue to be discussed, it is estimated that three people can discuss here for three days and three nights.

  The lights and large-screen special effects on the stage gradually became cyberpunk.

   Then there is a heavy introduction narration.

  The story background of this show is that humans have entered the cyberpunk era. Robots and humans coexist, and some humans have even transformed their bodies into machines.

  For the background of this story, the majority of netizens and viewers immediately became interested when they heard it.

  Because in this parallel world, there is no popular cyberpunk worldview formed, and cyberpunk appears to be very small to the culture of this world.

   "This is interesting!"

   "This is cyberpunk, right?"

   "It's awesome, the human machine is soaring, which reminds me of the previous show of the machine soaring."

   "The background of the story seems to be very interesting."

   "When will Da Bai appear?"

   "Where is Sun Chengkang?"

  The audience is looking forward to the appearance of Da Bai and Sun Chengkang.

  At this time, the narration has introduced the battle between humans and robots.

  Undoubtedly, this person is Sun Chengkang, a master of Chinese martial arts, and the robot is just plain white.

  A piece of music plays!

   is another well-known music, the theme song of "Big Hero 6", "Immortals", and it is not Da Bai or Sun Chengkang who appeared first.

   is Jia Wenbo, the singer of the song "Immortals".

  Jia Wenbo began to sing the song "Immortals", which ignited the stage. Then, on the stage with strong cyberpunk style, an artificial intelligence robot with a big belly and small steps appeared.

   Cheers suddenly resounded throughout the central stadium.

  Because Dabai’s popularity is so high, who wouldn’t like this chubby, white guy?

   "Hello everyone, I am Dabai!"

After Dabai stepped onto the stage, he greeted the audience.

   Then soon, Da Bai “substituted” himself into the role in this cyberpunk story.

  After that, another person appeared on the court.

  Is Sun Chengkang!

  Xia Guo's famous national martial arts star, that is, Sun Chengkang is not very old now, otherwise, it is not an exaggeration to be hailed as a national martial arts master or a national martial arts master.

After Sun Chengkang stepped onto the stage, he confronted Da Bai.

  According to the background story, the two people are in a "hostile" relationship. Now there is a duel. One represents the national martial arts of human beings, and the other represents the national martial arts of robots. What kind of marvelous conflict between the two national martial arts will be presented?

  The students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences at the scene, as well as the netizens in the live broadcast room, are all looking forward to it.

   "Wow, this show is a bit interesting, does the national martial arts magnate Sun Chengkang PK with Da Bai?"

   "It looks like there are two people, it's not right, one person is going to fight with a robot."

   "This one is more enjoyable."

  "My adrenaline soars directly, okay!"

   "I wonder if Da Bai can beat Sun Chengkang?"

  "Dabai is an artificial intelligence robot. Learning Chinese martial arts is a matter of minutes, right?"

   "It's started, it's started!"

  Just as the audience was talking about it, the robot Dabai and Sun Chengkang on the stage met each other.

  Good guy!

When Sun Chengkang shot, it was an offensive like a fist with a gust of wind, and Da Bai also showed a very strong national martial art move. For Sun Chengkang's offense, Da Bai was able to deal with it easily.

A person and a robot entered the fierce battle mode directly at the beginning of the game. Needless to say, Sun Chengkang was behind him. In many national martial arts competitions or PKs with foreigners, the audience has already made the audience treat this national martial artist. Admire it.

   But it's blatant, don't look at this guy who is white and fat like an iron man, his skill is called a flexible man when he fights, it really explains what is called a flexible fat man!

  The battle between Dabai and Sun Chengkang seems to know that it is a punch to the flesh. It is definitely a PK in the true sense, not a show.

   "Why do I see this is a real fight?"

   "Yes, it was too intense."

   "Da Bai is out of control, right?"

  "At first, I thought it was Sun Chengkang and Dabai’s martial arts Now it seems that it is not that simple."

   "Fuck it is not an exhibition match? Is it a real game?"

  The audience was just looking at it.

  Everyone thought it was the robot Dabai's performance with Sun Chengkang, but it didn't happen. Sun Chengkang and Dabai were actually fighting each other.

  And with the increase in the intensity of PK, Sun Chengkang is already a little out of breath.

  After all, Sun Chengkang is a person, while Dabai is a machine. Dabai’s motivation is much stronger than Sun Chengkang.

   "Da Bai, you are so amazing!"

  Sun Chengkang and Da Bai Guoshu were in a gap, and he couldn't help but praise Da Bai.

   "The principal said, if you are physically weak, you can tell me immediately!" Dabai responded.

  This is a password set by Ding Yue for Dabai.

   is the "real" fight between the two, but if Sun Chengkang's physical strength drops, Sun Chengkang can terminate the PK.

  (End of this chapter)

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