Start With a Fake University

Chapter 661: The crisis of core shortage, the arrival of opportunities

"What's wrong with Mr. An? Are there any problems in our car building process?"

Ding Yue asked An Yujia's brows frowning quickly.

Ding Yue has already planned the building of a car. It is best that everything is carried out according to the plan. After all, he is ready to hold the Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles conference in the second half of this month.

If something goes wrong at this juncture, then the impact will be a series of effects.

"I think everything is normal."

"Yes, I visited the car factory last time, and there is no problem with the equipment or anything."

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin said in tandem.

"President Ding, Director Huang, Director Xu, car factories, car manufacturing equipment, etc., are not too big a problem. The problem is that our leap forward, the intelligent vehicle control system "Dabai" of future new energy vehicles, requires chips. "

An Yujia came to the point.

That's right, that's the chip!


When Ding Yue heard these two words, he was stunned for a moment, but soon, he felt that there should be no problems with the chip.


Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles need a chip, because the car has an on-board intelligent control system, an intelligent car, it is naturally indispensable for a chip to process data and information.

However, if Ding Yue remembers correctly, his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Feiyue Group, and the country's largest chip manufacturer, National Core Technology, have a close cooperation relationship. The chip will not be a problem in principle.

Moreover, Feiyue Group's gallium nitride semiconductor material technology has also reached an in-depth cooperation with Guoxin Technology. Now Guoxin Technology can obtain gallium nitride semiconductor material technology from Feiyue Group to produce gallium nitride chips.

"Aren't we cooperating with Guoxin Technology?"

"Yes, isn't it enough for the chip to be directly provided by Guoxin Technology?"

Huang Youjie and Xu Bin asked in confusion.

"That's the case, but the problem is that just this morning, Wang Liwu of Nationalchip Technology always called me, saying that Nationalchip Technology is under great pressure now and is very short of chips. Now the entire world is lacking chips. "

An Yujia answered and explained seriously.

"Lack of core?"

After Ding Yue heard the words, he fell into contemplation.

In the recent period, Ding Yue has not paid much attention to the field of semiconductor chips. He does not know that due to the large market demand and the limited productivity of the manufacturers of the chips, the chips are scarce, and the gap can be said to be worse. It's getting bigger.

What's more, in the area of ​​chips, there are also foreigners who have caught the domestic neck. If major domestic companies want chips, they can only place orders with the largest domestic manufacturer, Guoxin Technology, if they place orders abroad. If it is, firstly, it may not be made for you by foreign countries.

Besides, foreign chips are also very tight, and it is basically impossible to provide domestic chips.

As a result, the domestic core shortage crisis has become more serious.

"I seem to have seen the news, saying that the core shortage crisis will break out again, and now it seems to be the same. Many domestic companies are growing bigger and bigger. Naturally, more and more chips are needed, but our chip technology Not much progress has been achieved yet, so it has caused the current crisis of core shortage."

Xu Bin touched his chin, involuntarily analyzed.

Ding Yue knew that A Bin was right.

At present, many domestic companies need chips, not to mention it to rice and Warwick, even companies like Penguin Group, after getting involved in new energy vehicles, also need chips.

Not to mention the transformation of traditional car companies to new energy vehicles, so the demand for chips is even greater.

There are more companies in all aspects, if they produce products, they all need chips. In addition, officials also need chips. The only one in China, Guoxin Technology, simply cannot support such a huge demand.

"That's how it is said, but the number of chips we need to build cars is much less than that of mobile phone and computer manufacturers. See if we can discuss it with the Guoxin Technology Group?"

Ding Yue muttered.

Manufacturers such as mobile phones and computers in China manufacture and sell tens of millions of products each year, or even more than 100 million, and the number of chips required is also extremely high.

But new energy vehicles are different.

Even if it is a car with very good sales, if it sells 100,000 units a month, it will be more than 1 million units in a year.

Therefore, in comparison, the demand for chips for automobiles is still much less than that of products such as mobile phones and computers. Therefore, if you encounter this situation, you can consult with Guoxin Technology to discuss a certain amount of output from mobile phone and computer manufacturers. Compress it over there, and then let it come to the new energy vehicle?

After all, relying on his relationship between Feiyue Group and Guoxin Technology Group, Ding Yue felt that he might have the opportunity to discuss with Wang Liwu.

"President Ding, Mr. Wang said that the chip gap is too big. From that look, it should be difficult to coordinate, but it's not without a chance. I'll talk to Mr. Wang again?"

An Yujia thought for a while and said.

"No, I will tell Mr. Wang personally."

Ding Yue shook his head and decided to come forward in person and discuss it with Wang Liwu of the National Core Technology Group.

This kind of thing can only be done through careful discussion.

All in all, Ding Yue must have reached an agreement with Guoxin Technology, otherwise, wouldn't it be delayed for his own leap and future new energy vehicles?

Just imagine.

Without a chip, Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles cannot be equipped with on-board intelligent control systems. Can new energy vehicles without on-board intelligent control systems be called new energy vehicles?

And without such a big bright spot, for consumers, the attractiveness will be reduced a lot.

"Brother Yue, in the final analysis, we are a little late to enter the market. Like Penguin Motors, Warwick Technology Group and Rice Technology Group, they should have reached an agreement with Guoxin Technology Group earlier. If we let them get the chip, we If you can’t get the chip, it’s a bit bad.”

Xu Bin continued to analyze and said.

"Indeed, we are considered to be the latest entry this year."

Ding Yue nodded.

Whether it is rice, Warwick, or other traditional car companies, they have successively released their new energy vehicle products earlier this year.

Since they dare to release it, it means that they must have reached a cooperation agreement with the National Core Technology Group or other companies that manufacture chips.

But Feiyue Technology was able to release the Feiyue Future car at the end of this year. Mass production has not yet started, and as a result, it suddenly encountered a crisis of core shortage.

And the core shortage crisis this time seems to be quite serious.


When Ding Yue remembered the word "lack of core" in his mind again, he suddenly felt that this was a crisis, but it was also an opportunity.

If you take a short view, it means that your own leap forward may be affected by new energy vehicles in the future.

But just keep your eyes on a little longer.

The core shortage crisis has come again, so does it mean that the stage for studying chip technology and lithography technology at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group has arrived?

If you can make a breakthrough and quickly master the lithography manufacturing process technology, then you can shine a light of hope in this large market environment of core shortage crisis!

This is the opportunity!

But in spite of this, a shorter vision should also be paid attention to. After all, for so long, the Feiyue·Future new energy vehicle is finally about to be released. Can it be delayed because of the lack of chips?

Therefore, for Ding Yue, the first thing to be solved now is to have a good talk with Guoxin Technology, and strive to solve the chip problem.

Then I will mention the progress of the research chip of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to the premise, and strive to establish his own chip industry in this time of core shortage crisis.

"Principal Ding, if there is a shortage of chips, will our car building be delayed?"

At this time, Chief Engineer Chu Jiannan came to Principal Ding's side and asked in a low voice.

"Not necessarily, I will try to solve this matter, your side is still the same." Ding Yue thought about it for a while and said to Chief Engineer Chu Jiannan.

"That's fine."

Chief Engineer Chu is responsible for the future mass production tasks of Feiyue·Future New Energy Vehicles, so naturally he has to worry about this.

"President An, Lao Huang, A Bin, let's go back, Mr. An, tell Mr. Wang, I will ask him to hold a video conference later."

After Ding Yue finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the administration building.

An Yujia, Wen Ruohan, Huang Youjie, Xu Bin and others hurriedly followed.

At this time, Wang Liwu was also very embarrassed by the National Core Technology Group.

I just received a call from An Yujia, CEO of Feiyue Group, saying that it was President Ding who wanted to talk to him about the chip in person on a video call.

However, Wang Liwu knew very well in his heart that the entire Nationalchip Technology Group is now running at full power, but there are still many chip gaps.

Some of the previous orders even had to be dropped due to the shortage of chips. At present, it is difficult for the National Core Technology Group to provide chips for manufacturers in the next half a year.

But President Ding is different from Guoxin Technology Group. Wang Liwu doesn't know how to tell President Ding about this.

About half an hour later.

The video call from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences came.

Wang Liwu had already made preparations in his office.

"Hello Principal Ding."

After the video call was made, the face of Principal Ding appeared on the big screen.

It's the same with Ding Yue. After connecting to the video call with President Wang Liwu, Ding Yue greeted President Wang Liwu first: "Hello, President Wang."

"I heard Mr. An said that you can't pick up the 200,000 chips that we recently placed in the Nationalchip Technology Group, right?"

Ding Yue asked Wang Liwu directly.

Because this month Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles are about to be released, and the car factory will be built before the Spring Festival to start mass production, so the chips needed for the car will start to be ordered at this time.

The first batch of Ding Yue made an order of 200,000 chips, which is not a large number for a large enterprise such as Guoxin Technology Group.

As a result, there is no way to produce it!

For Feiyue Group, 200,000 chips are the need for 200,000 cars. Ding Yue is still very confident about Feiyue's future of this new energy vehicle. Pre-sale of 200,000 units is not a problem.

But this is not the problem now, but the problem of a sudden core shortage crisis!

"President Ding, I’m really embarrassed. Our national core technology group has seen a surge in orders over the period of time. But as you know, President Ding, our national core technology group has always been under the pressure of foreign technology and equipment. There is also a limit to the output."

Wang Liwu reluctantly explained to President Ding: "Even if we produce gallium nitride chips, our production capacity is still insufficient."

The problem of insufficient production capacity stems from the limited number of lithography machines and other equipment.

The lithography equipment that Nationalchip Technology Group can add to make chips every year are limited, after all, there are technical limitations.

Therefore, the production capacity of the National Core Technology Group in the chip area cannot be unlimited.

Although there were many orders in the past few years, as long as reasonable arrangements were made, a certain amount of chip supply could be maintained. In fact, there was already a core shortage crisis at that time, but it was not as serious as it is now.


With the continuous development of more domestic enterprises, the demand for chips continues to increase sharply, coupled with the suppression of Xia Guo's related fields by the granny, resulting in a more serious core shortage crisis.

"I understand, I understand, I know how much pressure your Nationalchip Technology Group is facing."

Ding Yue nodded, expressing understanding.

"Thank you Principal Ding for your understanding."

When Wang Liwu saw President Ding say this, he was relieved immediately and thanked him.


Ding Yue quickly said the word "but".

"Mr. Wang, this time the demand for chips is extremely important to our Feiyue Group." Ding Yue said sincerely and sincerely: "If your Guoxin Technology Group helped us solve the problem this time, I will definitely remember Ding Yue. of."

Everything is ready for this leap and future new energy vehicles, and Ding Yue doesn't want to be without that Dongfeng.


When Wang Liwu saw President Ding speaking so sincerely, he was too entangled in his Recalling when he first dealt with Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, he knew that President Ding was not easy, and it is said that President Ding’s fog City University of Arts and Sciences, seems to be doing research on lithography machines?

Should we give up some orders and give Principal Ding’s Feiyue Group?

This is a difficult decision.

After all, once these orders are abandoned, it means that it will definitely cause some other effects and troubles.

"Mr. Wang, we only need 200,000 chips in this batch. Isn't it possible that such a small amount can't be solved? Besides, what we need is not 5nm high-end chips, 7nm, or even 14nm chips. It's all possible."

Ding Yue continued.

"Principal Ding, this matter, I...can you let me think about it?"

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