Start With a Fake University

Chapter 634: Beidou Navigation System

The next day.

At the airport of Bangzi Country, a flight to Xiaguo Wucheng took off. After several hours of travel, it finally arrived at Wucheng Airport.

Ding Yue and all the members of the FY team, as well as Huang Youjie, Wen Ruohan, and Sun Chengkang who accompanied Ding Yue to the scene to watch the game, took this flight back to Wucheng.

When everyone returned to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, they were greeted by the cheers of countless students from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

This time the World Championship, after the FY team won the championship, it really boosted the morale of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Although it is in the field of gaming e-sports, it is also very exciting. As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the technical industry. It is not only after the achievements in the scientific research field that they can be inspiring.

The five players of the FY team, plus two substitute players, after this battle, all became famous on the career path.

It is precisely because of this that many domestic clubs want to dig them with high salaries, and on the second day after the end of the World Championship, someone has already contacted the World Series MVP top laner Wang Shilin.


How could Wang Shilin leave the FY team because the opponent gave a lot of money?

That is impossible.

Because Wang Shilin knew that what made him was his teammates in the FY team, coach Jian Zihao, and the long-term support of Principal Ding.

If not, how can I get the MVP of this World Series?

not to mention.

For the e-sports club that wanted to dig Wang Shilin, the amount of money given may not have been given by Principal Ding. This time, Principal Ding directly took out 10 million and gave the FY team as a reward.

"After everyone goes back, take a break first. Tonight, we are in the Five Canteen. I will prepare a big meal and prepare a celebration banquet for everyone."

Ding Yue said to the players of the FY team after returning to his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"it is good!"

Everyone should say.

This time I just returned to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, so I definitely want everyone to go back and have a rest.

In the evening, a celebration banquet will be held to celebrate the achievements of the FY team.

After Ding Yue saw the people of the FY team return, he went directly to the Five Canteen.

Such a day worth celebrating, although you can go to a more luxurious hotel to hold a celebration banquet, but Ding Yue thought for a moment, instead of this, it is better to hold a celebration banquet at school, and let his mother cook personally and let the FY team All of you can also taste better meals.

Not only that, but in the catering system of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there are also some "chefs". Among these chefs, some are teachers in the Department of Food and Beverage, and some are excellent students.

You know, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has cultivated a group of outstanding talents in the food and beverage department in recent years.

These catering and gourmet students are now "internships" or holding jobs in the major cafeterias of the school, because they all know that they have learned from the catering and gourmet department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, so the best destination , It is naturally the school or the Feiyue Group.

And Feiyue Group has no catering industry yet, so it can only work in the school cafeteria first.

In fact, the salary for working in the school cafeteria is also very good.

"Son, are you back?"

As soon as Ding Yue walked into the Five Canteen, he happened to ran into his mother Zhang Yuping.

"Well, mom, you quickly let the big guy in the cafeteria prepare, and tonight you will have a celebration banquet for the FY team."

Ding Yue nodded immediately, and then told his mother Zhang Yuping.

"Is it the one that won the championship? I don't understand it very well. After listening to the people in the cafeteria, your sister also told me."

Zhang Yuping asked.

"Yes, they won the world championship on the stage of the World Championship, which is of great significance to our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

Ding Yue said earnestly: "In short, mom, you cook all your best dishes, and then let the chefs in the cafeteria prepare the best dishes!"

"Good Le."

Although Zhang Yuping didn't understand it very well, it was very important for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to hear her son say that winning the world championship, so naturally we must go all out to make the celebration party tonight.

At the same time Zhang Yuping was also happy for her son.

After all, what kind of team is the school that won the glory of the world championship for the school!

"Then I will go back and have a rest. I have been doing a long flight and I am exhausted. Mom, I will come back tonight."

Ding Yue said, he was ready to go back and take a rest.

"Okay, go back to sleep."

Zhang Yuping nodded.

Ever since, Ding Yue left the five canteen and went back to his apartment room. He checked the time. It is the afternoon and if he sleeps and rests, he wakes up in the evening, and then he can play the FY team with the big guys. It's a celebration banquet for the championship.

I guess I must drink a lot at night, and Ding Yue didn't sleep well when he was on the plane, so I was prepared to get some sleep right now.

The reason why Ding Yue did not sleep well on the plane was mainly because he was too excited and excited. After all, the FY team under his hand won the world championship, which is very exciting, and Ding Yue is still the owner of the FY team.


Before Ding Yue went to bed and rested, he called out.

"Principal, I am here."

Dabai's voice sounded.

Hearing Da Bai's voice again, Ding Yue felt an inexplicable kindness in his heart.

In the past few days, I went to Stick Country, and since I didn't bring Dabai, to be honest, Ding Yue actually wanted to be Dabai.

"Wake me up at 6:30 in the evening at the latest."

After Ding Yue finished speaking, he went straight to the bedroom and went to sleep under the quilt.

Don't say it yet.

Ding Yue really fell asleep until half past six this time. After Da Bai arrived a little bit, he stepped over and opened his master's cup directly: "Principal! It's half past six, get up soon!"


Ding Yue's eyes were bewildered, he responded, and then subconsciously said, "Squint for another five minutes."

When a person wakes up suddenly from a deep sleep, he must be very confused, and his body is telling himself that he wants to sleep for a while.

"Principal, there is a phone call!"

Dabai said again.

"Ah? Who?"

Ding Yue still asked vaguely.

"It's Director Huang."

Dabai replied.

"Come on."

Ding Yue yawned in the bed. Since it was Lao Huang's call, it must be answered.

Dabai has cellphones one by one, so Ding Yue can directly let Dabai get through the phone without holding the cellphone at this time.

"Hey, Old Huang."

After the call was connected, Ding Yue said in a dazed voice.

"What old Huang, I, Bin, Brother Yue, you can't even hear my voice?"

The voice on the phone was not from Old Huang, but from Abin.


Ding Yue was stunned for a while, and he was confused for a while, wondering if Da Bai said that it was Lao Huang who was calling, and why the voice on the phone was A Bin again?

"Oh, Abin, what's the matter?"

Ding Yue was a little more sober, and asked.

"Brother Yue, didn't you say that we are preparing a celebration banquet here tonight at the Five Canteen? We are all here, why haven't you come here yet?"

Xu Bin yelled and asked.

"Isn't this coming back to sleep, this trip to Bangzi Country feels a little tired, I just woke up, I am here, did you use Lao Huang's cell phone to make a call?"

After Ding Yue explained, he asked again.

"Yes, when I came out, I forgot to bring my mobile phone." Xu Bin replied.

"I'll just say, OK, hang up, I'll be here right away."

After Ding Yue finished speaking, he asked Da Bai to hang up, and he was ready to get up.

Just now Ding Yue was still wondering, why Dabai said that it was Lao Huang who called, but the voice was Abin's. Ding Yue thought it was Dabai who had a bug, but the reason turned out to be because Abin didn’t bring a mobile phone. Just use Lao Huang's cell phone to call myself.

"get up!"

Even if Ding Yuexuan jumped up, the whole person cheered up.

Although the whole person was dazed when he first woke up from sleep, but after a while, as he regained his vitality after just sleeping, the whole person gradually became energetic.

In a short while, Ding Yue got up and washed a lot, put on a fairly comfortable outfit, and brought his intelligent robot to Dabai, then went downstairs and headed to the Five Canteen.

At this time, the five canteens, everyone from the FY team has arrived, as well as Huang Youjie, Xu Bin and others, who also came here, chatting with the people of the FY team, congratulating them for winning the S game. world champion.

The chefs in the canteen are cooking enthusiastically.

"You have a good food today. Do you know who is in charge of the celebration dinner tonight?"

Huang Youjie smiled and said to Xiong Jiahao and the others.


Feng Jin asked curiously.

"President Ding's mother, Aunt Zhang, don't you know that Aunt Zhang is the best food for our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?"

Huang Youjie had no choice but to introduce.

You must know that Huang Youjie has eaten all the food cooked by all the chefs at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, but only the food cooked by Aunt Zhang Yuping is a must.

I don't know what's going on. Since Aunt Zhang came to the cafeteria of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, her craftsmanship seems to have improved by leaps and bounds.

The reason why Huang Youjie feels this way is because Huang Youjie had eaten the food made by Aunt Zhang before.

Before Ding Yue founded Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Huang Youjie's relationship with Ding Yue was to make friends, so Huang Youjie often went to Ding Yue's house to eat food.

At that time, Huang Youjie knew that Aunt Zhang's food was delicious.

Later, Ding Yue founded Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and called Aunt Zhang over to manage the business of the canteen. At the same time, Aunt Zhang also often cooks food. Huang Youjie has eaten many times and feels that the taste is better every time.

The ordinary dishes, as if they were made by Aunt Zhang, are like a fairy. It's absolutely amazing!

"Oh, I've heard of it, but we don't have that good fortune."

Yao Jing said excitedly.

"You have this good fortune tonight, today you are the protagonist, who made you the world champion, hahahaha."

Huang Youjie said with a big smile.

"One by one, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Ding Yue had already walked over, just to hear Lao Huang was talking to Xiong Jiahao and the others about it, the protagonist, the world champion and so on.

The world champion is easy to understand, because Xiong Jiahao and they are already world champions.

As for the protagonist's words.

This is easy to understand. Five League of Legends professional players like Xiong Jiahao, Feng Jin, Yao Jing, Qian Yu, and Wang Shilin, in just one year, directly entered the LPL from the first-level professional league, and then won the spring. The champion of the game, the runner-up of the mid-season championship, and the champion of the summer game, and now the world championship of the S game.

Just this experience, put it in an e-sports game, isn't that a template for the protagonist?

But Ding Yue didn't understand what they meant by mouthfuls.

"Aren't you the chef of Aunt Zhang tonight? I said they have a good taste."

Huang Youjie said with a smile.

"It turns out to be talking about this, that's true."

Ding Yue heard the words, smiled and nodded immediately, then looked at Xiong Jiahao and they said: "Then you really have a good taste tonight, how about it, are everyone here?"

Ding Yue glanced at the hall on the third floor that was vacated for the celebration banquet. There were still a lot of people, but Ding Yue didn't know if all the staff in front of and behind the FY team had already arrived.

At this time, Director Jian Zihao nodded and said: "Well, President Ding, all the staff of our FY team have arrived, even the aunt who is responsible for cleaning the training base."

"Hahahaha, well, your FY team won the glory of the world championship for me at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Everyone deserves credit!"

Ding Yue laughed and nodded.

In addition to all the staff of the FY team, there are also some persons in charge of Feiyue E-sports, and General Manager An Yu Jiaan who is in charge of the entire Feiyue Group. Ding Yue also called her over.

Because the FY team has just won the world championship in the S game, it will definitely need to make a leap in e-sports in the name of the world championship.

For this aspect of operations, An Yujia had to find someone to arrange to do it.

"Brother Yue."

Just after Ding Yue had finished talking to everyone in the FY team, Xu Bin came over from a short distance.

"Abin, what's the matter?"

Ding Yue looked at Xu Bin and asked.

"Take advantage of the free time for today's celebration banquet, let me tell you about some of the processes in our computer department."

Xu Bin has been busy during this period of time, that is, today's celebration banquet has to come over, otherwise, he intends to continue working all night today.

"It's okay, but look at your dark circles, my dear, Abin, have you been staying up a lot of nights lately?"

Ding Yue looked at A Bin’s dark circles under his eyes. It really Although the projects you are in charge of are really anxious, they are not so hard to fight. The body is the most important thing. "

Ding Yue exhorted A Bin.

"It's okay, Brother Yue, don't you know, I was so cool when I was not immersed in project work."

Xu Bin shrugged and said with a smile.

"You must pay attention to your body anyway. I will ask the medical school to get a real-time health observation team for your computer department directly to ensure your health."

After Ding Yue finished speaking, he then asked: "Let's talk about it, what progress has been made now?"

"Let’s talk about the breakthrough in the Internet of Things first. We talked to the Space Agency on the satellite side. Given the relationship between the Space Agency and our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the Beidou navigation system of the Space Agency can basically be confirmed to be used We are in our IoT project."

When Xu Bin said this, his face was happy.

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