Start With a Fake University

Chapter 396: What should I do if the students are too good?

   Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences Gymnasium.

   More and more students from the Academy of Film and Television gathered in the gymnasium, wanting to take a look at the "Actor Role Audition" held today.

   The students don’t know what movie or TV series the actor’s audition is. The film and television school and director Su Yangfan should organize this activity.

   Su Yangfan, as a well-known director in China, is now a lecturer in the film and television school of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, so the students of the film and television school naturally want to take a look at the role of director Su as an actor.

   "It is said that Director Su is preparing to shoot a TV series?"

   "If you can participate in a TV series directed by Su, you will earn money."

   "Unfortunately, I am not a major in acting."

   "Director Su is great, too. The actors for the TV series are selected from our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences first."

   "I heard that Director Su's film and television project this time seemed to be invested by Principal Ding."

   "Oh, no wonder, it turned out to be President Ding. President Ding is really rich, and President Ding really thinks about the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences all the time."

   "Of course, we and Principal Ding are a family."

   The students who came to watch the crowd talked a lot, and they all found a place in the gym at will and sat down.

   In the middle of the gymnasium, where basketball was originally played, the logistics department has assisted the Film and Television Academy in the arrangement.

   In fact, the layout is not too complicated. A few tables are placed on the left, and a large area in the middle is left for the registered students to fully display their talents.

   In the middle of a row of tables, a place was vacated.

   Of course, this position was reserved by Su Yangfan for Principal Ding. Su Yangfan sat on the right hand side of the middle empty seat, and on the left hand side was Zhu Youzhao, the dean of the School of Film and Television.

   After Zhu Youzhao learned that Director Su Yangfan’s actor role selection activity was personally approved by Principal Ding, he has been very active in assisting Director Su Yangfan in arranging this casting activity.

   "Director Su, when will Principal Ding come over?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~Chinese website ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Zhu Youzhao saw that everything was ready, so he asked Su Yangfan.

   "I called Principal Ding just now, and Principal Ding will come over immediately."


   The two chatted in a few words.

   "By the way, Director Su, in this casting, can you tell me what film and television project role did you choose?"

   Zhu Youzhao couldn't help but asked curiously.

   Except for Su Yangfan and his team, no one else knows about the project "The Wandering Earth".

   After all, this new movie project has just started, and certain confidentiality measures are still required.

   "This...Because the project has just begun to enter the casting stage, Director Zhu hopes you can understand." Su Yangfan said embarrassedly.

   Obviously, even if he was the head of the Department of Film and Television, Su Yangfan would not tell him what the film and television project he was going to shoot at this moment.

   "I understand, of course I understand." After Zhu You heard the words, he smiled and nodded.

   At this moment, Ding Yue walked over from behind and saw Zhu Youzhao, director of the Department of Film and Television, and director Su Yangfan chatting happily. After coming forward, he asked, "What are you two talking about?"

"Hahaha, Principal Ding, I’m chatting with Director Su, please here, Principal Ding." Zhu Youzhao got up and got up quickly, cleared the way for Principal Ding, and gently pulled the chair back. For a moment.

   After Ding jumped over and sat down, the secretary Wen Ruohan stood behind him.

   When Ding jumped to the gymnasium? The students who came to watch the scene saw Principal Ding? They all cheered enthusiastically.

   Seeing that the students are so enthusiastic, Ding Yue stretched out his hand? He greeted everyone.

   "Are you all ready?"

   After Ding Yue finished greeting the students? He looked at Su Yangfan beside him and asked.

   "Hmm." Su Yangfan nodded. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   "Let's start, then."

   "Good Principal Ding? Xiao Chen, go and inform the students who signed up? Prepare to go on stage according to the serial number." Su Yangfan immediately said to assistant Xiao Chen.

   After Xiao Chen took the order? Turned around and went to the lounge of the enrolled students. When he got to the door, he knew: "Everyone is ready, go on stage according to the serial number, and now student No. 1 is ready."

   When Ding Yue and Su Yangfan were chatting? The student with serial number 1 walked from one side to the middle of the basketball court? Ding Yue and Su Yangfan were about three to five meters away.

   This time, the actors to be selected are the male protagonist Liu Qi and the female protagonist Han Duoduo in "The Wandering Earth".

   are more suitable roles for actors in their teens and 20s, and they fit well with the students majoring in acting in the School of Film and Television of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

   "Hello Principal Ding, Director Zhu, and Teacher Su? I'm No. 1, Zhao Hao from the Acting Department of the Film and Television Academy."

   After student Zhao Hao came up? First made a simple self-introduction.

   Ding Yue set his gaze on Zhao Hao, and at first glance he felt that this student was pretty good.

   does not belong to the kind of little meat? The hairstyle is short, very energetic? The whole person does not have that kind of little fresh meat.

   Ding Yue thinks the overall appearance of Zhao Hao? It's actually quite suitable for playing the male protagonist Liu Qi in "The Wandering Earth".

   Of course? This is just an appearance, and Ding Yue, no layman, won't be able to settle down with this. He definitely needs to look at his acting skills.

   After all, the role of Liu Qi in "Wandering Earth" actually tests his acting skills if he wants to play well.

   At least Ding Yue feels that Liu Qi and Han Duoduo in the original film "Wandering Earth" on the earth in the previous life lacked that meaning.

  Especially Han Duoduo, who seemed a little bit stiff.

   The main task of screening students' acting skills was carried out by Su Yangfan. After the student Zhao Hao briefly introduced himself, Su Yangfan picked up a booklet that he had already prepared and looked at Zhao Hao.

   "First, let's come to a performance facing despair." Su Yangfan said to Zhao Hao with a smile.

  In "The Wandering Earth", the actor Liu Qi has encountered a desperate situation many times. At this time, it is very important to face a desperate performance.

   Su Yangfan wanted to take this to see how Zhao Hao's performance skills are. After all, he is a student of acting major in the Film and Television College of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

   Almost a second, Zhao Hao instantly entered the state of performance.

   From his facial expressions and eyes, almost all revealed a look of despair, and even the emotional despair can be seen, and his breathing has begun to become disordered.

   Ding Yue was surprised when he saw this.

   This student Zhao Hao seems to be pretty good.

"Principal Ding, look, when Zhao Hao was facing desperation in the performance, he almost used his entire body. I won’t talk about facial expressions. This is the most common, especially in some details. Principal Ding, look at him. Isn’t it a subtle expression of nowhere to put in a desperate time?"

   Su Yangfan came over and explained the student Zhao Hao's performance to Ding Yue in a low voice.

   "Well, isn't it pretty good?"

   "It's not only pretty good, it's very good. I didn't expect that the first student who came up gave me such a big surprise."

   Su Yangfan said with satisfaction.

   Yes, Zhao Hao's performance in the face of despair made Su Yangfan very satisfied.

   Zhao Hao’s performance is 45 seconds, which is very short, but he has already shown his strength, at least one that satisfies Su Yangfan.

   "Okay, very good, Zhao Hao, you have another performance of a young man who has taken on a heavy responsibility and has become mature and stable." Su Yangfan asked Zhao Hao again.

Ding Yue soon thought of the role of Liu Qi in "The Wandering Earth". Indeed, in the process of continuous progress, he will gradually become responsible, mature and stable, and become a little man to support the entire rescue process. Of the burden.

   This kind of performance is really important.

   After Zhao Hao understood what Su Yangfan meant, it took about ten seconds to adjust.

   After all, I was still facing desperate emotions just now, so I definitely need to adjust.

   More than ten seconds later, Zhao Hao put himself into the state again, and also said a few lines. This line was spoken temporarily at random, and the content of the line must be in line with the theme of the performance of a young man requested by Su Yangfan.

   "Well, not bad."

   Su Yangfan nodded in satisfaction.

   If there are no other students in the future who have not participated in the audition, Su Yangfan even wants to discuss with Principal Ding, and choose Zhao Hao to be the actor of "Wandering Earth".

   In fact, Ding Yue was very satisfied with Zhao Hao's audition performance.

   "Director Su, this Zhao Hao is not bad, right?" Ding Yue asked Su Yangfan in a low voice with a smile.

  Su Yangfan nodded slightly: "Um, Principal Ding, what about Zhao Hao, put it in the preparatory selection?"


The so-called preparatory choice is that his ability is actually in line with the actor's casting, but because he is the first, there are still many students who want to participate in the audition performance, in case there are more than Ding Yue and Su Yangfan satisfied. Of students, then put them into the preparatory choices, and finally choose the most suitable one from them.

   "Student Zhao Hao, it's over, you go back and wait for the news." Su Yangfan immediately said to Zhao Hao with a very formal expression.

   "Ms. Su didn't say he passed or failed?"

   "Who knows this."

   "I think Zhao Hao performed quite well."

   "That's right, Hao Haozi is really awesome."

   "There are so many students in the back, so I won't choose Zhao Hao. I must make a choice after all of them have been tried."

   "Yes, yes, let's see how the students behind me behave."

   The students onlookers in the gym started talking in a low voice.

   After finishing the audition, Zhao Hao bowed to salute, then returned to the lounge, and then the No. 2 student came up.

   The 2nd student felt a little bit lively when he came up.

   After seeing this student No. 2, Ding Yue couldn't help but shine. This student... doesn't seem to be suitable for playing the leading actor Liu Qi.


   There is still a character in "Wandering Earth", which is very suitable for him!

   That's right!

   is the little yellow hair that Liu Qi and sister Han Duoduo met after they were caught.

   "Good Principal Ding, Good Director Zhu, Good Teacher Su, I am No. 2, Zhou Shanchuan from the Acting Department of the Film and Television Academy."

   This student also made a simple introduction.

   "Director Su, do you think that the temperament and appearance of this student is suitable for another character?"

   Ding Yue asked Su Yangfan with a smile.

   Su Yangfan heard the words, and immediately smiled: "Principal Ding, you mean the yellow-haired Tim?"

   "Right." Ding Yue nodded.

  Su Yangfan thought for a while and said, "Principal Ding, I think this Tim's role can be used as a funny character in the whole movie."


After Su Yangfan was determined, he raised his head and looked at Zhou Shanchuan and said, "Student Zhou Shanchuan, try to act out a character that drives a comedy atmosphere, a cheerful character, which is under a heavy theme. Can be optimistic and free."

   Su Yangfan asked Zhou Shanchuan to perform the role of Tim in "The Wandering Earth".

   After Zhou Shanchuan heard the words, he nodded: "Yeah, good, Teacher Su, I will prepare."

   Zhou Shanchuan began to brew his emotions. About half a minute later, in the silence of the scene, Zhou Shanchuan began his audition performance.

   Ding Yue looked at it seriously.

   Although Zhou Shanchuan is not a mixed race, his appearance does have that taste, and the effect that he showed that can drive a funny atmosphere is actually not bad.

   "Yo ha."

   Ding Yue couldn't help but murmured.

  What's going on today, are all the students who signed up for the "Wandering Earth" role audition so good?

  This...What should I do if the students are too good?

   Ding Yue was ecstatic in his heart.

   Zhou Shanchuan’s live performance lasted about two minutes. After it was over, he looked at Principal Ding and Director Su Su, what do you think? Ding Yue turned his head and asked Su Yangfan first.

   "Very good, although the content of his performance just now has a slight deviation, I believe that after he joins the crew at that time, under my guidance, he should be able to perform the role of Tim well."

   When Su Yangfan said this, Ding Yue almost knew it.

   Director Su Yangfan recognizes Zhou Shanchuan.

   "The choice of the role of Tim is not easy to meet such a very suitable student, or is it decided?"

   Ding Yue suggested with a smile.


   Su Yangfan nodded immediately after seeing Principal Ding say so.

   Then, Su Yangfan looked at Zhou Shanchuan and said with a smile: "Congratulations Zhou Shanchuan, you got a role, go back and wait for our follow-up notice!"


   The students onlookers in the gym got excited when they heard Director Su Yangfan say this, and were happy for Zhou Shanchuan.

   "I'm going, Zhou Shanchuan got a role, didn't Zhao Hao just get a role?"

   "It may be that the characters are different, you see, Zhou Shanchuan is obviously not the same type as Zhao Hao."

   "Yes, yes, I think the part of Zhou Shanchuan's performance just now was great."

   "It deserves to be a student of acting. Our classmates from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences who major in acting are no worse than those subjects, hahahaha."

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