There are no more poisonous insects emerging from the underground cave.

Even if the land has the ability of Heavenspan, it is impossible to transfer a large number of poisonous insects from Southern Desolate in a short period of time. The ones that were destroyed by Lin Yuan can be said to be all the possessions that the land has accumulated over the years. Up.

Thinking of this, Earth Ji feels blood is dripping in his heart.


The loss is big…

Now even if Guan Zhaoxin is slaughtered, the benefits of the southern cultivation world promise are not enough to make up for it. loss!

After losing the Kuroshio, the mutation insects obviously didn’t mean to stop there. They rustled for a while, and then moved towards the companions who were still fighting side by side, biting away.

Countless mutant poisonous insects are fighting each other, eating each other’s flesh and blood, tearing each other’s organs to fill their wounds. When the mutant poisonous insects are winning, there is already an extreme Terrible creatures.

Centipede head, snake body, scorpion tail, spider legs, hanging from the mouth is a toad-like snake head, with butterfly wings growing on the back, and the body is full of blood stains and venomous body fluids of different colors. , Also exuding the stench of choking nose.

“Growing Gu? How can it be so fast?”

Diji looked at the grotesquely shaped Poisonous Insect, the gloom in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

It takes a lot of time to refining a Poisonous Insect. This is a fact recognized by all Gu masters. The poisonous insects it released before are only worthy of completing the 1st Step, even the fierceness. He didn’t start training, and had to release it in order to deal with Guan Zhaoxin, but he didn’t expect to help Guan Zhaoxin become a strange Gu instead.

How many steps are omitted in the middle?

Diji can hardly even think about it!

But soon, greed appeared in his eyes.

For Gu masters, the most precious treasure is a Poisonous Insect that has been refined. In other places, the battle between cultivator and demonic beast is mostly for the Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. However, in the eyes of Southern Desolate Gu masters, Heaven and Earth Spirit Object is just a condiment for cultivating Poisonous Insect. They fight with each other in order to capture the Poisonous Insect that’s all refined by other Gu masters.

Guan Zhaoxin’s Poisonous Insect…It’s going to be!

As long as you can get this Poisonous Insect, everything you have paid before is not a loss, and even blood is earned!

“Guan Zhaoxin, didn’t expect you to return to my Southern Desolate Gu cultivation technique, oh, I don’t want to kill you anymore.”

The land has slapped twice. He lowered his wings and said with a smile: “This seat gives you a chance to give you the method of refining your toxins and this Poisonous Insect together with this seat, and let you spare your life today, how about?”

“Kill it.”

Lin Yuan squinted his eyes and glanced at the Poisonous Insect, a cold glow flashed across his eyes.

Poisonous Insect has different types. Some look no different from ordinary insects, and some look grotesquely shaped, but the most essential difference between Gu and Insect is that Gu generally has its own special ability. It can even cultivation on its own, but it is not a demonic beast, because the spiritual wisdom of Poisonous Insect is extremely low, almost indistinguishable from ordinary insects, and it will not increase spiritual wisdom due to the increase in the cultivation base. They only have basic desire to kill and greed. .

Although the blood in this Poisonous Insect body has been replaced by the poison of the curse seal, it is logically 100% obeyed Lin Yuan’s orders, but when the two had a consciousness exchange, Lin Yuan did not Get the intimacy of this Poisonous Insect. I don’t even know what the Poisonous Insect has. There is only one message received-it wants to drink Lin Yuan’s blood!

Such greedy creatures are kept by their side, almost indistinguishable from a time bomb, and don’t know when they will kill themselves.

In fact, it is not uncommon for Gu Masters to be killed by Poisonous Insect backlash. It can even be said that 80% of Gu Masters died in the hands of their own Poisonous Insect.

Getting Lin Yuan’s instruction, Poisonous Insect’s tongue hangs down, seemingly dissatisfied.

But the most basic instinct from a creature is reminding it that if it violates Lin Yuan’s instructions, it will die immediately!

Reluctantly pounced on the smiling land, the speed at which the Poisonous Insect erupts at this moment is quite terrifying. If a normal cultivator encounters this Poisonous Insect, it will be close in an instant. , And then think about the foul venom secreted by this Poisonous Insect, then the result naturally needless to say.

This Poisonous Insect has just been made, and now there is no cultivation base in the body, but in terms of speed…it is invincible below the air and underworld!

Looking at the Poisonous Insect that flew towards him, the earth was covered with feathers upside down, shouted angrily: “evil creature!”

Although it is in the Desolate Demon Realm world, it has even touched it. At the threshold of Monster King Realm, after all, he was born in Southern Desolate. Although he had a rich background, he didn’t bother to cultivation the powerful magic arts, and his ability was almost 80% in the gu.

It’s really to compete with the explosive speed, this Poisonous Insect is probably faster than it by three points!

Others don’t know how powerful this Poisonous Insect is, can it still be known?

These zergs were originally captured by him one by one, and the poisons they fed were also carefully selected. Now they are mixed with the strange toxins that Guan Zhaoxin spilled before. At this moment, the toxicity is extremely terrifying, even if it is stained. I’m afraid I won’t be pleased!

The right wing flicked, and several vessels resembling a hip flask fell to the ground, and a strong aroma of wine gradually diffused.

When the people all around smelled the smell of the wine, they couldn’t help but approached a few steps, as if the wine insect in their stomach was aroused, but after a while, someone woke up. While showing the look of dreading on his face, he also stretched out his hand to grab the sect members and disciple or his friends around him quickly backing away, as if to stay away from the wine-smelling place as far as possible!

The Poisonous Insect, which is moving fast, also smells the scent of wine. It seems to be really drunk. It slows down involuntarily. When skimming the sky, it also goes up and down, shaking like drunk. of.


Lin Yuan’s hands shook, and a violent astral qi broke out, blowing away all the alcohol that came on him, and the members of the Red Dust Society who followed him It was not disturbed either.


A member of the Red Dust Society pointed to the ground next to him and said in surprise.

Zhangyue City all around there are still grasslands, jungles, and hills. After all, the Martial Dynasty is not all plains in the south, but basins and Qiulin are the main terrains. It was great when Lei Qiusheng settled on the tripod. The cultivator road was moved to the mountain and felled to build a avenue extending in all directions. Although there will be regular cleaning and maintenance, there are still many grass shrubs all around.

Under the scent of wine, those grasslands and shrubs are as if they have experienced half of the spring and autumn, and quickly withered, creating a large area of ​​yellow in an instant, especially those few. A place where a hip flask is broken, the surface nearby is even more pitch black, which looks extremely palpitating!

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