The alien beasts from the four Sea Dragon Races will not cause floods on the continent. Even the evil dragons are only cholera coastal areas or ships sunk out to sea. There are dragons led by powerhouses such as Ancestral Dragon. Race can only retreat to the world, their descendants are not so indifferent, and they have to struggle with the victors who survived the first few calamities.

No matter its size or state, the scorpionfish in front of me is not like a cultivated trifling for five hundred years. Lin Yuan can perceive Dragon Clan Bloodlines from it, but it is not full-bodied.

Obviously, this scorpionfish is also a proud and arrogant lord, like the beast lord Qilin. He is unwilling to follow the advanced methods recorded in the bloodline, but insists on going out of his own Tao.

The only difference is that the beast owner Qilin may still be hitting the south wall, but this scorpionfish has already succeeded.

Except for the Dragon Clan Bloodlines that still exist in the body, this scorpionfish is definitely an existence that can fight the True Dragon. It does not need to be advanced to a flood dragon like other kinsmen, and then slowly moved towards The upper species evolved.

“You…want to stop…me?”

Dry Yan looked at the fish that had been killed halfway, and the beautiful face gradually became hideous.

Pingyu also made a sound like a mandarin duck’s scream: “You kill him, it will be bad for our major event.”

“Then you… also have to die.”


It seems that the number of openings is increasing, and the sound of Drought has become smoother, even with some timbre corrections, which is no longer the resentment and hostility of at first.

Whether it is a scorpionfish or a drought, it is a’major event’, but the major event of the former is related to Lin Yuan’s cause and effect. In this war of no choice Stand on the chariot of Heavenly Dao and make sure that you will not be liquidated after Heavenly Dao wins. As for whether the winner will be Hongjun, that’s not a question for them to think about. Starting from their attempts to escape from the Great Desolate World, Hongjun’s ship, they were already impossible to board.

As for the drought…

Cause and effect this thing can’t help it. Rather than being a running dog of Heavenly Dao, it wants to replace Lin Yuan and become the future Pluto of Tianwu world.

I didn’t have this opportunity before. After all, world complementation does not mean that it is complemented. There must be sufficient accumulation. There are certain requirements for the number of creatures and civilization. Now it is hard to have an opportunity. The position of Pluto was actually decided by default, how could she accept it?

The drought’s body was once again wrapped in blood energy, and the rickety silhouette wrapped in Tsing Yi was slowly covered, but when the blood glow was in full swing, the drought’s speed was suddenly guaranteed and turned into a bloody shadow. , Rammed straight into the whitefish that was pierced by a bar, the whitefish did not dodge, and the whole body gradually glowed with a blue light, one red and one blue two groups of light collided, the whitefish flapped its wings ten zhang or so, The drought will fly upside down, and the blood energy that surrounds the body is slightly thinner.


Lei Qiusheng looked happy, cry out in surprise.

Yang Qinglin, who also stopped to watch the battle, shook the head, said solemnly: “The strange beast suffered a loss. Although the drought was knocked back by the force of the counter-shock, it was not injured. , On the contrary, it was the strange beast with a three-meter-long wound on its left side.”

Although the cultivator is ten zhang or so from the ground, the cultivator’s eyesight is also very comparable. Before Lei Qiusheng’s attention was focused on the dry fish, he did not pay too much attention to the fish. Yang Qinglin reminded him that he quickly found the three-meter-long wound on the fish.

“If this strange beast is not an opponent, should we…Should we run again?”

Lei Qiusheng’s complexion slightly changed, and he swallowed a bit hard.

He knew very well that he could not run through Drought. He was able to brace oneself and ran forward because he believed in Lin Yuan, but now…

This support was just a fight against Drought. In the round, it actually shed blood, it doesn’t seem to be an existence that can repel the drought!

“It hasn’t started yet.”

Lin Yuan wrapped around Lei Qiusheng’s shoulders, staring scorchingly in the direction of Weishui.

Dry stings can drive the clouds and the sun, but as a zombie, you are essentially good at physical fitness. If you are a zombie meet force with force, it will definitely not be the stings that will suffer, but the stingrays are not the same. As one of the exotic beasts of Classic of Mountains and Seas, it is also the legendary calamity beast that can attract floods. It is a typical mage template. It was just the first one that was snatched by the drought, that’s all. For the whitefish, the battle has not yet begun. .

hong long long ——

hong long long ——

It seems that there are thousands of myriad horses galloping forward, and it seems that the earth is shaking, and the mountains and rivers are roaring, The power of nature is about to appear in general.

There is no magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Most of the surrounding Undead are also walking corpses. Not to mention that they flee here subconsciously because they are afraid of the smell of drought and scorpionfish, even if they surround themselves. , I can’t get out of the imposing manner of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, but although the earth is shaking, there is no trace of ground cracks at all. Obviously, it is impossible to be an earthquake.

“Water! Flood!”

A survivor was curious about the sound behind his head and glanced back, and immediately exclaimed, and the speed of escape accelerated again.

The big water that does not know where it came from is like an ominous beast that swallows everything, everything that you touch along the way is pulled up by the roots, wrapped in the water and moved towards here and continues to flow, just rough At a glance, you can see all kinds of trees, rocks and even building debris, and even some Undead caught in the water are fluttering and struggling.

In these years, natural disasters and man-made disasters are common occurrences. Anyone who has experienced floods knows that the oppression force of the rolling water is extremely strong. If a wave is photographed, if you are unlucky, it is your body. Robust Martial Artists may be shot directly to death, even if they are not dead, they must be unconscious, and then fall into the big water, or be run over, or drowned, or rushed to an unknown corner, and survive anyway. The probability is horribly low.

It is Undead’s “immortality” feature. Even though the body is crushed by the water and the nose is poured into the mouth again and again, it can continue to heal itself and discharge the water that has become turbid due to a large amount of soil. , But even if they can’t die, it doesn’t mean that they have the ability to escape from the surging water. Even Undead, who has pushed the northern border to the brink of destruction, is still ridiculously weak in front of the power of nature.

“Where did this water come from…”

Neither Lei Qiusheng nor Yang Qinglin could hold back being twitched, and at the same time cast their eyes on Lin Yuan.

They feel that in one day today, their world view is broken and broken, and now even if there are several powerhouses from the ages ago, the recovery will not make them look bad.

Compared with the batfish and the batfish, the powerhouse recovery is indeed not a major event. Anyway, it is all ants, and if it is stronger, it is still ants!

“Wei Shui.”

Lin Yuan looked at the rolling water indifferently, obviously not surprised at all.

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