Two Dragon Races are capable of strangling and biting each other, and Lin Yuan, under the protection of the reverse scale of three True Dragons, has entered an extremely mysterious and abstruse state.

The iron flicker who followed Lin Yuan saw Lin Yuan’s eyes lost, subconsciously about to open his mouth and yelling, but quickly realized that Lin Yuan still had a sparkle in his eyes, not like being shocked The appearance is more like the sudden enlightenment recorded in some ancient documents.

The fight between the Ancestral Dragon and Dragon Race youths lasted for about ten minutes. Both sides played True Fire. Naturally, they didn’t consider the idea of ​​keeping their hands. They ended up with Ancestral Dragon. The dragon head of the Dragon Race youth was torn off alive and declared victory, but the Ancestral Dragon was obviously not good. After Lin Yuan woke up, he saw that the Ancestral Dragon had four dragon claws broken by three, and the dragon’s beards were also of different lengths. The upper half of the dragon body was bitten off by the young Dragon Race youths, and the lower half of the dragon body was forcibly shredded. The dragon’s head was also uneven, and one of its horns was also broken.

If such a terrible injury is placed on Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan will not have the slightest probability of survival, but for Ancestral Dragon, it is just a bit of damage to the original source and cannot be forced to heal in a short time. It takes a period of recuperation that’s all.

The seriously injured Ancestral Dragon turned his head and glanced at Lin Yuan, but didn’t say a word, just opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing three reverse scales into his abdomen and turned it into a streak of golden light. Entering the willow stone fortress seems to be planning to retreat for recuperation.

When things have reached this step, there is really nothing to say.

Lin Yuan’s personality is not difficult to figure out for these big monsters who have lived for countless years.

The Four Seas Dragon Palace has achieved the level of benevolence and justice. If Lin Yuan is willing to remember this grace, he doesn’t need to say anything, and will get the reward he deserves in the future. If Lin Yuan is unwilling to remember this Well, then it won’t help even if it breaks the sky.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, watch the two ancestors in the Demon Realm Dragon Race fight each other, and comprehend the Life Source Divine Ability! 】

A system message slowly appeared. I didn’t prompt before. Obviously, I was worried about disturbing Lin Yuan’s sudden enlightenment. Now I am sure that Lin Yuan has fully awakened. Only when system neither fast nor slow came out to announce Lin Yuan. The harvest of this sudden enlightenment.

Name: Youlong Nine Changes

Category: Life Source Divine Ability

Description: Watching the Dragon Race powerhouse fight, the bloodline in your body is faintly agitated and awakened Your own Life Source Divine Ability. This divine ability can only be used by the host and cannot be taught to other creatures, but it will be inscribed in the bloodline. The offspring of the host have a certain probability to trace the bloodline and naturally obtain the inheritance of the divine ability.

The introduction given by system is very simple, but after Lin Yuan has practiced the Nine Dragons in his mind, there is a hint of joy in his eyes.

This set of Life Source Divine Ability is not simple. From the perspective of the cultivation technique, if you don’t want to follow the path of the gods, as long as the talent is sufficient, the cultivation technique can at least achieve Celestial Realm, although it cannot achieve immortality. , But there are also lifespans of nearly ten thousand years, which are longer than the detached lifespans of the Tianwu world and the lifespans of the ancestral monsters, and the battle strength will be stronger. If you can survive the Thunder Tribulation, you will achieve nothing difficult in the immortal position of the same life as the sun and the moon.

In a sense, this set of cultivation of Life Source Divine Ability is closer to the path of cultivation in Lin Yuan’s cognition.

But those who can achieve the highest level are often those who wander off Dao Road, the so-called immortal dao, which is a scam from beginning to end. Since several ancient calamities, path of cultivation has simply become After Refining Qi to Great Ascension, and then Transcending Tribulation, the immortal after these ascensions can certainly be occupied a place in the so-called Celestial Court, but everyone knows that these places really have the final say. Those who follow the path of God.

immortal is very strong, in many cases, they are even stronger than gods.

But the most deadly thing is that immortal has its limits. After Transcending Tribulation ascends, immortal has to continue through Thunder Tribulation if it wants to improve its strength. Every catastrophe is a qualitative leap, but if you are not careful Will die under Thunder Tribulation. If you want to reach the level of Dao ancestors, you have to survive the twelve calamities at least, but almost no one can survive the twelve calamities. Even at this level, facing a Great Desolate giant like Hongjun They are fragile like ants, unless they can survive the thirteenth calamity in the legend, but whether there is the thirteenth calamity, no one has seen the entire Great Desolate World, just as a legend that’s all.

Immortal Path comes to an end, but it is only the level of Three Purities, which will never threaten Hongjun,

So this set of cultivation system is not known how much castration. Will spread slowly.

Only in comparison, Shinto is more dangerous that’s all. A powerful Spiritual God means to run a powerful Divine Kingdom and to suppress those equally tyrannical gods in one’s own god system. , We have to face the challenges of Divine King of other gods, and we have to manage our faith to ensure that our believers will not switch to the embrace of other Spiritual Gods, and that our believers will not perish. Everything requires a lot of time and energy. , A little carelessness is the end of the soul flew away and scattered, which is countless times more difficult than immortal dao, which only needs cultivation most of the time.

Although this set of Life Source Divine Ability can only be inherited in the bloodline, the Dragon Nine Transformation is not a simple cultivation technique, including a series of tempering or physical methods, such as transporting blood, Kung fu, light body kung fu, absorbing the essence of all kinds of spiritual things, tempering the body, etc., as long as Lin Yuan finds some side gates such as pill concocting, refining tools, and formations, it can almost deduce a set of seems right but actually isn’ t Complete cultivation system now.

Lin Yuan, who originally suffered from the inability to teach the Sutra of All Living Beings, does not have to worry about not being able to explain to the Taoists of Hongchen, because the immortal dao method will never be inferior to the shaping of the gods!

From a personal point of view, Lin Yuan can completely say that his trip is plentiful harvest, and it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

But the question is, is the ruling of the old days really so simple?

It’s not that Lin Yuan thinks too much, but according to the introduction of system, those old rulers are the heroes and wise men of the same era. They can break away from the long river of time, and simply can’t find a good thing. Come.

The opponent can block the detection function attached to the battle of ideas by invoking Heart Demon’s routines, which seems to give Dragon Race youth a great opportunity to kill themselves, which is really good.

But everything is counted as defeat before victory is counted. This is the most basic quality of a wise man.

Isn’t the old rulers counted? The other powerhouses in Willow Rock Fortress will never sit idly by, as long as they have the means to support them, can they be alive?

If they do not count this step, it means that the so-called wise men among them are also only this.

If they are counted, then what is the deep meaning behind this move?

What will they do next?

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