The various equipment configurations of the Embroidery Guard can be called Peak. Even when exploring the underwater Secret Realm, the Embroidery Guard members will carry artillery that can be launched underwater, but Compared with the heavy artillery on the head of the city, the formidable power of this portable artillery is not powerful, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary cultivator and demonic beast.

Although the woman surnamed Zhen knows that the artillery they carry is a ridiculously low threat to Lin Yuan, but now they have just launched, if they show their cards one by one, how can they still snatch the Secret Realm? Chance?

The subordinates of the woman surnamed Zhen began to fill the artillery with special gunpowder when they heard the sound, but the woman surnamed Zhen always fixed her eyes on Lin Yuan, seemingly afraid of Lin Yuan’s sudden attack Normally, but the actions of the woman surnamed Zhen can only be said to be guarding that’s all, and it is far from enough to be fearful.

Lin Yuan wrote down the appearance of these people one after another, and then grinned and moved towards the woman surnamed Zhen with a narrow smile and suddenly flung the snake’s tail, simply did not divide life and death here Meaning, quickly sank into deeper waters.

Xiuyiwei will not hold all the treasures together, especially when the woman surnamed Zhen has been exposed, and they will not let all the members follow the woman surnamed Zhen. , So while Lin Yuan intercepted the woman surnamed Zhen, many embroidered guards have already sneaked into the Secret Realm by taking advantage of the chaos. Lin Yuan wasted time here, and would only give those people a variety of priceless and unique rares in advance. Treasure the opportunity that’s all.


After waiting until Lin Yuan’s silhouette was completely invisible, a member of the embroidery guard spit out one mouthful of impure air.

In the dark and quiet waters, I was caught by a terrifying python. This feeling is not acceptable to everyone, especially since they know that python is not curious about them, and It is not the desire to prey because of hunger, but the pure existence of killing intent and malice for them!

The woman surnamed Zhen is coldly snorted, and said blankly: “Is that scared? We have more places to fight with this black snake later. If anyone is persuaded, we will leave the team now. Follow Old Zhang to collect rare treasures, don’t stay in the action team to hold me back! I advise you to stop dreaming, this black snake will never let us off easily. A little carelessness may lose his life! So , Don’t look at the high merit points of the action team, just want to give it a try. If you can earn merit points, you have to spend your life!”

This action is divided into treasure hunting team.

With the action team, the treasure hunt team should make a reasonable plan based on the estimated value and distribution of the water element spirits during the last exploration of Secret Realm, and try their best to collect these spirits in Secret Realm, but this one It’s not that easy to do. If the Water Race Monster Beasts in Secret Realm can be easily dealt with, the embroidery guards won’t have to wait until now to organize manual collection of spiritual objects, and get rid of those aquatic demonic beasts. There are not a few easy generations to enter Secret Realm’s all influence this time.

After all, Secret Realm in this specific environment is really easy to get in and difficult to get out. There is no ability, and there is no qualification to enter the water to watch the excitement. Except for the kind of act recklessly guys, they meet Any cultivator is almost enough to threaten the existence of the embroidered clothing guard treasure hunt team!

The action team is small, led by a woman surnamed Zhen. They don’t need to be responsible for collecting spiritual objects, but they have to cope with the action of the treasure hunting team. Once they find themselves fighting with the idle cultivator or the aquatic demonic beast At the time, they must consider going to other places or supporting quickly. After all, the area of ​​this Secret Realm is not small, and time wasted on some unnecessary things. In the end, the gain may not be worth the loss.

Now after having a face-to-face encounter with the black snake, the members of the action team feel that the responsibility on their shoulders is obviously heavier.

Obviously, the Black Snake is not here to greet them friendly. After entering Secret Realm for a while, they will not only find a way to plot against the cultivator who is trying to win the treasure, but also have to guard against it. I don’t know where the black snake will come out to give them a look!

At this time, Lin Yuan, who had just met the members of the Embroidery Guard, was stealth in the water with no expression on his face.

This area of ​​water is quite weird. On the surface, it looks only five hundred miles in area, but when you get underwater, you will find that it is a “convex” terrain. I dived five-six hundred meters a little bit. After that, Lin Yuan could no longer see where the rock wall all around was, and this was far from reaching the bottom of the lake, to be precise, even the shallow waters had never been before.

However, the most terrifying place is here. Lin Yuan Wisdom Transformation Realm is the tenth level of Peak cultivation base. The flesh is extremely tyrannical after the cultivation Golden Body Art and the Dragon Scale Armor, but in this five-six hundred Lin Yuan still felt the water pressure squeezing his muscles in the meter-deep water, and this is why he, as a Water Element demonic beast, is highly resistant to water pressure underwater.

Can I enter Secret Realm after diving for three kilometers?


Lin Yuan is a bit shocked to arrange the existence of this Secret Realm. The water pressure here alone can eliminate those who try to enter the Secret Realm fish in troubled waters. There is no one or two means. In the body, an ordinary Imperial Sky Realm one or two cultivator is already at the limit to this five-six hundred meters deep waters.

There may indeed be a lot of valuable treasures in Secret Realm, but it is clear that the person who arranged Secret Realm did not intend to let ordinary people and mediocre people get their own things.

This time because of rumors, there may be seven to eight thousand people who want to come to Secret Realm to hunt for treasure, but it is estimated that none of the ten who can enter Secret Realm in the end, and the remaining one, the Water Element cultivator should still be occupied Most of it!

In this home court environment, and with the Innate Ability of the King of Water, Lin Yuan feels that if he is still robbed of a good treasure in Secret Realm, it is better to find a place directly. Forget it, there is no need to come out ashamed!

As soon as his thoughts are collected, Lin Yuan starts to dive again, and the speed is nearly ten times faster than all around those faintly visible cultivators. After all, the water pressure here is far from enough. In order to threaten Lin Yuan, it would be no problem to dive three kilometers at his speed, unless the Secret Realm simply couldn’t get in, the water pressure below could squeeze him, the demonic beast of Wisdom Transformation Realm Peak.

But in that case, China cannot explain how Embroidery Guards explored this Secret Realm, and among the members of Embroidery Guards, Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivator is also two or three big cats and kittens. , The others are basically Imperial Sky Realm, level 8 and level 9, so it can only be regarded as a mainstay in any force.

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