Han Yang specially found this transport team from other places, and he promised that he would not know anyone here.

Han Yang also rented a warehouse at random in other places, and then just put all these big boxes in the warehouse. It will be shipped back in two days.

On Fuxing Group's side, all the senior executives breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the big truck transporting the mobile phone box away.

At the underground base, a temporary assembly line has been assembled, and 186 multi-function robots, welding robots, disassembly robots, etc. are already in place.

It is difficult to repair these tampered mobile phones, but it is also very simple to repair them.

The difficulty is that this requires a lot of operational skills. The simplicity lies in the fact that after some manipulation, you only need to replace a small gasket to solve the problem.

Han Yang estimated that a skilled worker could repair a mobile phone in about half an hour by himself.

Even if Han Yang has a thousand skilled workers, it will take at least 40 hours to repair 80,000 units.

This is even when the workers do not eat, drink, sleep or rest.

Three shifts would require 3,000 workers.

This kind of factory cannot be found in the entire Dajiang City. There may be some in other places, but for a factory of this size, do you want them to fully cooperate and allocate workers to do this kind of thing?

That's not something that just over 10 million can do.

Because of this, Li Jingguang was convinced that it was impossible to repair these mobile phones in such a short period of time.

But with Han Yang and these robots that Han Yang can directly control, everything is no problem.

Moreover, based on the extremely high degree of cooperation and precision, Han Yang can even use an assembly line method to repair these mobile phones.

One robot is only responsible for placing the mobile phone boxes at one end of the conveyor belt, the other robot is only responsible for opening the boxes and taking out the mobile phones, the next robot is responsible for removing the casing, the next one is removing the motherboard, the next one is fixing the working area, and the next one is responsible for fixing the working area. The station removed the faulty parts, then installed, assembled, boxed, and took them away. Everything was orderly and not messy at all.

Such an assembly line requires a total of 15 robots of various types. The 15 robots cooperate with each other and can complete the repair of one mobile phone every 30 seconds on average, which is 120 robots in one hour.

At this moment, there are still 36 hours before the opening, that is, at 8 a.m. on November 16, and one assembly line can complete the repair of 4,320 mobile phones.

There are 12 such assembly lines in the underground base.

Before opening, it can complete the repair of almost 50,000 mobile phones.

Although they can't all be repaired, it doesn't matter. Anyway, not all of these mobile phones can be sent out in one day.

Under the night, the market area has gradually fallen into silence. In the underground base of Fuxing Mall, 186 robots are under the direct control of Han Yang, working tirelessly, without rest, with tacit cooperation and without making mistakes.

The mobile computing power that Han Yang had set aside before finally came into use at this moment.

I will continue to work on the training list, continue to study on my own, and continue to listen to the lectures. There is no delay in any aspect.

Lei Sing Building.

In the reception room, Li Jingguang and several gang bosses drank tea and chatted leisurely.

After just a few cups of tea and chatting, the expected call from Han Yang still didn't come.

Several bosses were a little worried.

Li Jingguang smiled lightly and said: I didn't expect that this guy from Hanyang is young and quite tolerant. It doesn't matter, Fuxing Mall will open the day after tomorrow, and he will definitely come tomorrow night at the latest.

The whole next day, Han Yang still didn't call. However, the younger brother who was responsible for keeping track reported that everything had been cleaned up at Fuxing Mall and preparations were being made for the opening the next day. There was no panic at all.

At night, Han Yang's call still didn't come. The four bosses finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Li Jingguang's expression also turned gloomy.

No way, I invested a full 4 million in this batch of goods. I had always been calm and calm before, just to stabilize people's hearts. Can you really not panic at all?

But now, he himself couldn't hold back his anger.

President Li, look...

Li Jingguang said slowly: It seems that Han Yang is determined to kill the fish and break the net.

The four bosses immediately became impatient.

“What happens to our money?”

President Li, we did this after listening to your words. You can't ignore it!

Shut up!

Li Jingguang shouted again and calmed the situation: We have invested 4 million in the knife club, and I'm not panicking. Why are you guys panicking? Han Yang's idea is nothing more than to settle the matter with money or other gifts tomorrow.

Let's go make trouble tomorrow! Through this incident, their Fuxing Mall was smashed and their reputation was ruined! Without Fuxing Mall, even if we lose all our money, it will still be worth it! What's more, we still have this batch of mobile phones. If Han Yang can play with this set of mobile phones as a gift, so can we! Anyway, it won’t be a loss!

Time gradually came to midnight, and then to early morning.

At four o'clock, Li Hu could no longer sleep.

Today's opening is related to the fate of Fuxing Mall, so he really has no choice but to be cautious. After hesitating for a long time, he finally called Han Yang.

Mr. Han, when will the batch of mobile phones arrive? The opening will be at eight o'clock...

In the microphone, Han Yang's voice was not unusual at all: It's okay, the first batch of repaired mobile phones has been delivered, more than 50,000 units, and they are sitting in the warehouse. The second batch will arrive tomorrow, don't worry.

What? All delivered?

Li Hu was taken aback and quickly put on his clothes and went to the warehouse of the building materials market. As expected, he saw large boxes neatly stacked there.

I casually dismantled one, took out a mobile phone, and pressed the dial button quickly and continuously. After pressing it hundreds of times, there was still no abnormality in the button.

Li Hu took a long breath and finally let go.

As for where Han Yang contacted the person to repair the phone, he didn't care at all.

Mr. Han has great supernatural powers and a mysterious background. He can just do things by himself and worry about so many things. Anyway, Mr. Han will not treat his subordinates badly.

At six o'clock in the morning, all employees of Fuxing Group got up. After half an hour of washing and eating time, there is a 10-minute mobilization meeting.

Han Yang came forward in person, spoke, encouraged, and promised bonuses. A total of more than a thousand waiters, shopping guides, cleaners, security guards, managers, etc. rushed to work in high spirits to make final preparations before the opening.

At this time, scattered poor people began to gather and line up outside the gate of Fuxing Mall. Of course, there are also many people who are sneaky at first glance.

At eight o'clock in the morning, accompanied by the deafening sound of firecrackers, Han Yang's voice came from the loudspeaker: Fuxing Mall, open!

The closed door slowly opened, and a group of poor people rushed in with cheers.

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