During this period of time, Han Yang never stopped listening to the lecture. 20 university lecturers, 20 courses in total, 20 classes every day, no one missed a day.

Although the lecturers now teach some relatively elementary courses, which will not bring much benefit to Han Yang's specific tasks at the moment, Han Yang still feels the benefits of this kind of systematic learning of a subject.

What systematic learning teaches is a general idea and method for solving problems. It involves the essence of a series of similar problems. Once you master this essence, you can come up with solutions on your own when faced with ever-changing types of problems with the same essence.

Han Yang's questions to Professor Zhang Dong and other members of the advisory group are similar to asking the teacher what 22*36 equals before learning multiplication, and the members of the advisory group will give the answer directly.

The systematic learning at this moment is learning the skill of multiplication. After learning it, whether the question is 22*36, 15*56, etc., you can answer it yourself.

This brought about changes in the logic level. It did not speed up Han Yang's manufacturing process at the moment, but it improved Han Yang's ability to solve problems.

When encountering a problem, Han Yang tried to use the knowledge he had learned at the moment to think and try on his own, and achieved better results than before.

If not, Hanyang's manufacturing process might be a little slower than it is now.

The scale of Zhixue.com will continue to expand, and more teachers from more industries will be invited to teach.

Han Yang secretly made up his mind.

At this moment, after two long months of busy work, the manufacturing of a new generation of CPUs is nearing completion and entering the final stage.

Although the closing stage is the most difficult and complicated step, at least the glimmer of hope has appeared.

At this stage, Han Yang began to think about other issues.

After the new generation of CPU is built and the computing power is improved again, according to the previous plan, the construction of the underground base should begin.

Because it must be hidden and all projects need to be done by himself, Han Yang must master the corresponding technology before he can start.

Well, the construction of an underground base involves disciplines such as engineering, architecture, geology, water supply and drainage, circuits, heat dissipation...

By rough estimation, Han Yang listed the names of more than twenty subjects.

Yunshan University also has corresponding professional settings. As the saying goes, one thing does not bother two people, so Han Yang simply entrusted the matter to Zhang Dong and asked Zhang Dong to contact the teacher of the corresponding subject to start teaching.

Zhang Dong agreed and thanked Han Yang repeatedly.

During this time, there were so many professors and lecturers in Yunshan University, who didn’t know the name of Zhixue.com? Even this name has broken through the scope of Yunshan University, and even teachers from other universities have heard of it.

Who doesn’t know that Zhixue.com gives you a lot of money, and you can have more money, less work, and stay close to home? No, not close to home, but right at home.

Everyone would be greedy for the extra income of tens of thousands per month.

Unfortunately, Zhixue.com currently only adopts an invitation system, and ordinary teachers have no way to sell their knowledge at a good price.

During this period, I don’t know how many teachers came to Zhang Dong to make insinuations, either implicitly or directly expressing their desire to teach on Zhixue.com. But Zhang Dong had no choice but to politely refuse.

Now, are you finally going to open invitations again?

After looking through the list of teachers who had come to see him and expressed their wishes during this period, Zhang Dong began to think.

It's a pity that this time only teachers from geology, architecture, and engineering are invited. Lao Zhou and Lao Sun can't do it. It's a pity. Lao Wang can do it. He is pretty good in interior design.

After thinking about it, Zhang Dong directly dialed Lao Wang's phone: Lao Wang, this is Zhang Dong. That's it, Zhixue.com has now opened a new round of invitations. I think your major is very suitable. Do you want to come and give it a try? Okay, fine, wait until I notify you.

That night, Lao Wang took his wife and came to Zhang Dong's house with gifts.

Old Wang, what are you doing? We have been friends for more than ten years, no need, no need...

Zhang Dong's wife looked at her husband's current appearance and looked at his colleagues in the school who were respectful and almost burst into laughter. She became even more determined to support her husband's career.

Now she knew very clearly who gave all this. Manager Han's affairs cannot be careless in the slightest, they must be done well.

I thought that by sending Lao Wang away, the matter would be over. But Zhang Dong didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

The next day, Zhang Dong was very surprised to receive a notice from the department director, asking him to come to his office.

When they arrived at the office, the usually cold-faced dean of the department actually poured tea for Zhang Dong himself and exchanged pleasantries with a smile on his face for a long time. After that, he casually said: I heard that Zhixue.com will invite a group of teachers to join in recently? Do you think I can do it?

At this moment, the department chair is like a job seeker, full of expectations, full of apprehension, and even a little nervous.

At this moment, Zhang Dong was slightly in a trance.

This matter was finally leaked.

You, you are the head of the department...

The department head sighed.

Today's era is different from the past... Back then, college students were the pride of heaven, not to mention us university teachers, who were respected wherever we went.

But now... I know even if I don't say it, knowledge is worthless, and even us university teachers are not valued. I look like a department chair and a leader, but I'm just a slick person. I can't even support my family with a dead salary of 7,000 yuan a month.

Your sister-in-law was making trouble with me a few days ago, saying she had to pay a lot of attention to buy a computer for her child.

The dean's face was full of sadness.

Zhang Dong also sighed.

No matter how much knowledge the Earthlings have, can they compare to the Eta people? Engage in scientific research? What is the future of scientific research? If the Eta people randomly come up with a technology, it can be more advanced than the results of thousands of scientists who have worked hard for decades.

In this era, there is no future for scientific research, so the best way is to curry favor with the good Yita people and get new technologies from the Yita people. As long as people on earth learn how to operate it and know how to use it, it will be fine.

Didn’t you see that all majors such as physics, mathematics, computer principles, and hardware research and development offered by universities in recent years have declined, but instead various applied majors have become popular?

For no other reason than learning how to operate various Eta technological artifacts, you can find a job after graduation.

Yunshan University happens to be an institution that places more emphasis on fundamental principles.

Thinking of the dean's character and the care he had given to ordinary teachers like himself in the past, Zhang Dong sighed: Director, it's not that I am unwilling to be accommodating, but that I am only recruiting people for Zhixue.com, in terms of subjects. They decided that they don’t want computer teachers this time, and there’s nothing I can do about it...

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