The Security Department is the department that Han Yang values ​​the most, and its requirements and treatment are also the highest.

I don't know how many people are trying to get into the Security Department, but during this period of time, I only saw that the Security Department was being eliminated because of unqualified security guards, and there was no one recruiting people.

During this period, a large number of people who wanted to become security guards temporarily settled in places such as Fuxing supermarkets and restaurants. Now that I saw that we were recruiting people, I came to sign up immediately.

Han Yang also specifically ordered Li Hu to recruit all people from within.

People on the inside, after observing this period of time, are obviously more trustworthy.

Those with ulterior motives and backgrounds in other gangs who wanted to sneak in would have been eliminated long ago under Han Yang's sharp eyes.

This time, the Security Department recruited a total of 20 new people, so the number of security guards in the Security Department increased to 41, divided into five teams in total. However, Han Yang knew that the number of people might drop again after a while, and it would be good to keep it at 30 people in the end.

The key is that Butcher Shen's heart is too cruel and his hands are too dark. The training subjects he formulated are simply not something ordinary people can withstand.

Not only that, Han Yang also specifically ordered Li Hu to contact other underground forces, buy some pistols, and let Butcher Shen select ten people to start shooting training.

Han Yang had money and didn't care about this expense. After feeding a large amount of bullets, the marksmanship of these ten gunmen improved rapidly.

After all, you have to combine hot and cold, so that your own safety and career can be better protected.

After arranging the company's affairs, Han Yang once again returned to the core area where only he could enter.

In the training room, forty computers are still placing orders and receiving business all the time. Here in the research room, the industrial robots and workbenches purchased by Han Yang have been installed.

Han Yang has been waiting for this thing for several days.

During this period, Han Yang has basically completed the design of the new CPU architecture and is waiting for the arrival of this thing to start manufacturing.

Now that everything was ready, Han Yang couldn't wait to start the test.

Industrial robots are different from computers. After some modifications by Han Yang, they can be directly connected to the brainwave controller to understand and execute the commands issued by Han Yang without going through the process of brainwave controller - robot - mouse and keyboard - -Computer-Industrial Robot transfer procedure, just go to Brainwave Controller-Industrial Robot.

After some debugging, Han Yang took out a circuit board and placed it directly on the operating table. Immediately, the high-precision camera clearly captured every tiny hole on the circuit board and transmitted it to Han Yang's mind.

Compared to observing carefully with eyes wide open, the efficiency is improved many times.

As soon as Han Yang thought about it, he realized that the mechanical arm of an industrial robot that also had extremely high precision picked up a diode and placed it on the installation position with extreme precision, which took less than half a second.

Another robotic arm held a high-precision welding gun and accurately aligned it with the installation position. With a flash of light, the diode was immediately welded to the circuit board according to the standard pattern.

It only takes a few seconds in total.

In the past, Han Yang held tweezers in one hand and a welding gun in the other. His face was almost pressed against the circuit board, and he had to keep his eyes open to observe. It took several minutes to solder a diode, and there was no guarantee that no mistakes would be made.

Because it takes too much effort on the eyes, I have to close my eyes and rest for a while after welding several Han Yangs. Otherwise, the eyes can't stand it at all.

During the past few days of trying to make things by hand, Han Yang suspected that he was going to be myopic.

Now it's fine, it takes just a few seconds, and it's accurate, fast and error-free.

The same goes for cables. It is as thin as a sewing needle, and the connector is a small and precise cable. Under the operation of the robotic arm, one cable can be made in a few seconds, and every connection is made according to the standard force, neither poor contact nor force. Excessive size may damage the interface.

Compared with the previous manual work, the efficiency has increased by more than a hundred times.

Under Han Yang's control, the industrial robot worked tirelessly. In just one day, more than 10,000 transistors were welded.

Five days later, a new generation of CPU was finally completed. But after the test, Han Yang discovered that although the manufacturing process of this CPU was improved to 2.72 mm and the transistor density was doubled compared to the previous generation, the performance was only 1.1 times that of the previous generation CPU.

It shouldn't be...the theoretical performance should be three times that of the previous generation CPU...

Han Yang thought about it, checked and researched repeatedly, and finally found the reason.

The architecture is unreasonable... There are bottlenecks in data transmission, and a lot of unnecessary computing power is wasted...

If you want to tap the potential, you must continue to improve and modify the architecture.

It's better to integrate first. No matter how small the improvement is, it is still an improvement.

Han Yang thought for a while and decided to fuse the chip first.

As soon as my heart moved, a lot of circuit boards, cables, etc. in front of me disappeared instantly.

After the computing power increased, Han Yang immediately installed three more computers on the empty seats, controlled the robots to start taking orders, and once again devoted himself to research on the new CPU architecture.

Time passed slowly as Han Yang forgot about food and sleep.

On this day, Han Yang left the core area and casually went to the cafeteria to eat something, when he saw Zhao Fu walking over in a hurry.

Mr. Han, it's not good.


Zhao Fu withdrew 25,000 yuan from the company's account and sent it to Zhou Da'an today. Han Yang knew about this.

Every month, Zhou Daan must pay a tribute of 25,000 yuan, which is considered a fixed expenditure of the Fuxing Group. There has never been any trouble in this matter before.

Zhao Fu wiped his sweat and looked a little nervous: Zhou Da'an confiscated our money. He said that he said that our Fuxing Group was too big and still gave him 25,000 yuan a month, which was to send a beggar away.

He said he wanted to see how we behaved during this period, so he didn't mention it, but we didn't take the initiative to behave. He said it was shameless for us to give him face... He wanted us to give him 50,000 yuan every month from now on. Only then are they willing to continue to protect us, otherwise, they will let us wait until the door is closed.

Han Yang's expression gradually turned cold.

This Zhou Daan's hands are getting longer and longer...

Several thoughts flashed through Han Yang's mind, and he immediately made up his mind.

I will handle this matter, you don't have to worry about it.

Zhao Fu advised: Mr. Han, since ancient times, people have not fought with officials. Zhou Daan is an official. No matter how big our company is, we can't afford to offend him. Besides, the company's current financial situation is still good. Every five days Wan Ye can take it out and it won’t affect anything.”

Han Yang was angry and funny: Go and do your business, why worry about it?

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