As one of the first groups to obtain weapons supported by Pangu, Ma Qingnan can see that although the existing new weapons circulating in large quantities on the market are more advanced and have more types, there are still some problems. A vague resemblance to the first weapons.

This is most likely made by the same person, or in other words, by the same weapons manufacturing base.

During the most difficult stage of the previous struggle, and as the Guard became more strict in managing the space elevator, Ma Qingnan once thought that it would be great if Pangu could support another batch of advanced weapons, so that his own struggle would be easier and the pressure would be reduced. Not that big.

Now, this support is achieved through a unique way.

There are plenty of advanced weapons, models, and types of weapons on the market. The supply is huge and the price is cheap. With Pangu's financial support for his own side, he could easily buy enough equipment to arm the entire team.

But this was only the most insignificant aspect of the impact of Pangu's move.

Ma Qingnan noticed that with the arrival of large quantities of weapons, as well as the cheaper and more abundant weapons, it seemed that... the whole world was different.

Have you ever seen a mere street vendor get so angry that he drew his gun and beat a security guard to death?

In the slums, the poor people living in shacks can come out with guns?

Not to mention the gangsters. In today’s gang conflicts, who still stabs each other with machetes? They all used guns to shoot at each other.

What will happen?

A very simple situation. The Guard's control over human society declined rapidly and hit rock bottom.

The huge pressure originally fell on the rebels, making them breathless. They had to do their best to survive and not be wiped out.

But what now?

There was a gang conflict in the West District. Dozens of people and dozens of guns were fired at each other. Didn't your Security Bureau send someone to take care of it? Not to destroy or disperse?

In the East District, in the excitement of the crowd, a group of poor people attacked a group of security guards with guns. Don't you go to support them?

There is so much chaos outside, why don't you send more people, drive more armored vehicles, and bring more weapons and equipment when you go out to take action?

The most important thing is that with the sufficient supply of weapons and ammunition, various resistance organizations have begun to spring up like mushrooms after a rain. I couldn't resist before, but now there are so many guns and ammunition that I can buy them casually. You still let me endure it? ?

I can't bear it! The worst case scenario is to get up and do it with you!

There are countless resistance organizations, big and small, in this district and that district.

Which rebel organization should you not send people to pay attention to and send people to destroy?

In this way, there will be more people sharing the pressure, and less will fall on the shoulders of the organization for the recovery of the earth.

For a moment, Ma Qingnan even felt a little uncomfortable.

When will our own people be able to walk on the streets openly? When has there been no emergency transfer of the organization's headquarters for a month?

Ma Qingnan truly felt that Pangu had single-handedly reshaped the social form, changed the face of society, and created opportunities for resistance organizations like his own.

In that case...then what are you waiting for?

Notify brothers that tomorrow we will attack Textile Factory 226-9! Rescue the compatriots who are suffering there!

Earth Guard Headquarters. Looking at the snow-like reports from various planets and places, Liu Kai, deputy captain of the Earth Guard, slowly froze in his seat, his eyes filled with anger.

what's the situation? what's going on?

Wasn't it true that the rebels were suppressed by our side to the point where they didn't dare to show their presence? The situation has improved. As long as our side adds more strength, can we uproot the larger and registered rebel organizations?

How come the situation has changed so drastically in such a short period of time?

The chaos at the bottom can't be controlled?

A large number of guns and ammunition poured in. Because of the proliferation of guns and ammunition, there were wars everywhere. Although the Security Bureau repeatedly strengthened its strength, it still lacked manpower and could not suppress it...

Guns and ammunition, guns and ammunition again!

I spent several years searching with all my strength, but could not find where the rebel arsenal was. I had no choice but to find a few scapegoats, including several steel plants and foundries, pretending to be the rebel arsenal. After going up to take the blame, and the Security Bureau barely controlling the situation, Wolfe let him go. Now, guns and ammunition are starting to flood again?

And, is the quantity still so large?

Isn’t this letting oneself sit on the wax?

How do you explain it to me? how to explain? ! No shame!

Captain Liu, Captain Wolf calls you to come to his office.

What is supposed to come will always come, there is no way to avoid it.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Kai came outside Wolfe's office. After putting on the spacesuit, he walked through the isolation room and came to Wolfe.

The office maintains an environment suitable for ETA people to live. As a human being, of course I have to put on a space suit when I come here.

Why didn't Wolf wear the space suit but me? Nonsense, of course humans are accommodating the Eta people, how dare they allow the Eta people to accommodate humans?

Captain Wolf, Liu Kai is reporting to you.

Wolfe's slender face raised, and his two small eyes stared at Liu Kai: Didn't you report to me that the rebel arsenal has been cleared? Now, large quantities of weapons and equipment appear again on various planets. , more types, larger quantities, more advanced do you explain?

Wolfe's words were very calm, but inside the aerospace helmet, cold sweat still broke out on Liu Kai's forehead.

He trembled and said: It's possible that the rebels rebuilt the arsenal!

Wolfe was silent for a long time. Liu Kai stood there without daring to move.

After a long time, Wolff said: I will give you one last chance. This time, don't let me down again.

Yes Yes!

Leaving Wolfe's office, Liu Kai was trembling all over. Wiping away the cold sweat, he quickly picked up the phone.

What are you doing for food! Trace the source of the weapons to me immediately! If I can't take away the rebel arsenal, I will die, but before I die, I must let you die first!

Yes! Captain Liu, I'm already checking...the results are back!

What! Report immediately!

Liu Kai cheered up.

In the microphone, the director of the Mercury Security Agency said tremblingly: We tracked down an interstellar smuggling gang. They confessed that they picked up the goods from space, and then colluded with the space elevator management to clear customs in the name of spare parts. After that, they Payment for precious minerals such as gravel and blunt gold is also delivered in space...

Depend on!

Liu Kai cursed secretly: I said why the loss of specialty minerals from all major planets has been so high recently! It turns out that they were taken away by smuggling gangs!

Don't act rashly! Arrange immediately to let this smuggling gang do another transaction. This time, install a positioning device on the container for payment!

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