In the past two years, preliminary statistics show that the number of guards killed by the rebel organizations was as high as 10,000, including more than 100 Eta people, causing direct and indirect losses of more than 100 billion!

If it's just a few deaths and a loss of money, it doesn't matter. Anyway, most of the people who died were Earthlings, and the amount of money was miniscule compared to the economic size of the entire solar system.

But the most important thing is that these rebellions have slowed down the progress of the Pluto development strategy! And, it has had a very bad impact on the bottom of the human race, causing resistance to continue to rise!

The intelligence from various state-level administrative regions was compiled, and even the Earth Guard Captain Wolf was alarmed.

Wolfe is an ETA. As the commander-in-chief, he controls the only armed force that is nominally managed by the earth's government and holds a high position of authority.

His power is ranked high in the entire solar system.

Wolfe was furious, the matter was not trivial. As a result, a document was quickly distributed to the security halls of each planet.

Strike hard! At the same time, thoroughly investigate the source of the weapons!

Along with this document came the guard support force from the headquarters.

Not only are they well-trained, but they also carry a large amount of advanced equipment.

The confrontation between the two sides suddenly became fierce, becoming more cruel and bloody.

But in a short period of time, neither side can do anything to the other.

The rebel group does not have the strength to confront the Guards head-on. As soon as the number of guards increased, they simply hid and did not show their faces.

Once they hide in the slums, no matter how many people come, they can't be found.

As soon as the number of guards is reduced, they will come out with cold guns, sneak attacks, assassinations from time to time, and raids on several weakly defended factories or bases from time to time.

The guards sometimes set up traps and the like, deliberately luring the rebels into taking the bait and then launching encirclement and suppression campaigns, causing the rebels to suffer heavy losses. The rebels sometimes make noises in the east and attack the west, which also gives the guards a big headache.

It was very lively with both sides coming and going. But looking at the overall situation, the rebel wave of rebellion has been effectively contained.

Under the full blow of the Guard, it has become increasingly difficult for the rebels to achieve results.

In addition to the conflicts on the surface, secretly, the Guard has never relaxed its pursuit of the source of weapons.

The root of all problems lies in this large number of weapons that appear inexplicably.

How could the rebels be so rampant without sufficient weapons supply?

However, after a heated investigation, based on the rebel weapons seized by all parties, the investigation team could not draw any other conclusions except that the technical level of these weapons was almost the same.

These weapons have obvious regional characteristics. The weapons captured on which planet are more suitable for use on that planet. Coupled with the assessment of the strength of these rebel organizations and the difficulty of unified supply of weapons, the investigation believes that there is It is unlikely that some behind-the-scenes organization will uniformly support weapons for these rebel groups.

The most likely scenario is that there has been some degree of 'technology diffusion'. It may be that a technical solution that can produce corresponding weapons through a relatively simple method is mastered by these rebel organizations, and they use it according to their respective locations. The planetary environment created these weapons on its own...

That conclusion ended up on Wolfe's desk.

After taking a look, Wolfe's long and thin face gradually turned gloomy.

After several months of investigation, we found this? Technology proliferation? Okay, let's think of it as technology proliferation. Then, where is the arsenal? If the rebels want to make weapons, they have to have factories, right? Find their factories and destroy them! What are the sources of raw materials? Who supplies them with steel? Where is the equipment? Where does the equipment come from?

Facing Wolfe's reprimand, the human subordinates in spacesuits had bitter expressions on their faces.

As the deputy captain of the Earth Guard, Liu Kai is also considered to be in a high position. But that's only in front of fellow humans.

In front of Wolfe, who is an Eta man, he is very self-aware.

Not only his position, but even his life and death depend on Wolfe's thoughts! The reason why I can sit in this position is because I was more effective in fighting the rebels in the past and was appreciated by Wolfe. Do I really dare to think that I am Wolfe's colleague? Do I really dare to think that both parties have equal status?

At this moment, facing Wolfe's roar, Liu Kai could only endure it silently.

Continue to maintain pressure on the rebels and continue to crack down hard. At the same time, I will give you three months. Three months to find their arsenal! If you can't find it, you don't have to do it!

After leaving Wolfe's office, taking off his space suit, and returning to an environment suitable for human survival, Liu Kai slowly gritted his teeth.

I really don’t believe it. Are your weapons really falling from the sky? Even after digging three feet into the ground, I have to find your arsenal!

Mercury, 768 Life Base.

Ma Qingnan clearly felt that during this period, in addition to the increasingly fierce attacks on the surface, secretly, the pressure on the intelligence and search levels was also increasing.

This month, the headquarters of the Restoring the Earth organization has been urgently moved twice. I'm afraid the current destination won't be kept secret for long, and it will have to be moved again in a few days.

The guards are looking for something. Judging from the current situation, they should be looking for our arsenal.

Ma Qingnan realized clearly: They don't know the existence of Pangu. They think that these weapons were made by ourselves.

In this case, maybe you can use this to set up a trap.

During this period of time, the suppression by the guards was a bit harsh. The brothers were all simmering with anger, and it was time to find a chance to vent their anger.

The plan was decided, and Ma Qingnan immediately started discussions with several senior leaders of the organization.

Set off!

In the security bureau of the living area, Treasurer Wang looked at the energetic guard soldiers in front of him, looked at the armored vehicles, and gave the departure order with a hint of cruelty.

According to reports from informants, a large number of machines are suspected to be operating in a certain area of ​​the 768 Living Base, and unidentified people often come in and out. It is suspected that it is the arsenal of the Liberation of the Earth Organization!

After searching for so long, has the clue finally been revealed? Very good, I will destroy your arsenal and cut off your source of weapons and ammunition. Without weapons, I will see how you fight!

After successfully reaching the area, a firefight began between the two sides. The rebels were in panic, fighting and retreating, and Wang Cai became more and more confident.

If it’s not an arsenal, why do these rebels dare to clash head-on with our own side? Of course, even if they dared to clash head-on, they would only last a few minutes and then collapse after leaving a dozen corpses behind. They were no match for our own side.

Hundreds of guards eventually rushed into an underground space. Looking at the many dark machines placed here, Wang Cai felt excited.

Finally captured a rebel arsenal! In the entire solar system, I should be the first, right? Promotion and fortune are just around the corner!


There seems to be something wrong with these machines... They don't look like they make guns and ammunition, but they seem a bit like textile machines...

what's the situation? !

Wang Cai just had a warning sign in his heart, when suddenly, a dazzling light shone into this underground space. At the same time, a strong wind suddenly blew.

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