Through intelligent robotic equipment, engineers and technical workers can remotely control and complete the task of dismantling spacecraft in space only on the earth?

This, this is the first of its kind in the industry, no one has tried it before.

Once this news is released, it will definitely cause shock in the spacecraft dismantling industry, no, not just this one, but even every industry that requires space operations!

Why are the wages of space workers so high? Isn’t it because the space environment is harsh, and you usually stay in a small space base. When you go out, you have to wear a space suit, stay away from your family and society, and lack entertainment and social interaction?

If you can do this job on earth and the salary can be maintained at the same level as space workers, then no matter who you are, you will be excited, right?

Although Dajiang City is not big, it is not small either, and it is not far from Yunzhong City, the core city of Yunhai Province.

Compared with the space environment, Dajiang City is like paradise.

Xu Zhou was immediately sure that as soon as this condition was announced, thousands of resumes would be submitted immediately. Many industry elites will pounce on them regardless, and a combat-effective dismantling team will be established at an incredible speed.

In this way, the impact and losses caused to the company by Fuxing's dismantling and dismissal of all former employees can be minimized! The revival and dismantling will be on the right track as quickly as possible!

But, Mr. Han, with remote control... can it achieve the original operating accuracy and efficiency?

It can't be achieved. According to calculations, even after becoming proficient, it can only reach about 75% of the manual on-site operation efficiency at most.

Han Yang said calmly: But, it doesn't matter.

Because, I will take action!

Even without Liu Fujun's incident, Han Yang had already decided that in the future, the restoration and dismantling would be completed through remote operation.

There will only be some non-core personnel such as security personnel and equipment maintenance personnel left at the space base. The rest are a large number of robots.

Because only in this way can Han Yang infiltrate his computing power covertly, and by operating robots to dismantle, repair, refurbish, and repair spaceships, he can greatly improve efficiency while rapidly increasing his knowledge of the spacecraft manufacturing industry. accumulation!

Even if there are operational errors or increased losses caused by remote operation, Han Yang is not worried at all.

With my computing power supervising and checking at all times, any operational errors can be discovered immediately by me, minimizing losses to the maximum extent possible.

Of course, this requires me to study for a period of time and learn to dismantle the spacecraft myself.

By then, there will be so many robots in the space base. Who can know which robots are operated by engineers and technical workers, and which ones are operated by Han Yang?

I can't tell the difference at all.

Only by getting deeply involved in the details of Fuxing's dismantling business can we detect the clues of Han Yang's existence. But Fuxing dismantling belongs to Han Yang. Without his consent as the boss, who can come in to investigate in detail?

Who would have thought to investigate in detail when everything appeared to be normal externally?

In this way, nothing goes wrong.

Overall, the remote control method is absolutely unfeasible for other companies, but for Han Yang, it is the most suitable.

This is where Han Yang's confidence lies.

After barely digesting the shock of this news, Xu Zhou muttered: Okay, I will issue a recruitment announcement immediately...

When the recruitment announcement for Fuxing Dismantling spread throughout the industry through word of mouth from various headhunting companies, recruitment websites, and engineers, practitioners were shocked.

Damn it, the salary remains the same and the workplace is on Earth? No more having to stay in a small base all day? No need to wear a space suit every now and then?

Can it still be like this? Can the dismantling industry still operate like this?

No matter, let’s test the water first!

The first to take action are the unemployed people in the industry. They left their last company for various reasons but have not yet joined a new company.

Many engineers even booked tickets to Dajiang City immediately and rushed there as quickly as possible, hoping to get the job through self-recommendation.

Those who move a little slower are those related technical personnel who have already joined the company.

I don’t know how many people secretly sent their resumes to Fuxing Dismantling’s recruitment mailbox without telling their colleagues and superiors.

In one day, there were more than 10,000 job-seeking emails in the mailbox, and the number was still rising at a terrifying rate.

On the second day, engineers and technicians began to come to the door in twos and threes.

Hello, Manager Xu, let me introduce myself. I am a spacecraft structural engineer. I graduated from South Asia Mechanics Institute. I once worked for Tengfei Dismantling and have extensive experience in dismantling spacecraft shells...

On this day, as soon as Xu Zhou walked out of the building of the Revitalization and Dismantling Preparatory Office, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people in suits and leather shoes who had obviously been carefully dressed. The first person took the lead and handed over a thick stack of resumes, and then started to introduce himself in a loud voice.

The people around me kept pulling and waving their resumes in their hands, which was as complicated as buying vegetables at the wet market.

Xu Zhou was immediately confused.

I have never experienced such a scene.

Everyone, calm down first, listen to me, listen to me! Everyone, please give me your resume first, and I will forward it to my colleagues in the Human Resources Department...

The team of more than 40 people was all busy at this moment.

It was no surprise that the position was so popular. In this way, the revival and dismantling will have an extremely wide range of choices.

Less than five years of work experience? exclude.

Didn't get the senior engineer certificate? exclude.

Exclude, exclude, exclude.

What is needed is someone who has rich work experience, understands market conditions, has a strong reserve of theoretical knowledge, and has a good sense of teamwork. It is best to be someone who can directly bring a team.

Even though the conditions for Fuxing’s dismantling setup were so harsh, about 2,000 people still received interview notices on the first day. It is estimated that out of this group of 2,000 people, about 400 will pass the interview and eventually get the offer.

The interviews of 2,000 people were completed one after another. In the end, 366 people completed the onboarding process as quickly as possible. These 366 people immediately joined the interview team and began to interview latecomers.

In this way, in less than a month, a total of 3,500 employees completed their onboarding. The original Fuxing Recycling Preparation Building was immediately renamed and turned into Fuxing Dismantling Base.

Only then did Xu Zhou understand why Han Yang built a mere preparatory office so big in the first place.

It turns out that it is intended to be used as a remote control base in the future.

It turns out that at that time, Mr. Han had already considered the present...

He is really thoughtful and thoughtful...

Xu Zhou sighed.

At this moment, Han Yang, who was already like a god in his mind, was gnashing his teeth and looking at the pile of equipment in front of him as if he were an enemy.

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