"Lin Feng, when do you think

Vis will come to Earth again?!" "If he doesn't come all the time, can Vegeta and I go directly to Lord Beerus?" "

By the way, Lin Feng! Didn't Vis leave you any contact information?!"

After another day of training, Lin Feng and the three of them lay quietly on the soft grass and looked up at the endless starry sky in the dome, and Wukong took the opportunity to sigh again.

"This kind of thing can't be rushed, maybe Weiss thinks the time has come and will come by himself!" Lin

Feng pillowed his arms, looked straight at the brightest star in the distance, and said casually.

Listening to Lin Feng's answer in the clouds, Wukong snorted, as if he was a little lost.

"Wukong, your heart is a little too impatient, it is only a matter of time before you go to Beerus to cultivate, but you can't neglect what you are doing in front of you because of this. Lin Feng shook his head, a little helpless, Wukong has been asking about this matter in recent days.

Vegeta pouted with an expressionless face, silently listening to the conversation between Lin Feng and the others, not knowing what he was thinking.

But Lin Feng is obviously not ready to let Vegeta continue to be so cold, it is obviously a movie of three people, of course Vegeta should also have a name.

After that, Lin Feng first smiled, then glanced at Vegeta, and blurted out words of appreciation:

"If you want me to say, Wukong, you really have to learn more from Vegeta Xi learn more from Vegeta Xi people are down-to-earth and cultivate step by step, and it is unlikely that something like eating a fat person will happen in our cultivation." "

As Lin Feng said, Vegeta didn't shout to go to Beerus to cultivate these days, but strictly controlled his aura in accordance with the methods he taught, and compared to before, his progress was extremely fast.

However, despite what he said, Wukong's progress these days also surprised Lin Feng.

It seems that because he has already transformed into a super race god before, compared to Vegeta, Goku did not spend much effort, and in terms of controlling the breath, he also mastered it well.

Lin Feng was still very pleased with this, since Wukong and the others chose to practice with him, he couldn't live up to them either, so he naturally wanted to make some achievements.

"Okay, the strength of the two of you has improved during this time, but the most important thing is to hone your mentality, the strong, the strong is not only your own strength.

Lin Feng slowly stood up and moved his body, Wukong nodded as if he didn't understand, and Vegeta still didn't say a word.

In the early morning of the next day, the luxury villa park in the Western Capital.

Lin Feng was standing beside a mirror-like lake, quietly admiring the goldfish swimming freely in the lake.

The goldfish looked unusually agile, and the small piece of land in the lake seemed to be his vast world, which could be allowed to swim.

Looking at this scene, the depression in Lin Feng's heart also dissipated a lot, what he and Wukong said before was just a delaying tactic, in fact, he really didn't know when Weiss would come to Earth, and there was no way to contact the former.

Thinking of this again, Lin Feng couldn't help but have a headache, sure enough, the birth of a lie requires thousands of lies to make up for it, the key is that no matter how you look at this lie in Lin Feng's mouth, it looks like it was forced into a lie by Wukong and the others.

"Forget it, let's take a step at a time, I can't solve any problems at all if I'm depressed here..."

Lin Feng then prepared to walk towards the house, today it is rare for Wukong to be called back by Kiki, Vegeta also has something to do, he can enjoy this rare day off.

Just as he was about to turn around, Lin Feng suddenly noticed something again, then shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed: "It seems that today's rest day can't have a good rest!"

After that, a childish child's voice came into Lin Feng's ears, and he saw Trunks flying towards him excitedly.

"Good morning, Brother Lin Feng! Mom asked me to call you over!" Trunks flew to Lin Feng's side and looked up at him.

"Oh? Boomer called me?!" Lin Feng replied, his relationship with Boomer is not bad these days, presumably the latter needs to ask him for help.

"Trunks, is there anything Boomer can't solve?" On the way, Lin Feng said with some curiosity.

Because Vegeta didn't cultivate today, Boomer could have found Vegeta if he had something, but it was difficult to encounter something that Vegeta couldn't solve.

Trunks heard Lin Feng's words, rolled his eyes and thought about it, and said, "I don't know, anyway, I saw that my mother seemed to be tinkering with the Dragon Ball instrument or something this morning..."

"Dragon Ball Instrument, Boomer won't want me to help him find the Dragon Ball, right?" Hearing Trunks' words, Lin Feng frowned and muttered in his heart.

If it's because of this matter, Vegeta is really unlikely to help Boomer complete it, and the latter's temperament, running errands is something he is not willing to do, so it makes sense.

The two soon came to Boomer's side, Boomer looked Lin Feng up and down, and teased with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a while, I'm a lot more handsome, Lin Feng!" "

Mrs. Boomer, don't tease me..." Lin Feng touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you, Trunks!" Boomer then touched Trunks' head again, and then signaled that she had something to say to Lin Feng alone.

"Is there anything you have to tell Brother Lin Feng alone? Trunks pouted, but then walked to the side with his head in his hands.

"Mrs. Boomer, tell me what you want, and I will do my best as far as I can. Lin Feng got straight to the point and said solemnly.

"You just laughed at this, you can break your wrists with Beerus, and what else is not within your reach..."Boomer gave Lin Feng a sly look, Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile again.

"Okay, no kidding, I'm a little embarrassed by what you said.

However, despite what Boomer said, her body was very honest, and she was seen running into the laboratory at a rapid pace, and then quickly returning.

It's just that when she returned, there was one more thing in her hand, which was a round precision instrument, similar to a compass, but it looked much more advanced.

Then Boomer handed the instrument to Lin Feng's hand with a smile, and said, "I was supposed to go with you, but today I made an appointment with a very important person, and he is about to arrive when the time is calculated, so it seems a little rushed, don't you mind!"

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