Li Yue stood up, kicked Liangchen, and then helped Liangchen to the bed.

Liangchen even grunted.


Li Yue sighed, with a sad face, the person she chose was going to finish with tears in her eyes.

Li Yue was about to blow out the lamp to sleep, but as soon as she turned around, she saw Cao Wu sitting where she was sitting just now.

Li Yue was startled, today was her wedding night, and Liangchen was next to her.

This little junior disciple is really bold.

"Little junior brother, why are you here?" asked

Li Yue knowingly.

Cao Wu pulled Li Yue in his arms.

"Isn't it a pity if you don't do something on your wedding night?" Li

Yue screamed in fright, and then quickly covered her mouth, looked at Liangchen nervously, and was relieved to find that Liangchen was still sleeping.

"Little junior brother~ just beg you, senior sister! Let me go today, okay? Tomorrow, I will definitely go to you tomorrow!" Li

Yue felt that she couldn't do this, how could anyone cheat on her wedding night, this is too inhuman.

And Liangchen is still sleeping next to him.

Cao Wu glanced at Liangchen who was sleeping on the bed, and an inexplicable smile flashed in his eyes.

"Second Senior Sister, Liangchen can't do it, I can represent him in the cave room tonight

!" "What do you mean?"

Li Yue was stunned, can she still replace her on the wedding night?

"Look at me!"

Cao Wu waved his hand and exerted hypnotic control on Li Yue.

Li Yue was in a trance for a while, and when she came back to her senses again, she found that Cao Wu in front of her had turned into the appearance of a good day.

"Xianggong! you...... No, you're Cao Wu!"

Li Yue was not incorrigibly stupid.

Cao Wu used Liangchen's face to reveal a wicked smile.

"Second Senior Sister, this should be fine, right?"

"I...... You ......"

Li Yue lowered her head and replied shyly, if this is the case, it is not impossible.

Liangchen occupies the pit and doesn't, and he can't complain about her.

Cao Wu looked at Li Yue affectionately.

"Lady, you are so beautiful today!" Li

Yue's face turned red, like a red apple.

"Xianggong, don't say it, fulfill me!" Li

Yue hugged Cao Wu's neck and shouted Xianggong, she had already entered the play and regarded Cao Wu as a good day.

"Lady, no sleep tonight!" "

No sleep tonight!" Li

Yue was about to take off her red wedding dress, but was stopped by Cao Wu.

"Lady, it's interesting to wear a wedding dress, isn't it?"

Li Yue rolled her eyes, as far as Cao Wu knew a lot, if it was really a good day, he would definitely not ask himself to do this.

The wedding dress was so holy, but it was polluted by Cao Wu.

However, since it was Cao Wu's request, she naturally would not refuse.

"Xianggong! Then it's up to you! Tonight is up to you!" Cao

Wu slowly put Li Yue on the table, because Liangchen was still sleeping on the bed, which was somewhat in the way.

With a scream, Liangchen's fingers moved slightly.

Li Yue hugged Cao Wu, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

"Xianggong! I'm so happy! I've finally become your lady!" Li

Yue said all the things she said to Liangchen to Cao Wu, which can be regarded as making up for the regret of not being able to marry Cao Wu.

"Lady, I've worked hard for you tonight!" Li

Yue glanced at Liangchen on the bed, and a touch of guilt flashed in her eyes, isn't it a little bad for herself to be like this?

As long as Liangchen doesn't know, it doesn't matter if you maintain this relationship with Cao Wu, right?

Li Yue shook her hair, looked at her tattered wedding dress, and sighed slightly.

It's a pity that a good wedding dress was destroyed by Cao Wu like this.

How should I explain

to Liangchen tomorrow?" Let's just say that Liangchen drank too much! And then tore his clothes to shreds! Yes! That's all!" Li

Yue thought of a solution, covered her mouth and smiled.

The laughter was quickly buried and replaced by other voices.

I don't know how long it took, but under Li Yue's bitter pleading, there was still no negotiation.

It wasn't until dawn that Cao Wu left, and he went back to the Heavenly Dao Sect directly, and last night was a farewell ceremony.

Li Yue has already married Liangchen and can only come back after her honeymoon.

Li Yue personally sent Cao Wu away, her eyes were full of reluctance, she was used to being forced by Cao Wu.

Cao Wu left suddenly, her heart was empty, as if something was missing.

Parting is always painful.

Liangchen woke up and found Li Yue sleeping in his arms.

His face was full of fatigue, and his tattered wedding dress was thrown aside.

Although Li Yue has been cleaned up, there are still some residual traces.

There was no sadness or joy on Liangchen's face, he had already guessed this result, he was deliberately drunk like this.

Because on the wedding night, Li Yue could not be widowed, which was also his explanation to Li Yue.

If you can't do it yourself, you can find someone else to replace it, and Cao Wu is a good candidate.

"This is too much, isn't it?"

After Liangchen saw Li Yue's slightly bulging lower abdomen, he was a little uncomfortable, the lady he just married was tortured like this.

But what can be done about it, he really can't.

"Lady, I will love you well in the future!" Liangchen

kissed Li Yue on the forehead.


Li Yue frowned and turned over, she was really tired.

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