In fact, before the award was officially announced, Ning Chen received the news of the award from the International Mathematical Union in advance.

Ning Chen was relatively calm about this result, because all previous signs showed that he had a high probability of winning the Fields Medal.

What makes Ning Chen most happy is that he has successfully filled Xia Guo’s gap in the field of Fields Medal.

This means that Xia Guo's status in the world of mathematics continues to rise, and his influence in the academic world has also reached a higher level.

With the announcement of this news, Ning Chen also received congratulations from many relatives and friends.

These messages of congratulations came from phone calls, text messages, emails, or social messaging software. At first, Ning Chen still had time to process them one by one, but when there were too many messages, Ning Chen really had no time to take care of them all.

This gave Ning Chen a feeling of celebrating the New Year in advance, even more than the New Year messages he received during the New Year.

As the time for the International Congress of Mathematicians approached, Ning Chen and several other teachers from Shengzhou University headed to Yanjing.

In fact, if it were a previous life, it would be difficult for anyone from Shengzhou University to participate in this International Congress of Mathematicians. After all, the people who can participate in this level of conference are all top-ranked mathematicians in the world. With Shengzhou University At the normal level of universities, it is difficult to produce mathematical talents of this level.

But Ning Chen's rebirth completely changed this situation.

In addition to the improvement of Ning Chen's own abilities, Ning Chen also led to the improvement of the overall level of Shengzhou University and attracted more outstanding teachers to join Shengzhou University.

On the plane, Ning Chen and Song Xiyun were side by side, chatting from time to time.

Song Xiyun was also a little surprised that she was invited to participate in this International Congress of Mathematicians, because Song Xiyun had only been working for a year and was only a newcomer who had just entered the stage of mathematical research.

The last time Song Xiyun was able to attend the mathematics conference with Ning Chen, she still relied on Ning Chen's relationship.

But this time, Song Xiyun truly relied on her own strength to obtain the qualification to participate in this International Congress of Mathematicians.

"Ning Chen, I heard that at this International Congress of Mathematicians, everyone attending the conference can apply for a ten-minute report. Do you think I should try to apply?"

Because the International Congress of Mathematicians will last for several days, in addition to mathematicians like Ning Chen who are invited to give reports, many other mathematicians will also have the opportunity to give some simple reports.

"Of course you have to apply. This is the largest and most prestigious mathematics event in the world, and it is much more formal than the last one we held. Regardless of whether your application is successful or not, Song Xiyun, you can prepare normally."

"Okay, then I'll apply and give it a try."

At this time, Song Xiyun still felt a little nervous. After all, this report was to be given in front of the world's top mathematicians. Even if it only lasted for ten minutes, it was still a huge challenge.

"Song Xiyun, when you are ready, you can take a look at it first and I will see if there is anything that can be improved. Of course, you don't need to be overly nervous. The purpose of these discussions is for everyone's communication and improvement, and there is no utilitarian purpose. The sexual part.”

Ning Chen knew clearly that in a mathematics conference of this level, everyone's attention would be on the awarding of several awards such as the Fields Medal, Gauss Medal, and Chen Shengshen Medal, as well as on the several mathematicians who gave long reports. A few people paid too much attention to the people giving short reports at the back.

Ning Chen's words made Song Xiyun relax a lot, and she was mentally prepared to apply for a report.

After arriving in Yanjing, Ning Chen and others quickly arrived at the hotel to rest with the help of the staff.

Ning Chen is the Fields Medal winner of this International Congress of Mathematicians, and will also give the most important report of the conference, so he will naturally receive the greatest attention from the organizers.

In the hotel room, Ning Chen continued to practice his acceptance speech and report.

Ning Chen knew that this time he would receive the greatest attention from the audience, and he was very cautious about all preparations.

In the room next to Ning Chen, Song Xiyun also submitted an application for a short report as she had just discussed with Ning Chen, and accurately stated the content of her report.

Song Xiyun knew that Ning Chen was very busy now and did not dare to disturb Ning Chen. At most, she could only wait until Ning Chen completed the work of receiving the award and making the report, and then asked Ning Chen to help read the content of her report again.

Two days later, this International Congress of Mathematicians officially opened.

With the end of the opening ceremony, the conference entered the most anticipated process - the announcement of various awards.

Because the Fields Medal is the most important of these awards, the Fields Medal will be the last to be announced.

Ning Chen, on the other hand, sat in the audience, patiently watching the awarding process of each award, and was not in a hurry to go on stage.

This feeling of knowing in advance that you have won the award is very comfortable. You no longer have to endure the torture of whether you will win or not, and you can enjoy the entire award ceremony with peace of mind.

What made Ning Chen feel even more comfortable was that this award ceremony was held in Yanjing, Xia Kingdom.

Ning Chen is very familiar with Yanjing. It is the city that Ning Chen is most familiar with besides Gangcheng and Shengzhou. This also makes Ning Chen feel like receiving the award at home.

Ning Chen had basically read the papers of the mathematicians who came to the stage to receive the awards. By watching the award ceremony, he could learn more about these mathematicians.

Finally, the awards ceremony entered the final stage - the presentation of the Fields Medal.

After the first three winners finished receiving their awards, Ning Chen knew that he would be the last one to take the stage to receive the award.

According to the order of this award ceremony, the last person to take the stage to receive the award means that he is the most important winner of this award.

"Now, I would like to invite the last winner of this year's Fields Medal, Ning Chen from Xia State, to come on stage to accept the award!"

Amidst the warm applause of the audience, Ning Chen came to the stage.

At this time, in addition to the venue, there are hundreds of millions of viewers on the Internet, watching the award ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians.

Because Ning Chen won the Fields Medal, this award ceremony attracted a large number of Xia people's audience.

This is also the time in the history of the Fields Medal that it has attracted the most attention from the world.

What made Ning Chen very happy was that the person who awarded him the award this time was Professor Qiu Chengtong himself.

At this time, Qiu Chengtong on the stage was also very excited. Watching the students he had trained step by step reach such heights, this was also something that made Qiu Chengtong feel very fulfilled and very proud.

Ning Chen couldn't help but feel excited after receiving the Fields Medal gold medal from Qiu Chengtong.

The prize money of the Fields Medal itself is not very generous, only 15,000 Canadian dollars, but the other gains gained from winning the award far exceed this 15,000 Canadian dollars.

"Hello everyone, I am Ning Chen from Xia Guoshengzhou University. I am very honored to be recognized by the International Mathematical Union and award me the Fields Medal..."

Ning Chen delivered his acceptance speech on the stage according to what he had prepared.

Because the Fields Medal was held in Xia Guo, except for some necessary speeches, Ning Chen mainly spoke in Chinese.

This also made the people in the audience and the Xia people watching the award ceremony online feel very proud.

"This is the star worthy of our pursuit! Being able to produce world-class academic results and win world-class academic awards, Ning Chen is the pride of our Xia country!"

"It's amazing. After all these years, we finally have a home-grown Fields Medal winner. This means that our mathematics level has reached the world's first-class level!"

"We have already won the Fields Medal. When can we win the Nobel Prize in addition to the Nobel Prize for Literature? If we Xia people can win these awards, then the world's technological landscape will really change. Got it!"

"Perhaps Ning Chen will become the first scientist to win both the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize in Physics. Ning Chen's research in physics is also very impressive. As long as he can make further progress in the field of superconductivity , is fully expected to win the Nobel Prize in Physics."

After the award ceremony, the next day, the International Congress of Mathematicians entered into the conference report session.

Different from the order of the award ceremony, this time, Ning Chen was the first mathematician to give a report.

This sequence arrangement once again proved Ning Chen’s important position in this international conference of mathematicians.

Ning Chen had been fully prepared before, which allowed Ning Chen to present a very exciting report. The level of excitement of the report even exceeded the last mathematics conference held in Yanjing.

Every mathematician who came to the scene gave Ning Chen the warmest applause.

What made Ning Chen happy was that Song Xiyun's report application submitted to the conference was successfully approved by the conference.

Under Ning Chen's guidance, Song Xiyun modified some details in the report.

In the end, Song Xiyun also successfully completed his report. Although Song Xiyun's report only lasted ten minutes, it was recognized by many mathematicians, making Song Xiyun receive a certain amount of attention in the international mathematics community.

While the mathematicians were discussing with each other, an old man walked over to Ning Chen and Song Xiyun.

"Teacher Ning, we meet again! Teacher Song, nice to meet you!"

Ning Chen looked up and found that it was his old acquaintance, Simon Donaldson.

As a former Fields Medal winner and a reviewer for many top mathematics journals, Simon Donaldson was naturally invited to participate in this International Congress of Mathematicians.

Song Xiyun had never met Simon Donaldson before, so Ning Chen introduced him with a smile:

"Teacher Song, this is Professor Simon Donaldson."

Song Xiyun had naturally heard of Simon Donaldson's name. After learning about Simon Donaldson's identity, she quickly greeted him politely.

"Professor Donaldson, it's nice to meet you. I have read many of your papers before and learned a lot from them."

Song Xiyun's words were not polite, but she had actually read many of Donaldson's papers.

In fact, when she was in school, Song Xiyun rarely read papers written by Fields Medal-level mathematicians, because to understand papers of this level required a very high threshold.

Even though Song Xiyun is already considered a very top student at Yan University, Song Xiyun thinks that she still does not have such ability.

The appearance of Ning Chen made Song Xiyun change her views.

Song Xiyun tried to understand Ning Chen's research papers on Qiu Chengtong's conjecture and Navier-Stokes equations, and found that she was not unable to fully understand these contents.

This also made Song Xiyun try to understand more complex papers. Even if it was a bit difficult to learn these things, as long as Song Xiyun could study them carefully, he would be able to understand these papers in the end.

"First of all, congratulations to Teacher Ning for winning this Fields Medal. I never expected that Teacher Ning could win this award at the age of twenty-three, which is more than ten years younger than me at the time. Speaking of which, , when I first read your paper, I thought you had the potential to win the Fields Medal, but I didn’t expect you to achieve this achievement so quickly.”

After praising Ning Chen, Donaldson continued to turn his attention to Song Xiyun.

"Teacher Song, your report this time also made my eyes shine. Although due to time constraints, you could only show on the stage for ten minutes, but these ten minutes left a very deep impression on me. Impression. Your Shengzhou University is really rich in talents. I will take a serious look at Teacher Song's thesis when I go back."

Song Xiyun also felt a little embarrassed to be praised like this by Donaldson. After all, Donaldson's status in the mathematics community was very high. In comparison, Ning Chen could only be regarded as a rising star.

After chatting with Ning Chen and Song Xiyun about math problems for a while, Donaldson left with satisfaction.

After this International Congress of Mathematicians, Ning Chen returned to Shengzhou with Yang Lianhua, Song Xiyun and others.

After receiving the honor of Fields Medal, Ning Chen received higher attention in Xia State and even around the world.

This situation is also a mixed blessing for Ning Chen.

As a scholar, he naturally hopes to be recognized by more international awards, which can give Ning Chen greater influence in the academic world.

But on the other hand, Ning Chen didn't want to receive too much attention, because it might cause more trouble to him.

But now that he has won the Fields Medal, Ning Chen will not continue to dwell on this matter, but will focus on the present.

"Now, it's time to design another quantum computer."

Recalling the previous conversation with Yue Jiafeng, Ning Chen began to prepare the next plan.

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