Start as a top student and move towards the stars and the sea

Chapter 239 This is exactly my ideal partner

However, this situation is not suitable for long-term maintenance. After all, the company cannot have no income and rely solely on Ning Chen's income to support the company.

Ning Chen is now just an employee of Shengzhou University. Although his basic annual income is one million, it is only pre-tax income.

Only by relying on the rewards for school papers can Ning Chen support the company's current operations. However, when considering the establishment of an academic journal, Ning Chen had to spend some capital.

If this continues, let alone continuing to increase the size of the company, I am afraid that even the current size of the company will not be maintained for a few years.

As for financing and listing, Ning Chen will not consider it in the short term.

Although financing and listing can solve the capital problem, Ning Chen will also be subject to more constraints, which will lead to a decrease in his control of the company.

In fact, at this time, Ning Chen already had an ideal partner in mind, but to achieve this cooperation, he still needed some suitable opportunities.



At this time, Duan Yuan was browsing the latest patent information in the patent database through the computer.

As the system R\u0026D manager of Warwick, in addition to his daily work, Duan Yuan also often pays attention to cutting-edge information in various scientific and technological fields.

At this time, Duan Yuan noticed the patent related to the mobile phone system applied by Xingchen Technology Co., Ltd.

In fact, ordinary people will not pay any attention to this patent, because Xingchen Technology is just a small company that has just been established, and it cannot even be called "little-known".

Most of the patents applied by such companies are junk patents and have no application value.

But just when Duan Yuan was about to skip this patent information, Duan Yuan suddenly remembered something.

"Xingchen Technology Co., Ltd.... isn't it the technology company founded by Ning Chen?"

This incident is not news, and only some people in the technology circle are paying attention to it.

At that time, they were all a little surprised as to why Ning Chen would suddenly establish such a company.

Because Ning Chen's research field mainly focuses on superconducting materials and mathematics, it is not directly related to mobile phone systems.

But now it seems that the technology company founded by Ning Chen is really going to do something big.

Since the information in the patent database is relatively limited, Duan Yuan can only get some basic information from it.

"If these descriptions are true... then the system produced by this company is even better than the Android system and IOS system!"

Duan Yuan knew that the possibility of this was slim, but if this company belonged to Ning Chen, things would be completely different.

Ning Chen has become a god-like existence in the entire scientific research circle. He received his doctorate at the age of twenty-two and stayed at Shengzhou University to become a researcher.

It is said that Ning Chen also rejected invitations from many domestic and foreign universities, including MIT, Shuimu University, and Yenching University, and insisted on staying at his alma mater. This spirit has also impressed many people.

This made Duan Yuan want to get in touch with Ning Chen to discuss the patent in detail.

Warwick is now in a stage of rapid development and has achieved great success in the operator network and mobile phone market both at home and abroad.

Although the mobile phone system used by Warwick is still based on the Android system, Warwick has actually been developing its own mobile phone system.

Warwick hopes that it can have more independent technologies so that one day in the future, it can try to get rid of its dependence on foreign technologies.

However, this is not an easy task, because a mobile phone system involves too many technologies, and it is even more difficult to make a mobile phone system that is better than Android and IOS systems.

At this time, Duan Yuan suddenly felt that Ning Chen's company was unlikely to really develop a good system, because the scale of Xingchen Technology Co., Ltd. was not large, and it was not even comparable to a classified R\u0026D department in Warwick. .

"Forget it, let's find a way to contact Ning Chen first. No matter what, we have to understand some more specific situations so that we can draw more precise conclusions."

Even if the final patent content is not so satisfactory, it is good to gain something from it.

Thinking of this, Duan Yuan contacted the company's public relations department, hoping that he could contact Ning Chen himself or someone from Xingchen Technology Co., Ltd.

In the evening, Ning Chen was in the living room, working on software development with Song Xiyun.

It was approaching twelve o'clock in the evening. Ning Chen saw that it was late and said to Song Xiyun:

"Song Xiyun, let's stop here today. It's already very late."

Ning Chen glanced at the time and knew it was time to go back.

"I didn't expect time to fly by so fast. Let's continue tomorrow."

After working with Ning Chen for so many days, Song Xiyun's work enthusiasm has not faded at all, but she enjoys the time working with Ning Chen even more.

Ning Chen is also very satisfied with Song Xiyun's work performance. Song Xiyun is worthy of being a contestant who has participated in mathematical modeling competitions. She has indeed gained something in the field of programming.

What makes Ning Chen most satisfied is that Song Xiyun has a very strong ability to combine mathematics and programming. At this point, even many professional programming experts cannot compare with Song Xiyun.

After sending Song Xiyun back to her house, Ning Chen returned to the study and sat at his desk.

The day's work at the company is over, but Ning Chen's work is not.

At least the emails piling up in your mailbox every day still need to be dealt with.

Ning Chen first screened the mailbox through Xiaozhi and filtered out all the spam emails.

Now Xiaozhi's intelligence level is very high, and he can filter emails very accurately, and will never filter out any valuable emails.

Xiaozhi can even sort the value of each email based on his own algorithm, so that Ning Chen can prioritize emails with higher value. This algorithm has been confirmed by Ning Chen and is also very easy to use.

Soon, Ning Chen saw an email from Warwick Technology Co., Ltd.

"It turned out to be Warwick... It seems they must have paid attention to our patent."

Speaking of which, Warwick was Ning Chen's ideal partner before. However, if Ning Chen took the initiative to seek cooperation with Warwick, Ning Chen felt that such cooperation would be difficult to achieve.

Ning Chen could only take care of the company's own affairs first and wait for some opportunities to come.

At this time, this opportunity may have arrived.

After opening the email, Ning Chen checked the information in the email.

This email was sent by Duan Yuan, the system R\u0026D manager of Warwick, hoping that Ning Chen could discuss the mobile phone system in detail and seek some cooperation opportunities.

After reading the content of this message, Ning Chen knew that this opportunity had indeed come.

The detailed content of this patent is only available online, which is definitely not convenient for specific communication.

Ning Chen was thinking about whether to go to Warwick by himself or invite people from Warwick to his company.

Because my company is still a bit small, it would inevitably seem a bit unseemly to let people from Warwick come to visit.

However, because all the company's research results are on the company's side, Ning Chen still feels that inviting people from Warwick to Shengzhou is a better choice.

"Forget it, let's not think about it so much for now. Anyway, the core thing is technology. There is no need to prop up the facade now."

Ning Chen felt that since Warwick was willing to take the initiative to contact him, it meant that they still didn't care about the size of their company, and they cared more about the fact that the company was founded by him.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen replied to Warwick by email and expressed his intention to invite Duan Yuan and others to visit the company.

After receiving Ning Chen's reply email, Duan Yuan also wanted to go to Shengzhou. In addition to learning about the research results of Xingchen Technology, he could also have a good chat with Ning Chen in person.

Duan Yuan applied to the company for his itinerary to Shengzhou. The company was very supportive of Duan Yuan's trip to Shengzhou to contact Ning Chen and quickly agreed to Duan Yuan's application.

In addition to Duan Yuan and several experts from the mobile phone system development department, the company also sent mathematicians to Shengzhou with Duan Yuan and others.

What many people don’t know is that in addition to research departments related to communications and mobile phones, Warwick also has many mathematicians, physicists, chemists and other experts in various basic research fields.

These experts in basic research fields may not seem to have any direct connection with businesses such as communications and mobile phones, but it is precisely because of research work in these basic fields that Warwick has a higher research ceiling.

After finalizing the itinerary, Duan Yuan informed Ning Chen of the information.

Ning Chen also paid great attention to the arrival of Duan Yuan and others, and specially arranged two cars to pick them up at the airport.

Since Song Xiyun still had classes, Ning Chen didn't let Song Xiyun come over. After all, Song Xiyun was not a formal employee of the company. Ning Chen just asked her to come over when she had time, or it didn't matter if she didn't come over.

Seeing Duan Yuan and others, Ning Chen shook hands with everyone enthusiastically.

"Teacher Ning, I have heard about you for a long time, and I can finally see you today."

In terms of title, Duan Yuan did not choose the title "Mr. Ning" because Duan Yuan felt that the identity of a university teacher might be more formal.

Ning Chen indeed prefers others to call him teacher. Ning Chen himself is not very used to being a business person now.

"Mr. Duan, experts, welcome to Shengzhou. Please get in the car first, and we will talk in detail in the car."

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