Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 505 Latios!

Super power and dragon type, infinite Latios!


There was a question mark on Ye Chuan's head.

Is this Latios?

This is too much. Forget about a Darkrai, why does a Latios appear?

At this time, the host also half recovered and said in shock: "Ju, it's actually another legendary elf!"

The whole audience exclaimed: "Wow——"

Then the sound of mobile phone flashes came from the audience, and Latios was constantly being photographed. Darkrai's popularity had not yet dissipated on the Internet, but another bombshell was dropped!

"Flying Mantis!" Ye Chuan was no longer surprised and said.

No matter how many trump cards Shan Huang has, he can't stop Ye Chuan from moving forward!

The flying mantis turned into black light and rushed out, slashing out with the sickle!

"Block it!"

Latios released his super power, and then built a field in front of him, blocking the flying mantis' scythe!

It is not a barrier, but simply releases a high concentration of superpower particles, directly controlling the Flying Mantis' sickle!

The flying mantis felt that his scythe couldn't advance any further. It narrowed its eyes and retreated violently!

"Don't give the other side a chance to escape, clean and shiny!"

Latios released a rainbow of light and shot straight towards the flying mantis!

"Zizzizi——" The flying mantis stepped on his feet fiercely, and then slashed out with the scythe dragging the white airflow!

A thousand blows in one strike!

The light released by Latios was cut into pieces, and instantly turned into light and shadow particles flowing over the flying mantis's pitch-black blade, coating the cold black blade with a layer of holy light.

The flying mantis raised his sword, like a dark warrior who was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Okay, so awesome..." At this time, everyone came back to their senses from the aftertaste of the legendary elves. Is this flying mantis a bit too strong?

At this time, the flying mantis approached Latios again, and the scythe slashed out wildly.

The light in front of Latios was constantly being cut into waves, but nothing happened at all. Not only that, Latios's eyes showed sarcasm and arrogance, because the sickle could not get close to it at all. Everything the Flying Mantis did was just It's just useless work.

The next second, Latios released his telekinesis to control the flying mantis.

"Buzz--" The light of thought power had just coated the body of the Flying Mantis, and then was broken away by the Flying Mantis with a flick of its blade.

Although the Flying Mantis was unable to attack Latios for the time being, Latios' attack was easily broken by the Flying Mantis. For a moment, everyone actually saw a legendary elf and a not particularly rare one. The flying mantis is comparable.



After several rounds of fighting, both sides had consumed a lot of energy. At this time, Latios may have been in good physical condition and did not look obviously tired. On the contrary, Flying Mantis was much worse off.

It is an insect-type elf, and its physical strength is incomparable to that of a dragon-type elf with good physical properties. Although the Flying Mantis has amazing combat power, as time goes by, the shortcomings of the Flying Mantis' low durability are also exposed.

The elves with high attack speed and high burst are least good at facing elves with high durability.


Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes.

At this time, Latios's wounds were covered with a layer of light green light, and then quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It’s self-regeneration!

"It's really tricky." After seeing that this Latios actually mastered the skill of self-regeneration, Ye Chuan slightly twitched the corner of his mouth. Originally, the legendary elves were rough-skinned, thick-bodied and dealt high damage, but this Latios turned out to be Oos also mastered self-regeneration, simply not giving the Flying Mantis a way out.

Moreover, at this time, the Flying Mantis is still unable to break through the defense and attack Latios' body, so it is best to send Youyou to deal with Latios.

After thinking for a while, Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and planned to change the elf.

At this time, the Flying Mantis seemed to know that Ye Chuan wanted to change the elf, so he turned his head.

"Huh?" Ye Chuan was slightly stunned. At this time, Flying Mantis undoubtedly expressed that he did not want to be exchanged.


Ye Chuan hesitated for less than a second before choosing to believe in Flying Mantis's decision——

He believes it.

It was another confrontation, and the Flying Mantis seemed a little powerless at this time. The speed of the sword swing gradually became clearer from the original intangible trace. Even some viewers with keen vision could clearly see the way the Flying Mantis used the sword.

Why haven't you replaced it yet?

At this time, everyone with a discerning eye knows that the Flying Mantis needs to be replaced. Although neither side can embarrass the other at this time, there is no doubt that the Flying Mantis, which needs to continuously slash its blade to dodge attacks, has a much harder time than Latios, who has self-regeneration.

The director also cut the camera to Ye Chuan's face.

At this time, Ye Chuan's expression was very calm, and he focused all his attention on the game.

Maybe there is no way to replace it, or there is some way to defeat the opponent. At this time, many people are more inclined to speculate on the former.

The collision between the blade and energy has been going on for countless rounds, giving people a feeling of a battle between physics and magic, but the Flying Mantis attacks again and again.

Is it a struggle?

Flying Mantis thinks not.

At this time, in its mind, it kept recalling what Larulas said to it when she taught the way of swordsmanship. It still cannot fully understand its meaning.

But it is not without its rewards. The flying mantis who gives up everything to understand the sword can make the blade more pure and sharp, and can even cut off all conventional things.

But is it enough?

He slashed again and again, but couldn't really attack Latios in front of him.

It is very strong, very strong, but the appearance of a strong enemy will only make the Flying Mantis feel excited. The feeling that every pore and every cell in the body is dancing makes the Flying Mantis' body temperature begin to heat up.

Because of strong enemies, it can swing its sword to its heart's content. Only things that cannot be cut off will make it happy.

"Boom!" Being bounced away by the opponent's superpower again, the flying mantis' scythe trembled slightly due to excessive force, and the white air flow slowly flowed along the corners of its mouth.

Just a little bit closer to touching that feeling...

"Buzz--" At this time, Latios once again released a clean luster, and its body was wrapped in a layer of rainbow light, which then gathered between its eyebrows and exploded!

The dazzling ray penetrated directly into the flying mantis!

"Boom!" The outpouring power overwhelmed the Flying Mantis, and then a violent explosion occurred.

"Hit!!!" As the host exclaimed, everyone looked over and saw such a violent explosion...

But there was no reaction. The thick fog was suddenly split into two, and then the flying mantis turned into a stream of light and rushed out. Although its body was in tatters and full of scars, and even a complete carapace no longer existed, it still rushed forward resolutely. Latios!

"Huh, it's all in vain -"

Latios once again built a domain in front of him.

The sickle falls!


The translucent blue light field made waves like a tide, and then Latios shook out his superpowers!

The powerful purple light instantly shattered the flying mantis' scythe!

The sickle... was broken?

The body of the flying mantis fell backward.


The flying mantis looked at the blade that had turned into fragments and was flying around. The smooth fragments were like mirrors, reflecting in its eyes. A vague feeling emerged from its heart——

This is it……

The flying mantis seemed to have caught something, and its dark golden pupils suddenly lit up!

This is it!

The surrounding white airflow suddenly began to gather at its blade and condensed into dazzling white light. It stepped hard on its feet to steady its body, and then in just a few tenths of a second, it slashed out a white light blade!

Kill the soul with your heart!

The white light flashed across Latios' body, fleeting, disappearing like a thread, and no one cared.

The flying mantis could no longer support his body and fell to the ground.


"The Flying Mantis has lost the ability to fight." The referee raised the flag.

"Decide the winner, the Flying Mantis loses the ability to fight!" the host said:

"Sure enough, such a powerful flying mantis is still no match for the legendary elf."

The host's words sounded like he was sighing. After all, there is still a gap between the elven races. Just like the Ladas, all they have are just Ladas and cannot be stronger than the dragon.

"Flying Mantis..." Ye Chuan murmured. For a moment, he didn't understand what the Flying Mantis did.

But a feeling of enlightenment and relief was still conveyed to Ye Chuan emotionally.

"Did you realize something?" Ye Chuan showed a faint smile:

"It's a pity, but you have done a great job."

Then, Ye Chuan suddenly noticed something and looked at Latios opposite.

Latios's state was a bit abnormal at this time. He seemed to be in pain and kept using self-regeneration to recover from his injuries, but to no avail.

This is……

Ye Chuan suddenly remembered the flying mantis's sword. Although it was fleeting, he could see it clearly.

"Although I don't know what happened, there is a high probability that it was done by Flying Mantis." Ye Chuan took out the second elf ball and then threw it:

"Youyou, prepare for battle!"


Youyou appeared and spun around in mid-air.

"Eh, it's such a strong super power, I don't like it." After seeing Latios across from me, Youyou shrugged her little nose. Although the ghost type is not afraid of the super power type, Youyou also has the poison type, so They are still restrained by the superpower system, and superpowers are afraid of the ghost system, which leads to the attributes of Yuyou and Latios being mutually restrained.

At this time, Latios was very irritable.

Very uncomfortable.

it's painful.

But even if he couldn't find out the reason, Latios felt severe pain coming from his body, but this pain did not come from the outside, but from the body, as if there was a wound in the body, but Neither self-regeneration nor rejuvenation to remove the abnormal status effect can relieve this feeling.

Is it that knife?

Latios suddenly seemed to remember the flying mantis's sword...

Impossible, I obviously didn’t feel anything at that time.

"What's wrong, Latios?" Shan Huang seemed to realize that something was wrong with Latios, so he asked aloud.

But at this time, Latios had gone crazy and rushed towards Youyou!

"Huh?" As if sensing Latios' irritability, Youyou complained about the irritable ghost and condensed dozens of small shadow balls directly behind him.

"Hmph, Youyou's treasure house!" Youyou crossed her arms, and the shadow balls behind her poured down towards Latios like a heavy rain!

But Latios was extremely fast, and after rotating his body at several weird angles, he avoided all the shadow balls!

After seeing this, Youyou immediately dodged to avoid Latios's impact, and then released a series of negative skills such as hypnotic curse.

The black light wrapped around Latios like a tentacle, and then Latios screamed angrily. A layer of light enveloped its body, protecting it.

Mysterious guardian!

The mysterious guardian can protect himself from abnormal conditions, and when those tentacles invaded Latios' body, they were all isolated by the light film.

Latios became more and more violent, and his claws actually emitted blue light and attacked Youyou with his dragon claws!

"Latios!" Shan Huang said.

"Interesting, are you in a strange state? You actually forgot that you are good at long-range attacks." After seeing this, Ye Chuan murmured, and then said:

"Youyou, delay!"

Youyou tilted her head: "Delaying time?"

Youyou seemed to realize that Latios's mood was getting more and more violent, so she began to run around the entire venue. As a ghost-type elf, Youyou could shadow escape and turn into a ball, bouncing around on the ground. Latios was completely unable to catch this guy who was as nimble as a loach.

Feeling that he was in more and more pain, Latios finally released all his power: "Oh——"

After a cry, the super power centered on Latios, and dazzling purple light erupted all around! ! !

"Can't see clearly!"

"What's going on? It's so dazzling!"

"Flash magic?"

After seeing that light, many viewers actually began to temporarily lose their sight. After their eyes finally recovered, everyone discovered Youyou being controlled in mid-air!

Got caught!

"It's not easy to mess with. You can't mess with this kind of full-screen telepathy." After Youyou felt the telepathy binding her body, she looked to her side.

At this time, Latios was panting and kept using self-regeneration to restore his condition, but it was still ineffective. Although the superficial wounds had healed, they were becoming more painful for some reason.

Latios floated to Youyou's side, and he planned to vent all his endless pain and anger on the guy in front of him!

"Hey." Youyou blinked.

The next second, Youyou's neck suddenly disconnected, and then her head rolled down along her body, and was subconsciously held by Latios.

Perhaps too surprised, Latios stared blankly at the head in his hand.

"Hey!" On Youyou's head, the little face stuck out its tongue: "Fuck you."

The next second, the whole head exploded, and the ghost power poured out!

The power of thought that controlled Youyou was instantly released, and Youyou took the opportunity to float out, and her head grew back with a "pop" sound from her neck.

"Come on, big guy." Seeing the somewhat embarrassed Latios, Youyou raised his arms and black light began to condense.

"Try my ball~~~"

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