Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 500 Darkrai reappears

The waves were splashed, and the water in the entire pool was suddenly lifted up by the shadow ball, making a violent roar on the surrounding barriers, as if all the water in a square box was poured out, flowing everywhere.

After the uproar, the ground was already in a mess. While everyone was secretly shocked by the power of the shadow ball, they looked towards the pool area and found that all the water inside had been evaporated!

"Oh my god, there's so much water in there, is it all gone?"

At this time, Gyarados fell to the ground covered with scars, but it did not lose its fighting ability. It roared and stood up, with a vicious light shining in its eyes.

Its mega-evolved attributes are water and evil, and it is resistant to ghosts. Naturally, it will not fall down so easily, but despite this, the shadow ball, which is as powerful as a nuclear bomb, still caused heavy damage to it.

At the same time, the disappearance of the water venue has caused Gyarados to lose its advantage.

At this time, Youyou also released her mega-evolved form and returned to the appearance of Yinshan JK. She relied on the flower rock monster power bank in her body to quickly recover her physical strength——

"What an incredible move, but your elf seems to have lost its strength." Mouton said, taking out the elf ball and taking Gyarados back.

He chose to exchange elves.

Then there was a flash of white light, and a huge green elf appeared in the battle field.

Seeing the elf, Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Desert tyrant Banjira!

As soon as the quasi-god-level elf appeared, wild sand rose up around him, and Bangila roared like a giant beast, causing ripples in the air.

Quasi-god-level elf!

The wild sand swept around, turning the original pool venue into a different look. This is Bangira's characteristic sand blasting, which can change the venue into a sandstorm state at will. This is also the origin of its name Desert Tyrant.

The appearance of such a powerful elf is naturally not good news for Ye Chuan, especially since Ye Chuan feels that the strength of this Bangira is probably no weaker than the mega-evolved Gyarados!

"These opponents are really more perverted than the last." Ye Chuan smacked his lips and asked Youyou to come back.

Youyou is a ghost-type elf, and has no advantage against the evil-type Bangira. Especially since Youyou is in a state of depower at this time. Although you now have the flower rock monster as a power bank, you still need some time to rest, let alone deal with Bangela. .

"It's actually a quasi-god-level elf Bandila. This is a very rare elf. It is said that this kind of elf needs to eat a mountain in its infancy to accumulate the power to evolve into Bandila!" The host explained and was also responsible for popular science:

"We saw Ye Chuan calling Gengar back. It seems like the elf is going to be replaced. No wonder, after all, the ghost type Geng Gui is not easy to deal with the evil type Bangila."

At this time, Ye Chuan once again sent out the steel-armored crow.

The sandstorm will continue to consume the elves' physical strength, but it is ineffective against elves with attributes such as rock and steel. The steel armored crow can avoid the continuous consumption of the sandstorm. At the same time, the steel armored crow's attributes are exactly 50-50 against Bangira.

The most important point is that the steel-armored crow is not afraid of head-on confrontation.

"Crow." The steel-armored crow flapped his wings.

"It's the Steel-Armored Crow!"

At this time, Bangila let out a shocking roar and rushed towards the Steel Armored Crow with strong and heavy steps!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Bangira's fist hit the steel-armored crow's body hard, and there was a metallic vibration.

The steel-armored crow took a step back and unceremoniously slapped Bangila with its steel wings!

But Bangila did not retreat at all.

Although the Steel Armored Crow is larger than Bangira, Bangira's body is solid, and the rock armor on its body is extremely dense, which is completely different from the hollow Steel Armored Crow.

But despite this, the two still had a fierce confrontation. In just a few rounds, the two elves unceremoniously hit their opponents with the most savage attacks. Bangila was smashing and biting, and the steel armor The crows patted and pecked.

Perhaps the defense of the two elves was too terrifying, but after a few moves, neither of them suffered any damage.

"Thunder Fang!"

Bangira's sharp teeth suddenly flashed with electric arcs, and he bit into the wings of the steel-armored crow!

The electric light flickered, but the steel-armored crow seemed to ignore the current. It made a high-pitched bird call and slapped Bangila's face with its wings.

"Crack." Perhaps it was the continuous steel wings, but the rock armor on Bangira's face finally cracked a gap. It seemed to feel pain, and it roared and spurted out flames!

"It's jet flames!"

The flames instantly enveloped the steel-armored crow. When Ye Chuan saw this, he smiled:


The steel-armored crow made a phoenix sound in the flames. It opened its wings fiercely and absorbed all the surrounding flames into its body. At the same time, its feathers ignited with holy flames, exuding a sacred aura.

"Again, it appears again. Ye Chuan's steel-armored crow actually absorbed the flame again. What the hell is going on?!" The host also said in shock, because this was not the first time he had seen it.

Is there really a steel-armored crow who is not afraid of fire or electricity?

At this time, many people couldn't help but get excited when they saw the steel-armored crow with rainbow-colored holy flames all over his body. After all, the steel-armored crow looked a little too handsome at this time, which made many boys feel like... I also want to conquer one.

But this is naturally impossible.

At this time, the combat power of the steel-armored crow, which was amplified by the flames, instantly increased by a level. As if it had warmed up, the attack began to shake Bangila's footsteps.

Seeing the steel-armored crow with astonishing combat power, Bangila was full of doubts, but after seeing the flames ignited on its body, she seemed to have guessed something, and began to regret it in her heart.

Why do you, a steel elf, become more energetic the more you burn?

After the balance was broken, the steel-armored crow turned its back and began to suppress Bangira.

Not only that, every time Bangira collided with the steel-armored crow, the blazing holy flame would attach to its body, constantly eating away at its power, as if it was living in Bangira's body.

"Sparasi." Mouton murmured his native dialect, then looked at Ye Chuan:

"Great, your big bird."

"I know." Ye Chuan smiled, but thanks to Bangila's use of fire skills, if opponents who are not familiar with Steel Armored Crow use fire skills, they will face a physical and capable opponent. , the Steel Armored Crow can be resurrected once. After all, the Steel Armored Crow itself is not good at attacking, but after merging with the Phoenix King's origin, it has an additional ability to attack.

"Be good." The audience in the auditorium were dumbfounded after seeing the scene of the steel-armored crow pressing down on Bangila.

The host didn't know what to say at this time and just looked at this scene in surprise.

The Steel-Armored Crow is a relatively common flying elf in an area, while Bangira is a quasi-god-level elf that ordinary trainers may not be able to possess in their lifetime. Being suppressed and beaten by the Steel-Armored Crow, Bangira really doesn't have it. He ordered the cards, but speaking of which, the steel-armored crow wasn't very normal either.

Whose steel armor can ignite flames so fiercely?

Finally, Bangila collapsed, but the steel-armored crow still looked full of energy.

"Crow!" The steel-armored crow screamed excitedly.

This seemed to be a trigger. In the shocked eyes of everyone, Mouton's elf was forcefully pushed flat by the steel-armored crow. Mouton's remaining two elves were Menas and Super Iron Tyrannosaurus. Unable to break through the defense of the steel-armored crow.

The steel-armored crow is like a god of war.

The steel-armored crow, who had defeated all his opponents, was extremely excited, with rainbow light flowing on his sharp steel feathers.

Ye Chuan smiled slightly when he saw this.

Who would have thought that the former steel-armored crow was a little stupid bird that couldn't even compete with a green caterpillar?

"It's fierce." Youyou said while lying on Ye Chuan's back.

If in the previous battle with Mega Elledor, without the amplification of Sword Dance, would it still be impossible to break through the defense of the Steel Armored Crow?

This defense is really scary.

"Let us congratulate player Ye Chuan for successfully entering the semi-finals!" The host also said at this time. He never expected that a steel-armored crow could have such fighting power.

After the battle, the trainers from both sides walked down. Mouton first raised his head and looked at the steel-armored crow. As expected, you need to get closer to feel the pressure brought by the five-meter-tall giant bird.

Then he said to Ye Chuan: "You are very strong, and your girlfriend is also great."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Ye Chuan always felt uncomfortable after someone said something similar to "Your wife is awesome". He asked Mouton:

"Do you know my fiancée?"

"We met by chance in the supermarket yesterday, and I can sense human nature." Mouton grinned and said:

"Your girlfriend's heart is too pure. It even... makes me feel less like a human being."

"Thank you for your compliments on my fiancée, but I don't agree with what you said about not being human." Ye Chuan said.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry." Mouton said:

"Then, today's game is over. I hope you can win the championship. Goodbye."


After Mouton left, Ye Chuan looked at his back and couldn't help but shook his head.


But this guy can actually suppress his own waveguide...

Ye Chuan pondered slightly. He originally thought that the power of his wave guide was already very strong, but he didn't expect that there are people outside and mountains outside the mountains.

Moreover, when he praised Shiyu, he also said that she was too good to be human and that she really couldn't speak.

After Ye Chuan shrugged, he thanked the audience and walked towards the players' lounge.

In the lounge at this time, Chi and others were talking about something.

"Congratulations, Ye Chuan!" Chi said happily after seeing Ye Chuan come back:

"Your steel-armored crow is really super strong. It's okay to face such a powerful attack. And youyou's shadow ball is still as perverted as before."

Hearing Chi praising himself, Youyou, who was staying in Ye Chuan's shadow, suddenly popped up half of his head, his hair swaying slightly, with an expression that said, "please praise me more."

" it Lulan's turn?" Ye Chuan glanced at the side. At this time, Lan, who was wearing a hat, was wiping his elf ball. When she saw Ye Chuan's eyes looking over, she smiled:


Ye Chuan smiled: "Thank you."

"In that case, I will go to the auditorium to watch your game." Ye Chuan said.

"Okay." Equator.

Ye Chuan came to the auditorium. At this time, Gu Qiyao Good Morning Shiyu and the others were sitting in a row. When they saw Ye Chuan coming back, their eyes suddenly lit up:

"Aye, you're back."

"Handsome, Crow." Gu Qi also said: "Why is your steel-armored Crow not afraid of fire? Isn't it amazing?"

"Keep it secret." Ye Chuan smiled:

"Your Ivy Snake can't learn it anyway."


After Ye Chuan sat down, An Shiyu blinked curiously and asked:

"Aye, what did that man say to you?"

The man in An Shiyu's mouth was naturally Mouton. After hearing this, Ye Chuan immediately smiled and said:

"He said you were the cutest girl in the world."

"Then I agreed with him."

Hearing this, An Shiyu suddenly puffed up her face and stretched out her hand to pinch Ye Chuan's waist: "How could you say this? Ah Ye lied to me again."

Ye Chuan smiled and said nothing.

Then the battle continued. Ye Chuan looked over and found that it was Green's match.

This man with a proud face owned a very powerful fire-breathing dragon, and actually defeated three of his opponent's elves in a row, and finally sent out a strange force to defeat the opponent's last elf.

"Why do you feel... Aye's opponent is much stronger?" An Shiyu looked at the game and suddenly seemed to have discovered something, blinking her beautiful eyes.

Ye Chuan smiled and said, "It seems so."

Each of Ye Chuan's opponents has either mega evolved or has some special ability. On the other hand, on Midori's side, the opponents' elves are all ordinary and their fighting power is relatively normal. At least they don't have the perversions of Ye Chuan's side.

Could it be that he was assigned to the death group?

But now that he has successfully entered the semi-finals, Ye Chuan is too lazy to continue thinking about it. It is like an exam. Now that he has passed it, he will not think about it anymore.

Green's battle was quite satisfactory, and it was Lan's turn. This girl, who looked about the same age as Ye Chuan, had quite a few tricks up her sleeve during the battle.

For example, she will use the transformed monster to deceive the opponent elves, and then launch a surprise attack.

He would also use some acrobatic-like moves, which made the audience in the auditorium stunned. Some trainers even thought in their minds: "Can you fight like this?"

For example, an opponent's elf uses an attack-enhancing move, and then the blue Jigglypuff uses Applause, allowing the opponent to continuously increase his attack without having any chance to take action.

She will also use charming moves to constantly control her opponents, giving herself room to gain output. Although Lan's elf doesn't look very strong, the combination of these moves allowed her to defeat her opponents.

"The combination of skills is too suitable." Ye Chuan couldn't help but say: "I defeated my opponent one after another."

"This girl is so amazing, she is so young." An Shiyu said slowly, with a hint of emotion hidden in her tone.

Ye Chuan glanced at An Shiyu, then reached out and held her little hand.

"Huh?" An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, then smiled sweetly and interlocked with Ye Chuan's fingers.

After Blue's game ended, it was Chi's turn.

Chi's elves are very powerful in combat and easily defeat their opponents.

"Has Chi changed so much?" Even Gu Qi couldn't help but said, "Is it cheating?"

Ye Chuan smiled.

But just when everyone thought Chi was about to advance to the semi-finals.

Chi Que fell.

Lost to the opponent who received a bye in the draw——

Shan Huang.

A man wearing a turban.

And his elf...

Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The incarnation of nightmare, Darkrai.

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