Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 490 Red Green Blue

A week later, the competition begins.

The No. 1 Pokémon Battle Plaza in Iwakyo City, located in the city center, is the largest Pokémon Battle Plaza in the region. It can accommodate about 100,000 spectators to watch the game live. It has a magnificent building, complete functional facilities, and the world's most advanced medical equipment. The elf medical equipment produced by Anshi Technology Group can restore the elf to its best condition as quickly as possible.

The audience's protective barrier has also been replaced by a special light particle barrier from the original wide-area defense using multiple elves. Its protective effect can withstand a super-advanced barrier that will not have any impact even with a full blow from the King-level elves.

A total of 65 contestants participated in the youth group of the National Trainer Competition, which gathered talents from all over the country. Even if the popularity is not as high as that of the master group, it is still one of the top competitions in the country.

Countless drones were flying in the sky, recording every corner of the game with cameras, and the security guards who maintained order began to organize tens of thousands of spectators to come in to watch the game. Perhaps because it was hard to get a ticket, tickets are now available online. I've looked through it again and again, but it's still sold out.

With the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, this massive competition will soon kick off. .



"The first three games are knockout rounds. Each side holds 2 elves and has one chance to exchange elves."

"I have compiled the information about my opponent in the first match. Master, please take a look."

At this time, in the corner of the competition venue, Zero handed the information he had compiled to Ye Chuan.

"Thank you." Ye Chuan took the information and then glanced at it.

【Chen Jiu

Age: 27

Trainer level: Gym leader level

A native of Rhode City, he ranked among the top 32 in the last competition. He is good at using grass-type elves. His main ones are Bulbasaur, Turtle, and Grass Eevee.

The fighting style tends to be steady, and he is good at wearing down the enemy in protracted battles, and he is very patient and waits for his opponent to reveal his flaws. 】

"Well, is this the first opponent?" Ye Chuan thought for a while, and since his opponent was good at protracted battles, he would use all his strength to defeat his opponent with high-explosion elves.

"Who has the highest explosion..."

"It's You You Tie!" You You appeared out of nowhere, then lay on Ye Chuan's head and said, "Smash your opponent with the ball to Tie!"

"Although this is true, I want to use you as a trump card." Ye Chuan said.

Youyou's shadow ball is a powerful weapon, but it is very easy to reveal flaws no matter whether it is shaken forward or backward. If the usual battle is okay, after all, some noobs will not immediately react and interfere when they see Youyou release the shadow ball. , but in this kind of competition, Ye Chuan doesn't think the enemy is weak.

Every player who can come here to compete has undoubtedly defeated eight gym trainers to obtain badges before arriving here. No matter how strong the gym trainers are, being able to defeat eight means that their hard power is Absolutely no problem.

So Ye Chuan didn't want to expose Youyou's shadow ball prematurely.

"In that case, let's send them." Ye Chuan smiled.


"Aye, the official has informed you to go to the meeting point." At this time, An Shiyu came over and said, followed by Ye Xiaoyi and Ye Lin, like a big sister with two little sisters.

"Is it about to start? I understand." Ye Chuan nodded.

"It's about passing on the Holy Flame. We will watch you from the audience, please come on." An Shiyu smiled sweetly.


There will not be a game so quickly in the morning, but an opening ceremony called the Passing of the Holy Flame.

The so-called passing of the holy flame is to transport the flame of the legendary elf, the Phoenix King, from the storage room to the giant torch at the competition venue through a relay between players. From the moment the torch is lit, the competition begins. is the real beginning.

This is a ritual that is performed at the opening ceremony of every game, but Ye Chuan is not the last one, but in the middle.

Now, all the torchbearers need to gather in one place, which means Ye Chuan will also meet all his opponents.

"Then, I'm going." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

But at this moment, An Shiyu suddenly grabbed Ye Chuan's sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked.

An Shiyu's beautiful gem-like eyes looked at Ye Chuan, she stood on tiptoes with a slight smile, then gently pecked Ye Chuan on the face, and said softly: "Go."

Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's cheek gently, then turned around and took the bus to the meeting point.

After seeing Ye Chuan leave, An Shiyu said to the others beside him: "Let's go to the auditorium too."


On the other side, Ye Chuan got on the official gathering bus and found that there was a familiar face on the bus——

"Ah, Ye Chuan!" A warm greeting sounded. A boy with a sunny smile, his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Ye Chuan.

After Ye Chuan saw the boy, he smiled without any surprise: "Long time no see, Chi."

The boy sitting in the car seat is undoubtedly Ye Chuan's friend - Chi.

A man from outside the world, no matter what, Ye Chuan a year ago would never have thought that one day he would become an opponent of Chi in the top competition in the country.

"Sit down, sit down, long time no see." Chi seemed to be very happy, and the Pikachu on his shoulder was also wagging its tail: "Pi."

"You're still the same." Ye Chuan sat down next to him, then stretched out his finger and gently touched Pikachu's cheek: "Long time no see, little Pikachu."

"Pika!" Pikachu meekly rubbed his cheek against Ye Chuan's palm and called out obediently.

When Chi saw this, he curled his lips and said, "What? He is so well-behaved every time in front of Ye Chuan. He is usually not willing to be touched by others."


Later, Ye Chuan noticed that there was a girl next to Chi, so he smiled and said, "Is she your friend?"

The girl next to Chi looked about the same age as Chi. She was wearing a cloth hat and had an odd look on her face. She seemed to be eavesdropping on the conversation between Ye Chuan and Chi.

"Ah, her name is Xiao Lan. Hehe, I have met her once before." Chi introduced:

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Hello, nice to meet you." Ye Chuan smiled slightly at the girl. Although Zero had already shown him the girl's information, Ye Chuan still pretended not to know her.

The girl known as Xiao Lan was still holding her cheek with one hand, looking at Ye Chuan with a fox-like sly gaze. After hearing Ye Chuan greet her, she smiled obediently and said: "Hello, handsome man, My name is Blue."

"Where are you from?" Ye Chuan asked.

"I am..." Lan thought for a moment, then smiled: "I come from a place called Chengdu. You may not have heard of it."

"Not from Guandong?" Chi was suddenly stunned for a moment and asked her.

"That's not true."


Ye Chuan listened to their exchange. Indeed, he had never heard of Chengdu, but Ye Chuan himself was not familiar with astronomy and geography, and it was normal for him not to know the place.

"By the way, Ye Chuan, you know, I've become a lot stronger." Chi suddenly said excitedly to Ye Chuan:

"I can't wait to have an elf battle with you!"

Chi's appearance is exactly the same as when he first met him. Although he looks a little more stable, his liking for elf battles still seems to have not changed.

"Really? Which group are you in?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Group A."

"Then we won't be able to meet each other before the semi-finals."

"Eh?!!!" Chi looked shocked, but then he clenched his fists: "It's okay, then we'll see you in the semi-finals!"

When Ye Chuan heard this, he smiled slightly.

The semi-finals are not that easy.

The two of them chatted wordlessly. Suddenly, Ye Chuan noticed that his shoulders sank. He turned his head and found that Chi was leaning on his shoulders and fell asleep.

"I can actually fall asleep in a place like this. I guess I was too excited to sleep last night." Lan on the side covered his mouth and snickered.

Ye Chuan glanced at Chi who was leaning against him. At this time, this guy was sleeping very soundly and even started to snore. Ye Chuan waved to Pikachu: "Pikachu."


Pikachu on the bare shoulders jumped onto Ye Chuan's lap, and was then gently held by Ye Chuan.

"It seems like you haven't slept much, so take a good rest." Ye Chuan stroked Pikachu's head, who immediately chirped and lay on Ye Chuan's lap to rest, seemingly very comfortable.

"Can you understand the heart of an elf?" Lan suddenly asked.

Perhaps surprised by the girl's keen awareness, Ye Chuan looked at Lan, and then explained: "I can't read it, but I can observe the situation of the elves."

"That's it." Lan nodded, seeming to be very interested in Ye Chuan, but she didn't ask any more questions, and just slept with her cheek propped up with one hand.

I don't know how long it took, but the car stopped, and a staff member organized Ye Chuan and the others to get out of the car.

After Chi was woken up, he still looked confused: "I think I'll sleep a little longer..."

"Pay attention to your sleep." Ye Chuan smiled at the side.

Chi looked at Ye Chuan, then suddenly noticed the Pikachu he was holding, and scratched his head: "You also have a Pikachu."

Then he suddenly seemed to notice something and looked over his shoulder: "Where is my Pikachu?"

"Here." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Ah, it turns out to be my Pikachu. Sorry, I fell asleep." Chi looked embarrassed, but as soon as he took Pikachu, a burst of electricity flowed into his body, making a sizzling sound.

"Why did you shock me, Pikachu?"


"It seems that you are a little angry because you didn't recognize it." Ye Chuan explained at the side.


"I'm sorry Pikachu." Chi apologized simply.

"Pippi!" Pikachu returned to Chi's shoulder.

Lan on the side reminded the two of them: "Okay, it's time to get out of the car. The staff member has already started urging them."

After everyone got off the bus, there was an open area on the road. Because of the need to convey the Holy Flame, this road was temporarily requisitioned by the alliance, and there were unmanned cameras everywhere.

"There are a lot of people, are they from the master group over there?" At this time, someone also noticed that there were many older players on the other side, and every breath of the elves next to them was extremely terrifying.

"Probably." Ye Chuan nodded.

The aura of those elves was extremely terrifying, and even gave Ye Chuan the feeling that he could not defeat his opponent.

But it seems that they are also from the master group over there and have nothing to do with them.

Ye Chuan's strength is inseparable from resources, but there are some strengths that cannot be obtained by resources and require time to accumulate, whether it is technology or strength.

"Ah!" At this time, Chi beside him suddenly exclaimed. Ye Chuan was stunned, turned his head, and found that Chi was pointing at a boy: "Why are you here?!!!"

The person who could make Chi show such a surprised expression was a boy who looked about the same age as him, with spiky hair and a somewhat arrogant expression.

Ye Chuan had seen this boy in the information...

It seems to be called...

"Green!" Chi shouted.

"I should be asking this question, why is this guy like you here?" The prickly-headed boy glanced at Chi, and then sighed: "What a pity."

"Hey, what do you mean?" Chi suddenly said dissatisfied.

"It's not interesting. Also, stay away from me, you monkey." Green looked disgusted.


Seeing Chi's angry look, Ye Chuan glanced at Lan beside him: "Are they enemies?"

"I'm not sure, but it looks like he has a good relationship." Lan said, tapping her chin with her finger.

"That's not good! X2" Red and Green said at the same time.

Lan smiled at Ye Chuan: "Right, the tacit understanding is quite good."

Ye Chuan nodded: "Indeed."

"I really don't understand how you dare to come to compete." Green looked at Chi:

"Your strength is too weak, you might as well return the illustrated book to Grandpa as soon as possible."

"I'm not weak, okay? I'm not the same person I used to be!" Chi said, "Don't underestimate me!"

"Oh?" Green looked at Chi, then sighed disdainfully:

"So children are so easily excited. A kid will still be a kid no matter how many years later."

"Haha, who are you calling a brat?"

Ye Chuan had no choice but to stop the excited Chi. He didn't understand the situation of the two of them, but it was rare to make Chi so excited.

"You..." At this moment, Lu suddenly seemed to notice Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan looked at him.

"I know you, you are very strong..." Midori said.


Then Midori continued: "However, I will defeat you."

After saying that, he left.

"What, a handsome guy." Chi muttered.

"You don't have a good relationship?" Ye Chuan smiled.

"Of course, he is the grandson of the doctor, and he is usually very arrogant." Chi clenched his fists and said, "No, I will defeat him in this competition and let him know that I am the strongest!"

"Then work hard." Ye Chuan smiled.

Afterwards, the ceremony of passing on the Holy Flame was about to begin. Under the arrangements of the staff, Ye Chuan was taken to a roadside. Here, he was wearing a white sportswear and had a number plate on his body.

On one side, there are several drones recording.

Accompanied by a crisp trumpet sound——

The ceremony has begun.

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