Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 480 The Nether Treasure House

After returning to the Elf Center, Ye Chuan can finally deal with Chaomeng's matter with peace of mind. As far as the current situation is concerned, if Chaomeng's body is not seriously injured, then he only needs to solve the armor matter. But as expected Yes, the only one who can solve this problem now is the Bai Group.

And in this case, I will definitely ask my grandfather for help.

Ye Chuan always felt that if he looked for his grandfather too many times, the old man would find a way to keep him.

"Since you need the company's power so much recently, you might as well inherit the company!"

Something like this.

"Alas." Ye Chuan looked at the Master Ball in his hand, and then a voice came from the telepathy:

"Are you embarrassed? In fact, I can still control the power. As long as I don't fight, the power will not go wild easily."

Chaomeng said, as if he was stating a very ordinary thing, but Ye Chuan had seen the painful look on it when it had a headache, so he didn't think Chaomeng could really control his power.

"Aye, what are you thinking about?" An Shiyu sat next to her curiously, because as soon as she came back from Ye Chuan, she saw that he had been thinking about something, as if he had encountered some new trouble when he went to the alliance. .

"Well, it's about Chaomeng." Ye Chuan nodded and roughly told everything about Chaomeng.

"As for the armor, why don't I go ask dad for help!" An Shiyu said with a sweet smile.

"Uncle An?" Ye Chuan was stunned:

"Is it okay? This device seems to be a very complicated thing, and doesn't Uncle An's group develop medical equipment?"

"Yes, I want to create a therapeutic device that can solve Chaomeng's headache problem?" An Shiyu said, then lightly tapped her chin with her finger:

"Although it's not as easy as I imagined, you can ask, and you won't lose anything."

After hearing what An Shiyu said, Ye Chuan smiled slightly: "In that case, I'll leave it to you."

An Shiyu nodded, then took out his cell phone and called his father.

An's father was processing documents at this time. When he suddenly heard a call from his daughter, he answered the call unexpectedly:


"Dad, how is your health recently?" An Shiyu asked.

Father An twitched his lips, and then said: "Why did you suddenly call me to care about me? Where is that boy Ye Chuan?"

"Next to me."

"Tell me, if you have any questions, come to me." Father An said. He knew his daughter very well. If that boy Ye Chuan was around, then his daughter's character would definitely stick together, not to mention that the two of them are still together now. On honeymoon... No, because what kind of trip is this?

An's father thought about it and found that he couldn't recall it.

"Hehe..." After An Shiyu heard her father being so direct, she continued: "Does dad's company have equipment to treat elf headaches?"

"Cure the elf's headache?" An's father heard the words and smiled slightly:

"Any instrument can cure an elf's headache. This is just a small problem. Any elf center can do it."

"That's not the case...that elf's situation is a little special."

"Special?" Father An showed an interested expression:

"tell me the story."

Then An Shiyu explained what happened to Chaomeng. An's father was slightly silent after hearing the words.

"I see, an artificial elf possesses terrifying superpowers, but will it cause headaches due to excessive use of this power?" Father An said:

"That elf is called Mewtwo?"

"Yeah, Ah Ye has conquered it."

"That boy... It's not a good thing to conquer this kind of elf. After all, there are too many unknowns about man-made elf, and it's not like the elf like Porygon..." An's father was silent for a while:

"I think this may be the result of the overloaded brain of the elf named Mewtwo."

"And from what you said, it seems that the elf was born not long ago. I think that as time goes by, it will slowly adapt to this power, and the headache symptoms will slowly disappear... Of course , this is just a guess, after all, I have not come into contact with this elf, the specific situation is still unclear." Father An said:

"So, you want a device that can cure his headache?"

"Hmm, is there any?" An Shiyu looked very expectant, because if there was, she would be able to help Aye.

"Of course there is. If my guess is correct, then that elf is just a small problem. After all, many superpower elves have headaches. Such elves are caused by mastering too large superpowers. Headaches can also happen to non-superpower elves, and a very typical example is Kodak."

"Kuduck is an elf with huge superpowers, but because of this power, it often suffers from headaches, which will not be relieved until it evolves."

"I'll get the equipment ready for you. Where are you now?"

"Is it true? We are in Feiyun City!" An Shiyu said happily: "Thank you, Dad."

"Feiyun City, I know."

"Then, the instrument won't be very big, right?" An Shiyu asked.

"It can be made into the size of a helmet. By the way, that elf called Mewtwo, please send me the data on the size of its head and ask someone to customize one for you."


After a few words of greeting, An Shiyu hung up the phone, and then looked at Ye Chuan with a happy expression: "Aye, dad said it can be done."

Seeing An Shiyu looking so happy, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand to take her into his arms, then put his face close to hers and smiled: "Thank you."

When An Shiyu saw Ye Chuan close at hand, she slowly closed her eyes and raised her chin slightly. Her lips were as soft as jelly and made people unable to resist taking a bite.

At this time, Ye Chuan let go of his hand and took out Chaomeng's elf ball:

"Then, let's test the size of Mewtwo's head now."

Didn't Ah Ye notice it?

An Shiyu opened her eyes with regret, only to find that Ye Chuan kissed her lips directly.


An Shiyu struggled subconsciously, and then wrapped her hands around his neck.

After a while, Ye Chuan let go of An Shiyu, who was panting and with pink cheeks, and said with a smile: "Why, do you think I won't kiss you?"

An Shiyu immediately stretched out his small fist and hit Ye Chuan on the shoulder: "Tell me, stinky Aye is bullying others."

"How can you be bullied? I see you looked quite comfortable just now." Ye Chuan rubbed his fingers and said with a smile.

"Ignore you, Seye." An Shiyu said and walked directly to the kitchen, but there was no anger in her tone.

Ye Chuan also released Chaomeng. After it appeared, it looked around and then looked at Ye Chuan.

"Chaomeng, come here." Ye Chuan said, not forgetting to take out a soft ruler from his backpack.


Although Chaomeng was a little confused, he still walked to Ye Chuan.

"Don't move." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand with a tape measure, and Chaomeng closed his eyes.

Chaomeng never closed his eyes in front of others because he felt that he would be hurt as soon as he closed his eyes, but for some reason, he could trust Ye Chuan.

"Well, let me see..."

Ye Chuan didn't know how to measure the head, so he roughly measured the dimensions on both sides and the top and bottom, and recorded them on his phone.

"Okay, Chaomeng." Ye Chuan said.

Chaomeng looked at the soft ruler. Although he was confused, he planned to go back into the elf ball.

"Wait a minute." Ye Chuan suddenly said at this time.

Chaomeng looked at Ye Chuan.

"How about playing with the elves?" Ye Chuan pointed to the balcony. At this time, Mu Mu Xiao and Pikachu were playing around, and the other elves were also very relaxed.

"What is play?"

This is a question for Chaomeng.

"It's better to do something that can relax you than to stay in a poke ball." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

After hearing this, Chaomeng began to think about how to relax himself.

Thinking back carefully, it found that staying in the Poké Ball was the most comfortable. After all, it had been released before and either fought or was subjected to experiments.

"That's it..." Ye Chuan seemed to be able to roughly guess what Chaomeng was thinking at this time.

Ye Chuan thought for a while, stretched out his hand and knocked on the wall: "Youyou."

At this moment, a small head suddenly stuck out from the wall, and then looked at Ye Chuan with its big round eyes: "What's wrong with you, Ye Chuan."

"Well, can you take Chaomeng to do something interesting?" Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"It didn't seem like there was any entertainment in it before."

"Interesting?" After Youyou heard this, she immediately stretched out half of her body, and then said to Chaomeng with a smile:

"Brother, come and play."

Chaomeng looked hesitant, but Ye Chuan on the side said: "Go, Youyou can let you relax."

After hearing this, Chaomeng had no choice but to nod.

"Ahem, now it's the game Youyou!" Youyou reached out and fumbled around in her skirt, and finally took out two pairs of controllers, Coke, potato chips, a monitor, a data cable...

"Let's play games, Mewtwo!" Youyou said.

Chaomeng tilted his head. After taking the handle, he didn't know what it was, but... it looked a bit like the current switch used to punish it in the past.

"Hey, novices don't understand. I'll teach you some simple games first." Youyou said, then raised her chin:

"I won't teach you those difficult games first. Let's play some simple ones today!"

Then she turned on the monitor and connected the handle, and a picture popped up inside.

It is an arcade fighting game, in which both parties choose a character to PK. Because it is an earlier version, it is easier to control, and there are not many combos that require specific button presses.

"Hmph, let's start first." Youyou said:

"First of all, this is a fist attack..."

"This is with feet..."

Chaomeng listened and nodded, seeming to understand.

"Okay, that's all. I'll teach you the rest after you become proficient." Youyou pressed the start button:

"Hey, let's start!"

In a matter of tens of seconds, the character controlled by Chaomeng was simply killed by Youyou.

Chaomeng looked at his fingers, then looked at Youyou's fingers, and found that he was born with four fewer fingers than the opposite one. Moreover, his fingers were larger and difficult to press buttons.

Thinking of this, Chaomeng began to use his telekinesis to press the button...

"Oh, do you still want to challenge me?"


After defeating Chaomeng again, Youyou showed a hey expression: "Are you coming again?"

Another game, Youyou scratched her head: "Are you coming again?"

One more game...

After Youyou found out that she defeated Mewtwo with a silk-blood advantage, she looked at it in disbelief: "Have you played before?"

Mewtwo shook his head.

"Impossible, I have been at home for more than ten years, how come I caught up with Mewtwo in just a few games." Youyou muttered at this time, and then she reached out and pulled out the cassette:

"Hey hey hey, you seem to be losing all the time, let's change the game."

Chaomeng didn't have any objections, but it learned the game very quickly. It almost picked up the game in one game, and caught up with Yuyou's level in three games, causing Yuyou to change games every three games. gaming experience.

"Cran Youyou." Ye Chuan naturally saw this scene and was a little dumbfounded. What kind of self-esteem does Youyou have?

Finally, a non-PK two-player mini-game was opened in a humorous manner.

Had a great time.

After one round, Youyou asked Chaomeng beside her: "Is it fun?"

After hearing this, Chaomeng thought for a while.

Finally he shook his head.

It didn't feel anything, and it didn't know why Youyou was smiling so happily.

"Really, I'm not interested." Youyou thought for a while, then stuffed all the game consoles back into her skirt. She fumbled around inside again, and finally pulled out a dance mat:

"Want to dance together?"

When Chaomeng heard this, he was stunned.


"Hey, Chaomeng, please move this table over there so we can make more space."

Then after the dance mat was connected to the monitor, Youyou played the song "Love Kills Baby" and started dancing.

"Mewtwo, come together!"

When Chaomeng saw Youyou's body twisting and turning, he started to learn stiffly. Its body was not soft, so it was a bit difficult to learn.

After finishing a few songs, Chaomeng relied on his own physical strength to persevere easily, but he did not experience any happiness from it.

"Isn't it fun to dance?" Youyou was silent and put away the dance mat silently.

"It's hard to blame Youyou." Youyou fumbled in her skirt for a while, and finally took out a CD:

"Qiang Qiang Qiang, a small X-movie that explores the origins of mankind!!!"

"Youyou!" Ye Chuan on the side coughed violently.

Youyou silently stuffed the disc back, as if it was a little discordant to see it being done openly.

Then she slowly took out the items in her skirt one by one, seemingly trying to find something that would interest Chaomeng.

After a while, the table was filled with her things.

Youyou's skirt was like a treasure house, containing everything. Ye Chuan even saw some strange toys, but he didn't say anything and chose to ignore them.

"I didn't mess with you." Youyou muttered.

When she looked at Chaomeng, she found that Chaomeng had picked up a comic and started reading it casually with his telekinesis.

Seeing Chaomeng's rare expression of interest, Youyou sheepishly introduced:

"This is a comic drawn by Youyou, hehe."

"It's very beautiful..." Chaomeng said.

"Huh?" Youyou blinked.

Interested in comics?

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