Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 285 Heading to the Provincial League

In the next team competition, Ye Chuan let the Fire Dinosaur directly sweep those people away. After the competition, the third-year senior fell silent.

"It seems that my confidence has been shaken." Gu Qi said with a smile, causing Yao Zao to roll his eyes.

After the training days are over, the provincial college league begins——

The location of the competition is in a place called Yangcheng, which is the provincial center of this area and a relatively economically developed area. However, because the two cities are connected by light rail and are relatively close, Ye Chuan and the others only need to do Arrived in two hours.

"I want to go too..." An Shiyu helped Ye Chuan pack her luggage and muttered in a low voice. This time, Ye Chuan was going to compete in another place. She couldn't use her position as an assistant to miss classes for no reason, so she had no choice. This time in the league, she had to watch Aye's performance on her mobile phone.

"I want to go." An Shiyu jumped directly onto Ye Chuan's bed, and then rolled around on the bed. As a result, it seemed that she fell directly to the ground because of too much exertion:


Ye Chuan, who was outside the room door at this time, heard the movement in his room and opened the door strangely. He found that An Shiyu had gone somewhere, leaving only a fluffy quilt on the ground. The quilt suddenly shook. one time--

Then An Shiyu poked his little head out of the quilt and covered his forehead pitifully:

"Aye, it hurts so much~~~"

Ye Chuan showed a helpless expression, then knelt down on one knee and gently touched the red part of the girl's forehead with his fingers. After a long time, he asked:

"How's it going? Is it any better?"

Being touched so gently by Ye Chuan, An Shiyu's pretty face showed a blush. She felt that her forehead no longer hurt, so she stuck out her tongue and said:

"It doesn't seem to hurt so much anymore..."

"I'll pack it up." Ye Chuan looked at the suitcase next to him, and suddenly realized that it was filled with a lot of things. He showed a strange expression, then looked at An Shiyu beside him and asked:

"How much stuff have you packed here?"

Hearing this, An Shiyu immediately began to speak, no, he began to introduce:

"Aye, look, you have to bring a few more long-sleeved and short-sleeved clothes. And, if you're afraid that the toothbrush over there won't be clean, it's better to use the ones at home. The same goes for towels..."

Afterwards, An Shiyu entered the verbose mode like an old lady. Ye Chuan looked at him with a helpless expression. Then he stretched out his finger and nodded the girl's head, and asked with a smile:

"I feel like our children will find you nagging in the future?"

"I-I don't know how." An Shiyu snorted cutely and continued: "I prepared this carefully for Aye, so I'm not verbose!"

"Okay, okay." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and rubbed An Shiyu's head, then asked:

"You can't come with me this time, just stay in school."

"Aye, please work hard. I will watch you fight on the live broadcast." After An Shiyu heard this, she suddenly became a little frustrated. In fact, she still wanted to go with her, even though she was absent from class due to her strength. There is nothing wrong with it, but this is still not good after all.

And if her father knew about it, he would definitely blame her for only seeing love and not studying, so she couldn't follow Ye Chuan to Yangcheng this time.

"It's okay, but the things are almost packed, okay." After Ye Chuan finished packing the luggage, he pulled up the pole and said:

"I am leaving."

"Be careful along the way, come on." After seeing Ye Chuan going out, An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan's back like the wife of her husband at work, and then watched Ye Chuan get into the car.

"Hey, wait for me!" At this time, a faint little head poked out from the wall. After seeing Ye Chuan leave, she quickly floated over.

"Really, Aye actually forgot about Youyou." When An Shiyu saw this, she showed an expression that really couldn't be relieved.

Later, Ye Chuan came to the school. At this time, everyone had gathered and was waiting for Ye Chuan's arrival. After seeing Ye Chuan get out of a luxury car, Gu Qi suddenly looked at him curiously:

"How much does this car cost? It looks very expensive."

"It's okay." Ye Chuan just smiled. In fact, he didn't know much about cars. It's just that this car was sent by his grandfather's company, and he didn't know the details.

"I wish I could sit there." Gu Qi looked a little regretful. After all, his family was not particularly wealthy. Although he had a car, he had never ridden in a luxury car of this level.

"This car starts at 6 million." At this time, Yao Zao beside him said.


Seeing Gu Qi's surprised expression, Yaozao glanced at him and continued:

"I have ridden in this kind of car several times when I went out to perform."

"Several millions, so rich..." Gu Qi muttered. After all, ordinary people can't make millions in a lifetime, but this is just the price of a car.

"Ye Chuan, is your leg missing a pendant?" Gu Qi skillfully picked up Ye Chuan's leg and continued:

"Can I hold your thigh?!"

"Aren't you hugging me?" Seeing Gu Qi's skilled look, Ye Chuan complained angrily. Then he looked at the time and asked:

"Who's missing? Why haven't you set off yet?"

"It's ready, but now the teacher is going to borrow a car to take us to the light rail station." Jiang Xue said on the side. After all, there are so many people here, it would be better to get a van or something like that.

"No need, don't I have something ready-made?" Ye Chuan smiled and pointed to the car behind him.

As the black car drove, Gu Qi sat next to Ye Chuan, her face directly pressed against the glass window, and she made a sound like "Wow":

"This car is so stable, there are no bumps at all."

"Okay, if you put your face against the glass window like this, you might scare others."

After Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and pulled Gu Qi back, Gu Qi pointed at the decoration not far away:

"What is that? It feels like it can be opened..."

"The refrigerator." Ye Chuan took a look and then said.

"Fridge?" Gu Qi curiously reached out and opened it, and found that it was really a small refrigerator with a lot of drinks in it, but they were all bottled.

"There's Coke." After Gu Qi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out two cans of iced Coke. One bottle was for free and the other was deductible.

"Come to Ye Chuan." Gu Qi handed a bottle to Ye Chuan.

After Ye Chuan saw it, he shook his head and continued: "I won't drink anymore. I'm not thirsty."

After all, An Shiyu and Nizi made soup for him and drank three large bowls before leaving the house.

"Which flavor do you like?" At this time, Yaozao looked at Gu Qi and asked.

"Me?" Gu Qi suddenly felt a red word "danger" on her head.

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