Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 250 Ye Chuan returns

The Rock Explosion of the Armored Tyrannosaurus is a rock-type skill, so it can naturally cause great power to the ice-type Ice Eevee. What's more, just after the Armored Tyrannosaurus used earthquake to trick the Ice Eevee into jumping, the next second, the Rock Explosion will Exhibiting extremely terrifying power——

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the rock blast directly hit Bing Eevee and caused a huge dust explosion. Then the dust fell and Bing Eevee's body emerged.

It fell to the ground, with ice crystals all over its body shining brightly, looking directly at the armored tyrannosaurus in the distance.

Not injured!

"Oh?" After seeing this, Li Hao looked slightly surprised, and then said:

"Interesting, is it releasing some protective skills in the air?"

Originally, the combination of earthquake and rock blasting could cause heavy damage to Ice Eevee, but unexpectedly, it was directly resolved by the opponent.

Gu Youling looked at his opponent quietly with cold eyes, then stretched out his hand and said, "Freezing light."

Ice Eevee shouted, and then spit out tooth-shaped ice-blue light from his mouth, shooting towards the armored tyrannosaurus at extremely fast speeds.

Faced with such a fast freezing light, the armored tyrannosaurus couldn't dodge it with its slow moving speed, so it continued to use its fists, and finally hammered the ground with terrifying momentum. The next second , a rock protrudes directly from the ground, directly blocking the freezing light.


The armored Tyrannosaurus released another earthquake. It jumped high and then fell, directly shaking the entire battlefield.

The impact of power came one after another, with no intention of stopping. After Bingyibu jumped up high, the armored tyrannosaurus had no intention of stopping and kept releasing earthquakes.

Finally, Ice Eevee was directly hit by the aftermath of the earthquake after landing, and the Armored Tyrannosaurus also found the right time to release rock blast again.

Huge rocks were condensed and shot towards Ice Eevee one after another like cannonballs——

Ice Eevee made an accident and was hit by the rock blast. He flew backwards and was affected by the explosion effect of the rock blast.

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, don't delay anymore, continue attacking!"

At this time, the Armored Tyrannosaurus roared wildly, and then like an armored tank, it rushed directly towards Ice Eevee.

"Freezing light." Gu Youling said softly.

"it's useless!"

Li Hao on the opposite side laughed wildly, but in the next second, his expression changed, because at this time Bing Eevee's freezing light did not hit the armored tyrannosaurus, but was aimed at the ground.

The icy blue light swept across, and soon, the ground was turned into ice by the freezing light. After the armored tyrannosaurus stepped on it, it instantly fell to the ground due to inertia. Seeing this, Gu Youling also found the opportunity:

"Go on, freezing ray."

The ice-blue ray shot directly, and finally hit the armored Tyrannosaurus' butt. The latter only felt a cold butt, and soon found that it was frozen by ice.

"Roar!" The armored tyrannosaurus was angry, shattering the ice on the ground with one kick, and then shot out a steady stream of rock blasts towards the Ice Eevee.

"Hey!" Bingyibu kept dodging the violent attacks of the armored Tyrannosaurus with a flexible figure. The time dragged on longer and longer. Li Hao on the opposite side seemed to be aware of Gu Youling's approach.

It’s also wasting time!

"Haha, are you still stalling for time?" Li Hao sneered:

"Okay, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, let that guy see the power of an earthquake!"

Hearing this, the Armored Tyrannosaurus no longer released rock blasts, but jumped up directly, releasing earthquakes. Shock waves seemed to have no end, hitting the Ice Eevee one after another.

"It's not good..." Seeing this, the people on Yinshan's side naturally realized that the other party would just use Earthquake. If this continues, Bingyibu will be killed alive as long as he can't find a chance to interrupt the other party. Consumed to death.

Of course, if the opponent's stamina is exhausted first, then Ice Eevee will win, but in this scene, it is obvious that the opponent's armored tyrannosaurus has plenty of stamina.

However, Gu Youling continued to command Bingyibu, with no intention of giving up.

She found a suitable time, and the moment she landed, she released a wave to hold up the impact of an earthquake, then jumped high again, releasing a freezing beam of light and shooting towards the armored tyrannosaurus.

"Kakakaka—" The freezing light successfully hit the armored tyrannosaurus, but the opponent was not afraid at all and continued to release earthquakes forcefully.

This almost barbaric style of play caused Bingyibu to be accidentally hit by the waves of the earthquake. Then one wave after another, Bingyibu was washed away until he could not stabilize his body, and finally lost his ability to fight.

"Ice Eevee has lost the ability to fight!" The referee raised the flag.

"What a pity." Teacher Jiang said after seeing this scene:

"Gu Youling has always wanted to delay time, but unfortunately his opponent is too strong."

After hearing what Teacher Jiang said, Gu Qi and the others nodded in agreement, because the armored tyrannosaurus was indeed too strong. At least Gu Youling could delay it for so long.

"It's just that brat, when will he come back?" Teacher Jiang took out his phone and pressed it. He found that Ye Chuan had not sent him a message, and the singles match was almost over at this time. The good news is that he got it here One point means that even if you win the team competition later, you won't be in a playoff situation.

As for the bad news—

That is, if Ye Chuan does not come back, then they will not even be qualified to compete in the team competition, because as long as the opponent sends out the armored tyrannosaurus and keeps releasing earthquakes, it is estimated that not many elves can withstand it.

The same goes for the opposite side.

"Please make adjustments to both teams. The team horse racing will begin soon!" At this time, the referee said.

There was no way, Gu Youling and the others had to adjust the Elf's condition first. If Ye Chuan really couldn't come back, then they would have to fight in person. Even if their strength was not as good as the opponent's, they would still fight until the last moment.

"Ye Chuan didn't reply to me. This guy couldn't be asleep." After Gu Qi sent a message to Ye Chuan on her mobile phone, she found that the other party did not reply to her. Even on the chat page, there was a message saying "I am busy". word.

"I rely too much on Ye Chuan." Next to him, Jiang Xue said with a smile:

"I think it's good to be in the finals. Even if Ye Chuan is not here, as long as this game can show the strength of Yinshan Middle School."

"That's what I said..." Gu Qi muttered a few words:

"But we can't deal with that huge guy."

The Armored Tyrannosaurus is simply a killer weapon. If it releases an earthquake during the team competition, you don't know what terrible things will happen.

After the rest time passed, the team competition began.

At this time, Ye Chuan still hadn't come back, so Gu Qi had no choice but to follow Jiang Xue and Gu Youling.

"I have a headache." Teacher Jiang looked helpless.

"Yinshan Middle School, Gu Qi, Gu Youling, Jiang Xue!"

"Douyi Middle School, Li Hao, Gu Qi, Lin Ming!"

But the moment the two sides stood on the battlefield, a familiar voice sounded next to them:

"Wait a minute."

Gu Qi and the others were stunned for a moment, then turned around and found that Ye Chuan was back!

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