Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 241 The battle between two Eevee

After seeing Jiang Xue fall into a disadvantage, Ye Chuan and others in the audience began to worry, because Jiang Xue's condition at this time did not look very right.

Moreover, Jiang Xue also began to make various mistakes in his command.

"What's wrong? Jiang Xue."

After seeing this scene, everyone showed strange expressions. Why does Jiang Xue look a little abnormal?

"It's an old problem." Teacher Jiang sighed.

After hearing what Teacher Jiang said, everyone showed curious expressions, as if they didn't understand what it meant.

"It's okay, this round is probably over." As soon as Teacher Jiang finished speaking, Jiang Xue's hunting swallowtail butterfly was hit by the Cuckoo Pigeon from the opposite side, and fell to the ground like a kite with its string broken. Seeing this, Ye Chuan was slightly moved frown.

This is not Jiang Xue's level.

Why do you look so distracted?

In the end, Hunting Papilio Butterfly was completely defeated by Cuckoo Pigeon due to the suppression of its attributes, and was defeated.

"Hunting Papilio lost the ability to fight, and Cuckoo Pigeon won!" The referee raised the flag and directly announced the result of victory. After seeing this, Jiang Xue took out the elf ball and took back Hunting Papilio:

"Feel sorry."

"Why, do you want to hide your strength?" Luo Wusheng seemed to have noticed something and said.

After Jiang Xue heard what her opponent said, she slowly came to her senses, shook her head and left the stage.

"Are you okay, Jiang Xue?" Seeing Jiang Xue's sleepwalking expression, Yaozao asked quickly.

"Is there something wrong?" Gu Qi also asked at this time.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worried. I'm fine." Jiang Xue smiled again and shook her head:

"It's just that I was distracted just now, sorry."

She was distracted during the battle. After everyone heard her expression of not wanting to talk, they stopped asking any more questions. Ye Chuan could naturally feel Jiang Xue's heart throbbing through the waveguide.

It was a very strange feeling, and Ye Chuan felt this emotion for the first time on the waveguide.

Is it because of what the man just said?

Ye Chuan thought about it carefully, and it seemed that the boy didn't say anything. He just told Jiang Xue some insignificant information.

"I'm fine." Jiang Xue saw everyone's worried faces and said again,

Since Jiang Xue really didn't want everyone to worry about her, Ye Chuan had no choice but to change the subject and look at Gu Youling:

"You Ling, you'll be in the next show."

After Gu Youling heard this, he nodded slightly and went up with the elf ball.

Gu Youling's silver hair and snow-white face are particularly eye-catching on the screen, because who doesn't like a beautiful white-haired girl? After all, she is also a national treasure.

And after several rounds of battles with Gu Youling, someone has noticed this girl, and even Yinshan gave her the nickname "Ice Queen".

"Yinshan Middle School, Gu Youling."

"Hengqin Middle School, Qianxi."

The other party was a girl with twin tails. After seeing Gu Youling, she took out her elf ball and said:

"Little sister, please be merciful later. I am the weakest in our team. Don't let me lose too miserably."

Gu Youling looked at her quietly, and after a few seconds, shook his head slightly.

"It's so cold." After seeing this, Qianxi threw out her elf ball, a white light flashed, and a Yeeb appeared.

After seeing it was Ye Yibu, Gu Youling's elf ball flashed white, and Ice Yibu appeared.

In a battle between two Eevee, the Ice Eevee naturally has the advantage in terms of attributes, because the Ice type can restrain the Grass type Eevee.

"The battle begins!" Soon, the referee ordered and the game began.

"Ye Yibu, lightning flashed!"

Ye Yibu burst out with terrifying speed, dragging white light and rushing towards Bing Yibu!

Gu Youling's ancient well-like eyes watched this scene quietly, but just when Ye Yibu was about to hit Bing Yibu, she said softly:


Ice Eevee immediately jumped to the right, and Ye Eevee's attack was just missed. Then Ice Eevee released a freezing light, and the tooth-shaped ice blue light directly hit Ye Eevee's body, blooming with flowers. of ice flowers!

The most effective attack made Yeyibu scream. It jumped back and lowered itself into a prepared posture.

"Such a fast reaction speed." Seeing this, Qian Xi showed an ugly expression, because Gu Youling's strength is indeed very strong, but...

"Ye Yibu, use the sword dance!"

Elves like Yeyibu can learn sword dancing, and they are also better at melee combat, but their weapons are——

Ye Yibu shook his leaf-like tail, and saw that the tail gradually became sharper, as if it was enhanced by the sword dance.

The next second, Yeyibu moved!

It once again used a flash of lightning to rush towards Ice Eevee. For it, melee combat was undoubtedly a better choice. If it fought against an elf like Ice Eevee whose attributes restrained itself, long-range combat would only drag it to death.

"Continue." Gu Youling said softly after seeing the other party releasing the same skill again.

At this time, Ye Yibu had already rushed in front of Bing Yibu. The latter, like before, planned to dodge at close range without giving the opponent time to dodge, but a magical scene appeared.

Ye Yibu's lightning flash suddenly stopped, and his tail emitted a brown light and was shot directly!

Fighting skill - Rock Breaking!

Ice Eevee didn't expect that the other party would suddenly attack, so he shot out the freezing light directly. However, after Ye Eevee's broken rock experienced the bonus of Sword Dance, it directly passed through the freezing light and hit Ice Eevee heavily. !

Outstanding effect!

The fighting type restrains the ice type. Although the rock breaking skill itself is not very powerful, it can break the defense. What's more, the power generated by the rock breaking after the sword dance causes considerable damage despite its attributes restraining the opponent.

And this shot also made Bing Eevee feel a little dizzy.

"Very good, continue to break the rock!" After seeing this, Qianxi planned to pursue the victory.

"See through." Gu Youling said calmly.

Bingyibu's eyes flashed with a faint white light, and then its body swayed and easily avoided Yeyibu's broken rock.


The see-through skill can penetrate the opponent's actions to dodge, which consumes a lot of concentration, so it is easy to fail if used continuously.

After dodging Ye Yibu's skills, Ice Yibu opened his mouth, ice emerged, and bit Ye Yibu directly, and the ice power was released!

"Kakaka!" Ice crystals suddenly condensed on Ye Yibu's neck, and the latter screamed. After all, the ice skills were quite powerful for a grass elf like him.

"Ye Yibu, don't give up!" Qianxi continued after seeing this scene:

"Continue to use the broken rock, don't give the opponent a chance to breathe!"

"Freezing light." Gu Youling stretched out her hand and pointed.

Before Ye Yibu could react, another freezing beam appeared, and the tooth-shaped ice-blue light froze it.

The battle is over.

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