Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 238 Is your husband handsome?

The shelling ninja suppressed by the sky full of sword light could not even breathe at all, because the power of the flying mantis was too terrifying. Not only that, the speed was also quite terrifying. Even if the shelling ninja was not injured at this time, but seeing this situation It also created a psychological shadow.

What the hell is this?

The Flying Mantis is getting more and more excited, because it has not seen such a durable opponent for a long time.

Sharp eyes, sharp sword, it longs for worthy opponents.

The milky white power gathered on the scythe of the Flying Mantis. In the next second, the Flying Mantis jumped high, and the scythe contained the power of the sword it had understood.

One knife!

The flying mantis' scythe seemed to tear open the air and penetrated the shelling ninja's body in an instant.

"Buzz--" The ninja who escaped from the shell, as a ghost elf, chose to fight back.

Because how could such an ordinary physical attack have an effect on it? It was——

Before the shelling ninja could fight back, his vision suddenly went dark, and then his whole body fell down.

The ninja escaped from his shell and lost his ability to fight.

Ninja in Shell fell? !

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations, because they didn't know what happened at that moment. Why did the ninja who escaped from the shell fall down immediately?

"Did you see clearly? What just happened." At this time, someone in the audience asked.

"I don't know. I didn't see it clearly. It seems that the flying mantis took a stab at the shelling ninja, and then it died."

Others replied, indeed, the scene just happened too fast. Originally, the shelling ninja was beaten by the flying mantis like a sandstorm, but the next second, he was killed instantly.

"Huh? That knife just now." Seeing this scene, Ye Chuan also thought slightly. The power contained in the knife just now seemed to be the strongest knife of Flying Mantis, and it actually penetrated the body of the shelling ninja?

Are you cutting off the soul of the ninja?

Otherwise, the physical damage shouldn't be enough to kill the shelling ninja instantly.

"Ha..." At this time, his opponent Lin'an smiled after seeing this.

The next second, the shelling ninja suddenly flew up again, and fired at the flying mantis.

Fake corpse? !

After seeing this scene, not only Ye Chuan, but also the audience were stunned. Why could the shelling ninja fly just now?

"My shelling ninja is very special. Sometimes it will not fall down even if its physical strength is exhausted. Instead, it will fall into suspended animation for a period of time. It only takes a while for it to regain its strength." After Lin'an finished speaking, the shelling ninja had already said The Flying Mantis performed several consecutive cuts.

The continuous cutting skill becomes more powerful the longer it is used.

Ye Chuan didn't know the reason why the shelling ninja could fake the corpse, but he clearly saw that the flying mantis was caught off guard by the opponent's sneak attack, and he could only dodge for a while.

"Is it possible that the shell of the body that just fell has not fallen?" Ye Chuan touched his chin slightly. He really didn't understand this kind of elf with abnormal growth, because the elf of the Iron Mask Ninja and the Shelling Ninja merged together. He has never seen it himself.

But under the current situation, it was obvious that Flying Mantis had the upper hand due to its opponent's random attacks.

"We're going to win." Seeing that the situation was improving, Lin'an smiled.

But the next second, he realized something was wrong, because the Flying Mantis was not injured at all!

"It's strange. After being hit so many times, it's impossible to not get hurt at all?!" Lin'an said in surprise.

"Because you are scraping." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the flying mantis suddenly raised his sickle, with a golden glimmer in his eyes.

The next second, white air burst out, and several sword lights flashed. The shelling ninja was actually repelled and flew around the corner without daring to get close.

"Since the opponent likes to use continuous cutting so much, let's show Flying Mantis what physical continuous cutting is." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, and Flying Mantis disappeared in an instant.

"Defense!" Lin'an said immediately when he realized something was wrong.

But the next second, everyone did not see the flying mantis next to the shelling ninja. Instead, they found a dark figure next to Guo Ranweng.

That is……

Flying mantis?

"What?!" Everyone was stunned when they saw the flying mantis actually appearing next to Guo Ranweng.

The next second, a sword flashed.

Sure enough, Weng fell to the ground suddenly.

"You actually ran to attack Guo Ranweng?!" Linan showed an expression of disbelief. He was fooled by Ye Chuan's tactic of attacking in the east and west. Even Guo Ranweng and Guo Ranweng's trainer did not realize this.

It’s so gloomy!

"Don't worry, I'm just going to get rid of that jelly." Ye Chuan said with a smile. It was a very sunny smile, but it gave people a chilly feeling in broad daylight. At this time, the flying mantis moved again.

The black sword light flashed, as if the air was broken.

"Then, goodbye." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the Flying Mantis' scythe struck it.


The shucking ninja fell to the ground. It never expected that after pretending to be a corpse, it would actually scrape the flying mantis without doing any harm.

The ninja escaped from his shell and lost his ability to fight.

After seeing this, Jiang Xue and Gu Youling looked at each other and nodded.

Yinshan Middle School won again and qualified in Group A.

"This boy, why is the flying mantis so scary?"

Teacher Jiang in the audience folded his arms, because the strength of this flying mantis was actually much stronger than during the previous training, and in the battle just now, it was obvious that the flying mantis did not use its full strength.

It's just a quick chop. It's like a scumbag who throws women aside after he's had enough of them. It's similar to a flying mantis who kills his opponent with a single blow after slashing his opponent happily.

A scum mantis.

"Thank you for your hard work, Flying Mantis." Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and took the Flying Mantis back.

At this time, Lin'an came over and stretched out his hand towards Ye Chuan: "Although you are very shady, to be honest, I am indeed no match for you. Come on, compete."

"Thank you, your shell ninja is also very strong. If possible, I hope to have more battles." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

Come to a few more games.

Okay, do you think the Shelling Ninja is your Flying Mantis' whetstone? !

Or a punching bag that can be beaten happily?

Lin'an clearly saw the excitement of Flying Mantis. He said to Ye Chuan with a smile that he would definitely do it next time, then turned and left.

This monster, I will never fight you again in this life, it is simply "The Torture of Men and Women"——

Commonly known as the pain mask.

After Ye Chuan stepped down from the stage, he saw An Shiyu with a happy face. He smiled and said:

"Am I handsome?"

"Super handsome!" An Shiyu said with a smile. Anyway, she is Aye's number one fan.

"How about saying, "My husband is really handsome?" Ye Chuan suddenly smiled.

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she whispered: "Aye is bullying others, if you don't say anything..."

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