Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 234 Si Zhai Steamed Goose Heart

The Escaped Ninja, commonly known as the ghost cicada, is one of the most special elves in the elf world. This elf has a combination of ghost and insect types, and has a very special characteristic.

Strange guardian.

The effect of this feature is that only skills that restrain the effect can cause damage. In other words, among the attributes of the Ninja in the Shell, if you do not have skills such as fire to restrain it, then the Ninja in the Shell is invincible.

The reason is that elf research experts discovered a layer of special energy particles on the surface of the shelled ninja's body. This particle will repel all attribute energy except the restrained attributes.

In addition, the shelling ninja itself is just a shell. If the skill does not have attribute particles, it is useless to physically attack the shelling ninja. Simply put, it will cause no damage.

But the shelling ninja is not invincible in the true sense. An elf scholar once used a high-voltage pulse device to shoot energy at the shelling ninja, only to find that it could still be hurt.

Finally, the research concluded that as long as the power of the skill is high enough and reaches a certain level, it can still cause damage to the shelling ninja, using the equivalent calculation formula——

Finally, the results are obtained.

As long as you are more than a hundred times stronger than the shelling ninja, you can hurt it because of its characteristic immunity, which is as high as 99.9%.

If you really don't have the skills to restrain the Shelling Ninja, then to be honest, you basically can't kill this strange elf.

And this kind of elf evolution is also quite interesting.

They are two elves that evolved from earth-dwelling ninjas. Yes, they are two elves. In the entire elf world, they are the only elf that evolved into two.

One is the Iron-faced Ninja. This kind of spirit is extremely good at speed. It is a spirit with high speed and low attack. It is called the master of the Gua Sha world.

The other one is the Shelling Ninja. The Iron-faced Ninja is actually the body of the Doi Ninja, which is the original evolved form, but the Shelling Ninja is the carapace left after the Doi Ninja evolved.

A shell suddenly has mysterious power and can fight. Not only that, it also has one of the strongest characteristics in the entire elf world, which casts a mysterious veil over this elf.

"A very rare elf...but, teacher, what are you worried about?"

Although the Shelling Ninja is almost invincible when facing opponents who have no attributes to restrain itself, the Flying Mantis has flying skills. To deal with the Insect-type Shelling Ninja, it is a skill that is not protected by the strange guardian range.

"His shelling ninja is a bit special." Teacher Jiang touched his chin and said:

"You don't seem to understand it when I say this, so I might as well show you the picture."

With that said, Teacher Jiang took out his mobile phone and showed a photo to Ye Chuan and the others.

In the photo, a ninja who escaped from the shell has a somewhat special image. Although its color is earthy gray, its appearance is more like a ninja in the iron mask. What is going on?

"This shell-shocking ninja, somehow, has become symbiotic with the iron-faced ninja." Teacher Jiang touched his chin and said:

"To put it simply, this is an iron-masked ninja that failed to escape its shell."

"Didn't the shell escape successfully?!"

After hearing what Teacher Jiang said, everyone showed strange expressions, their faces full of disbelief. What does this mean?

"The ninja who escaped from the shell did not develop consciousness, but his body formed and covered the body of the ninja in the iron mask."

in other words.

The Ninja in the Iron Mask puts on the skin of the Ninja in the Shell.

"Is it possible?" Ye Chuan suddenly thought of something terrible.

"That's right, that iron-faced ninja has the characteristic of strange protection."

Teacher Jiang rubbed his eyebrows and said, this thing is quite magical. Generally speaking, after the indigenous ninjas evolve, they will form two elves, but it is rare that the elves fail to separate and merge together instead.

"If the Iron Mask Ninja has not escaped from its shell, it means that it has the strongest speed and strongest defense. This helped the No. 2 Middle School win Tian Jiabing in the singles extra round."

After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, he looked at Ye Chuan:

"How to deal with this opponent is up to you."

After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, Ye Chuan fell into deep thought, because this kind of opponent was a very difficult enemy in a sense.

The reason why ordinary shelling ninjas are easier to deal with is mainly because this kind of elf is slow and has low attack speed. It is just that it is stronger when beaten at certain times. But if the attributes are changed to the iron-faced ninja, then this will be a sure kill. .

"I didn't expect to encounter such an opponent in the city competition. Isn't this city's No. 2 Middle School a dark horse?" Gu Qi said from the side.

"What about the black horse? Isn't it just for riding?"

Ye Chuan smiled.

"You're actually right to say that." Gu Qi muttered, and it was time to rest at this time.

Yinshan Middle School is preparing to compete with the City No. 2 Middle School to determine the final qualifying spot in Group A.

"Let's go and show them the strength of Ginzan's first-year students."

Ye Chuan stood up and smiled.


With the cheers from the audience, Ye Chuan and his teammates entered the venue one after another. Perhaps because the comeback in the last game was more exciting for the audience, so after Ye Chuan and the others went up, there were a lot of cheers from the audience. Cheers.

There are a few familiar ones among them, that is, a little loli yelling loudly for Chuanbao, come on.

"So cute."

Subsequently, the city's No. 2 Middle School, which had been adjusted, also came up.

The leader, a boy with a dry face, seems to be the Lin'an that Teacher Jiang mentioned, the trainer of the ninja who escaped from the shell.

"It can't be that he's been squeezed dry, why does he look so listless?" Yao Zao couldn't help but complain.

"Probably not." Ye Chuan released the power of his waveguide. Although Lin'an looked awake with dark circles under his eyes, the fluctuations in the waveguide were very strong.

"You don't understand." At this time, Gu Qi shook her bangs proudly.

Yaozao: "..."

Do you understand again?

"Actually, this is just an ordinary otaku." Gu Qi said, explaining:

"Have you seen the T-shirt he is wearing? Although it is just an ordinary solid-color T-shirt, pay attention to the symbol on the chest. It is the alliance between Girls War and Master Chef."

"And that watch, it's a limited edition for the Yuzu Club to support the table knights."

"And that pair of shoes and that pair of trousers are all standard ACG limited editions. Everything is the same. If you are not an old man, you can't tell it at all." Gu Qi touched her chin and said seriously.

"So, how did you know?" Yaozao looked at him speechlessly.

"Because..." Gu Qi patted her chest hard:

"Me too!"

"Sizhai Steamed Goose Heart."

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