Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 232 Shengshi No. 1 Middle School

With a flash of sword light, Huoyibu was directly slashed away by the flying mantis. It screamed and dragged a long trace on the ground.

"Don't give up, Fire Eevee uses flame jet!"

Fire Eevee released flames again, but the next second later, it suddenly found that its opponent had disappeared.

What about the flying mantis?

"Ta-ta." Footsteps sounded, and Huo Yibu turned around and found that the flying mantis appeared behind him again at some point.

What speed is this? !

The flying mantis turned around, and the cold light slowly streaked along its sword to the tip.

"Hurry up, Fire Ibrahimovic, and continue to use the flames!" Luo Xiang saw Fire Ibrahimovic suddenly stunned. He was stunned for a moment, and then quickly shouted.

"It's useless." Ye Chuan said at this time, he pointed at Huo Yibu, and then snapped his fingers.

Dozens of knife marks suddenly appeared on Huo Yibu's body, and his power exploded instantly.


Huo Yibu screamed and fell to the ground without the ability to fight. This scene directly stunned the audience and several opponents of the opponent. What on earth is this, delayed slash?

"This is called a high-ping warrior." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Gu Youling's Ice Eevee was already riding on Yongjila's face to output. Wave after wave of ice elves were killing little crispy elves like Yongjila. The treatment is fatal.

On the other side, the fancy poisonous powder hunting the swallowtail butterfly still perfectly controlled the movements of the Super King.

The Super Power King fell into many abnormal states such as paralysis, poisoning, and even had his blood sucked by hunting swallowtail butterflies, which consumed his physical strength bit by bit.

"You guys are actually hiding your strength?!" After seeing this scene, the people from City No. 1 Middle School finally came to their senses and shouted in surprise and anger.

The game that was originally a sure win turned upside down in an instant. Naturally, a few people in the No. 1 Middle School couldn't accept the huge gap.

"There is no hidden strength. After all, Gu Qi in our team is really weak." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

Under the stage, Gu Qi crossed her arms: "..."

I'm weak, so why did you drag me out to whip my corpse?

Seeing Gu Qi's angry look, Yao Zai beside him couldn't help but smile, and then comforted him: "It's okay, I'll stay with you."

Seeing Yaozao taking the initiative to comfort herself, Gu Qi was stunned for a moment, then her mood instantly became beautiful, and she grinned:

"Hehehe, I will become stronger in the future."

Yao Zao glanced at him and pushed up his glasses with thick bottoms: "I hope."

The battle is still going on, but everyone knows the outcome of the game. Yongjira was originally no match against Ice Eevee, but now with the addition of Flying Mantis, the super-powered elf faces the insect-type Flying Mantis. Yongjira will face off again. Staring at an Ice Eevee with eager eyes.

We generally use one word to describe Yongjira’s current situation——

Death suddenly.

That's right, Yongjira, who was beaten by Fatty, immediately lost his ability to fight, leaving only a Super Power King who was sucked blood to the point of being beaten to death by a group of people.

"In the team competition, City No. 1 Middle School cannot fight, Yinshan Middle School wins!"

After the three elves fell, the referee raised the flag directly.

3 points from the knockout round, plus 1 point from the singles match, a total of 4 points, perfectly surpassing the No. 1 Middle School in the city.

"Impossible, why did we lose to the first graders..." At this time, the school team members of the No. 1 Middle School in the city had not recovered yet, with expressions of disbelief, because this matter was so strange.

Yesterday, they were still thinking about where their team could place in the provincial competition. They were even saying that this year would be their strongest year, and that they might even be able to compete in the national competition.

Now you tell me, I was eliminated in the knockout round, the first round of the city competition? ?

The faces of several members of the No. 1 Middle School were ashen, and even their teachers did not expect that this freshman from Yinshan Middle School, who looked like an experienced baby, was actually a tiger in sheep's clothing.

“Yinshan Beef Beer!”

"Awesome, are you invincible in the team competition?"

At this time, the audience was originally not optimistic about Yinshan. After seeing this scene, they immediately started to cheer. Some people thought that a ten-year-old fan came from somewhere uninvited.

After Ye Chuan and the others stepped down——

"Aye is so amazing!" An Shiyu excitedly dribbled the ball up and down, then threw herself into Ye Chuan's arms. What she loved most was watching Ye Chuan play against each other.

"Many people are watching." Seeing An Shiyu's cute appearance, Ye Chuan smiled slightly and whispered.

After An Shiyu saw everyone around her looking at her, her pretty face suddenly turned pink, and then she buried her face in Ye Chuan's arms without moving, and entered the ostrich mode again. After all, there is nothing better than shrinking. It is safer to go back to Ali in Aye.

"You boy, you did a good job. I thought you liked to fight alone." Teacher Jiang said with a smile.

In fact, he believed in Ye Chuan at first, but after seeing the Flying Mantis being controlled by Yongjila, he also broke into a cold sweat for him. After all, if Ye Chuan fell, then Gu Youling and Jiang Xue should not Is the opponent's opponent.

"Who said I prefer to fight alone." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he glanced at Gu Youling and the others beside him:

"I have always believed in the strength of my teammates."

"This wave is called pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger." Jiang Xue said with a smile. At this time, the face of the opponent's No. 1 Middle School was green, because they left in despair in the first round of the first game, which simply broke the school record.

In previous years, the No. 1 Middle School in the city could basically enter the provincial competition directly. Who knew that in this year's draw, they would directly run into Yinshan and be crushed to pieces.

"There are a total of sixteen teams. After the first round, only half or eight teams will remain. In other words, plus the Shanghai CCP defeating opponents in about four rounds, you can get tickets to the provincial competition."

"How many tickets are there for the provincial competition?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Generally speaking, there are one or two places in a city. In previous years, Yinshan and City No. 1 Middle School basically got more of those two places, while other schools rarely qualified for the provincial competition." Jiang The teacher explained.

"But not everyone can go to the provincial competition. You have to know that after the provincial competition, every team has to defeat other opponents in the same city to get tickets. Once the provincial competition starts, the strength of the opponents will be It will be extremely powerful." After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, he continued:

"Just like Yinshan's annual results, although most of them can enter the provincial competition, there are not many times when they can get good results after entering the provincial competition. The best one in recent years did not get a ticket for the national competition. "

"After all, there is only one ticket for each province for the national competition. The competition is too fierce." Jiang Xue said with a smile.

"Isn't it easy in the northwest region?" Gu Qi said from the side.

After all, there are not many people in the northwest and southwest regions, so there are naturally few schools.

"Is it possible that we have to go all the way there to build a school and compete in the competition?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile.

"It seems to be the same..."

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