Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 230 Flying Mantis VS Flying Mantis

The player from No. 1 Middle School on the opposite side is named Li Man, and the elf he sent is an elf that looks like a sumo wrestler. This is the Super Power King of the fighting elf.

The Super King has a pair of huge palms, so it is also better at attacking enemies with its hands.

This is an elf close to the elite level.

So, Gu Qi cried.

There is no doubt that he broke the record for the fastest free throw in the first game. Let alone attacking the Super King, the Vine Snake's vine whip could not cause any damage at all in the face of this kind of elf's strength. It was simply killed instantly.

"Ah, Vine Snake." Gu Qi clutched her chest and felt heartbroken:

"It's up to me to embarrass this team."

"Vine Snake has lost the ability to fight. Li Man wins the first match!" The referee raised the flag and announced the result directly. To be honest, he has been a referee for so many years and has seen so many games. Gu Qi is the fastest for Bai. that one.

"You are too good at this." The referee muttered.

"I heard it!" Gu Qi complained to the referee: "Don't say what's on your mind!"

On the other side of City No. 1 Middle School, after seeing Gu Qi being instantly killed by the Super Power King, they all smiled: "This guy is too free."

"Nice job." After high-fiving Li Man, the other party suddenly said a little strangely;

"I think Yinshan's team members are a little too weak this time. If it's just for experience, you won't be able to learn anything in one round, right?"

"Who knows, you can't give away points for nothing, and look at the one named Gu Qi. He seems to have a depressed look on his face. He is obviously not a parent." The captain of No. 1 Middle School grinned.

At this time, the contestants for the second game were also decided.

"Yinshan Middle School, medicine is ready."

"City No. 1 Middle School, Wang Gang."

Seeing that it was Yao Zao who was sent in the second round, Gu Qi looked in disbelief, then looked at Ye Chuan and asked: "Ye Chuan, Yao Zao and I are both the weakest, why should Yao Zao be sent up? "

"Aren't Jiang Xue and Gu Youling very strong?" Gu Qi looked strange.

"Because he is very strong, there is no need to play." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

Gu Qi showed a black question mark face, but Ye Chuan had always been a shady guy, and he probably didn't know what he was messing with. After figuring it out, Gu Qi could only mutter something, and then quietly refueled his medicine in the audience.

After Yaozao faced Wang Gang, he summoned his own elf, Chrysanthemum Leaf with ordinary initial strength.

The opponent sent out a Cordora, which was a steel elf with extremely strong defensive capabilities, especially the evolved Boss Cordora. Before its opponent had the skills to restrain its attributes, it faced this An elf with terrifying defense is a nightmare.

"Chrysanthemum grass leaves, use the grass flute!"

Yaozao felt that Jucaoye's skill damage would not be able to harm Kodora, so he planned to use the hypnosis skill to slowly consume his stamina.

Kodora is a four-legged beast wrapped in metal armor. Although it is not fast, it still does not show any fatigue after being wrapped in a grass flute. Perhaps it is because the level gap between the two is too huge. This kind of hypnotic skill Didn't have any impact.

Yaozao had an ugly expression on her face because she suddenly felt Gu Qi's mood. She was completely being persecuted by Ye Chuan.

"Obviously I just want to come here to be a logistics worker." Yao Zao thought, but still did not give up and continued to command:

"Chrysanthemum grass leaf, use the flying leaf sharp knife!"

The arc-shaped, crescent-shaped blades were released by the chrysanthemum leaves, hitting Kodora like darts. However, facing the ultimate defense ability of the steel elf, the grass-based physics of the Flying Leaf Knife To it, skills are nothing more than scratching an itch.

"Too weak!" Wang Gang commanded:

"Kora, kill the opponent instantly and use the iron head!"

But Dora was like an iron train at this time, rushing directly towards Jucaoye with great momentum. Perhaps because of her strong momentum, Jucaoye completely forgot that she should dodge and was directly knocked away:


The chrysanthemum grass leaf fell to the ground and immediately lost its ability to fight.

"Ju Caoye loses the ability to fight, Wang Gang wins!" The referee announced the result at this time.

City No. 1 Middle School scored one point again.

In previous years, City No. 1 Middle School and Yinshan Middle School could be called a battle between dragons and tigers. Now this scene, especially the two rounds of being defeated by absolute strength, directly exploded in the audience.

"No way. Is it that City No. 1 Middle School is too strong or Yinshan has become weaker? The battle between the two schools used to be the most exciting. Why is there nothing to watch at all now?"

"All the students sent by Ginzan this year are first-year students. What do they want to do?"

"Originally, I was thinking of letting my children get admitted to Yinshan Middle School. Looking at the current situation, it turns out that the No. 1 Middle School is more stable."

After the explosion in the auditorium, Teacher Jiang, who was preparing to go, crossed his arms, looked at Ye Chuan, who was always smiling in his seat, and asked:

"I'm telling you, little bastard, you can easily lose if you give away points like this."

After all, the first two games were all points given to me in vain, which was completely unreasonable.

"It's okay, I'll go up for the third game." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he stood up.

"Come on Aye!!!" An Shiyu suddenly shook her cheer ball happily.

"You must score a point no matter what. Ye Chuan rushes for me!" Gu Qi patted Ye Chuan on the shoulder.


When the other party saw Ye Chuan about to stand up, he said directly:

"Xiaolan, come on."

One of the girls nodded.

"Yinshan Middle School, Ye Chuan."

"No. 1 Middle School, Lanke."

After the two people went up, someone in the audience obviously recognized Ye Chuan. After all, Ye Chuan was quite popular. Whether it was the previous campus cup or the incident of going to No. 1 Middle School alone, many people were shocked.

"Hello, junior." Lan Ke looked at Ye Chuan and said with a smile:

"If you lose two points in a row, even if you win this game, you will have to pass the team competition to have a chance to win. I guess you don't have much hope."

The implication of her words is obvious, because in Lan Ke's eyes, only Ye Chuan is stronger in Yinshan Middle School. When it comes to the team competition, after the three main players of their school team take the field, they only need to focus on Ye Chuan's elves. , then Yinshan will have no turnaround point at all.

"Excuse me." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he took out his elf ball:

"Then, let's enter the team competition early."

"Hmph." Lan Ke also took out his elf ball, and the white light flashed continuously——

Two identical elves, flying mantises, actually appeared.

"It's actually a flying mantis versus a flying mantis. It's interesting."

"The flying mantis in Ye Chuan looks so strange, and it's also a different color."

"Anyway, it's a civil war between the Flying Mantises, so the rest depends on who can train them better."

After Lan Ke saw that Ye Chuan's elf was actually a flying mantis, he said, "What a coincidence."

"Yes." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Flying Mantis, Iai kills!" The next second, Lan Ke gave the order directly.

The flying mantis flapped its wings and flew towards Ye Chuan's flying mantis, dragging the stream of light with it.

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