Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 228 Competition System

The mechanism of the event is divided into singles competition and team competition.

The so-called singles and team competitions, as the name suggests, are 1v1 and 3v3 battles between members of each school. At the same time, there are points between the two competitions.

There are a total of three 1v1 games, and each victory will earn 1 point, while the team competition will earn 3 points. In the end, the winner of the two schools will be the one with the higher score.

"Ye Chuan, look at those people from No. 1 Middle School, why are they smiling so happily?" Gu Qi couldn't help but mutter, and then looked at Ye Chuan beside her and asked, as if it was a little strange.

"Who knows." Ye Chuan glanced at the people in No. 1 Middle School and found that they were indeed very happy, as if they felt that they had drawn a good draw.

"After all, they are sophomores. Do you think they are still the same first-year students you met before?" Teacher Jiang said with a smile. After all, the school team of sophomores, especially in an old college like No. 1 Middle School, is not a simple matter. role to deal with.

In addition, all the first-year players on Ye Chuan's side were naturally very happy after being drawn by the opponent, thinking that they were just here to hang out and prepare for the campus league next year.

"Ah Ye, defeat them and show them how strong Yinshan Middle School is." An Shiyu waved her little fist cutely, then hugged Ye Chuan's arm and said.

"Yeah." Ye Chuan nodded, then smiled slightly:

"It's not good to underestimate the enemy too much, whether it's a freshman or a sophomore in the city's No. 1 Middle School."

Because this is not the first time that City No. 1 Middle School has stumbled like this.

The lottery on the first day ended and the competition started on the second day. Today, everyone stayed in a nearby large hotel. The organizer, the alliance, paid for it so that all participating teams who were willing to stay would stay in the same hotel.

Yinshan Middle School is on the sixteenth floor. There are three rooms on Ye Chuan's side, one for Teacher Jiang, one for several girls, and one for the boys.

Of course, this was just the original plan——

"Teacher Jiang, in this case, there will be four people in the girls' room." Ye Chuan said.

Gu Youling, Yaozao, Jiang Xue, and An Shiyu, it was too crowded for four people to live in one room. After all, the room only had two beds, so it was not good no matter what.

"Then how do you plan to allocate it?" Teacher Jiang asked.

"Get another room." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

Of the three rooms originally allocated to Yinshan, Ye Chuan went to open another one and lived with An Shiyu.

In this way, there will be a room for Ye Chuan and An Shiyu, a room for Teacher Jiang and Gu Qi, and a room for Gu Youling...

"Young couples are really hot these days." After seeing Ye Chuan and An Shiyu sharing a room, Teacher Jiang spread his hands without expressing any opinion. After all, Yinshan Middle School has never objected to lovers falling in love. .

After the two of them lived in a room at their own expense, Teacher Jiang was even less likely to say anything.


Gu Qi was sleeping on the bed and muttering: "That guy Ye Chuan actually abandoned me."

How can I fix it? I really want a girlfriend!

Gu Qi shouted in his heart, but for some reason he suddenly thought of Yaozao. He shook his head and quickly closed his eyes: "What am I thinking about? Go to sleep quickly."

the other side--

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu each slept in their own beds. Ye Chuan was already sleepy at this time. After all, he had been running around today and there was a game tomorrow, so he had to sleep.

However, An Shiyu's jewel-like eyes were shining brightly on the bed next to him:


When Ye Chuan saw this, he smiled slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

An Shiyu's cute face blushed slightly, then she slowly climbed out of bed, finally got into Ye Chuan's bed, and whispered:

"I want to sleep on the same bed with you."

The faint scent of flowers came from the tip of his nose. Ye Chuan stroked the girl's hair and whispered:

"Just sleeping?"

An Shiyu stretched out her small pliers and pinched Ye Chuan's waist, then buried her face in his chest and whispered softly:


Ye Chuan smiled slightly, put one hand around her soft waist, then stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek and said:

"Good night."

After a night of silence, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu hugged each other and slept honestly. Maybe it was because Ye Chuan was tired, so he fell asleep early and did nothing bad.

Although An Shiyu was not that quick, after she secretly kissed Ye Chuan, she contentedly curled up in his arms and fell into a sweet dream.

The next day.

When Ye Chuan woke up, he found that An Shiyu had already gotten up and was dressing up in the bathroom next to him. He walked over and found An Shiyu taking care of his waist-length black hair.

"Aye, wake up." After An Shiyu saw Ye Chuan behind her in the mirror, she said with a smile:

"You slept so deeply last night, I didn't wake you up no matter what."

"What did you do?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile.

"I didn't do anything." An Shiyu's face turned red for some reason, and then she muttered softly.

Ye Chuan stepped forward in two steps, took the comb from the girl's hand, and helped her take care of her long hair.

An Shiyu's hair was very soft and smooth. Ye Chuan didn't even feel his hair getting stuck when he combed it, it was very smooth.

"I can't eat the food you cooked today." Ye Chuan smiled slightly:

"If I could eat it, I would probably double my fighting power today."

An Shiyu stuck out her tongue cutely: "I don't believe it, Aye, you are a liar."

"I didn't lie to you." Ye Chuan spread his hands and pretended to sigh:

"If I can really eat it, I will be victorious today."

After speaking, he opened one eye and smiled:


"That's what you said." An Shiyu's jewel-like eyes flashed with cunning.

After washing up, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu went to the first floor to have breakfast. The breakfast prepared by this hotel is all served as a buffet on the first floor. There are many exquisite pastries, morning tea and first-class breakfast. The main reason is probably because A night's stay in this hotel is not cheap.

And if necessary, you can also ask the waiter to deliver breakfast to the room.

An Shiyu held Ye Chuan's hand and walked in front, then found a seat and sat down. Just when Ye Chuan asked An Shiyu what he wanted for breakfast, several waiters came out and placed plates of familiar breakfast on the table. in front of him.

The familiar fragrance hit his face, and Ye Chuan immediately realized. Isn't this the breakfast that An Shiyu usually likes to make for him?

"Aye, this is what you said. After eating the breakfast I made, your combat power will double." An Shiyu held a piece of crystal shrimp dumpling and put it into Ye Chuan's mouth and said with a sweet smile.

It seems that this girl went to borrow the kitchen again.

Ye Chuan chewed the shrimp dumplings. In this case, he would do his best today.

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