Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 227 Carp King draws lots! The first opponent!

After getting off the bus, Ye Chuan and the others looked at the sports center in the distance, and then entered the innermost building one after another.

This place once held the Campus Cup, but the level of this competition is not the same as that of the college league. The former can only be regarded as a youth competition in the city organized by non-governmental organizations, and the prizes are relatively ordinary.

You see, the first prize only hatched a chick with extremely poor talent.

Blue Jay expressed his concern.

All in all, there is a huge gap between the campus cup held in this city and the college league organized by the official league, both in terms of level and gold content. The most obvious thing is that the campus cup is only a competition between students.

The college league represents a confrontation between two schools, and the gap can be imagined.

After arriving at the central building, Ye Chuan and others soon saw people from other schools at the door.

Among them, the school uniforms of City No. 1 Middle School are particularly eye-catching, because there is a big difference between the school uniforms of City No. 1 Middle School and the school uniforms of Yinshan. The school uniforms of City No. 1 Middle School are blue and white stripes with sweatpants. They are traditional schools. For example, City No. 1 Middle School A relatively common school uniform for No. 2 and No. 3 middle schools.

Unlike Yinshan girls, who dress up in a more delicate coat, pleated skirt and pantyhose, both men and women in City No. 1 Middle School wear the same clothes, and due to school regulations, the school there does not allow long hair. .

That is to say, most boys have short hair, and most girls have mushroom heads.

So in Yinshan Middle School, Gu Qi's hair is longer than a mushroom head, not to mention that girls like An Shiyu and Gu Youling have long hair that reaches their waists, so in the eyes of those schools, they This category belongs to fancy dress.

Ye Chuan is already an old acquaintance of City No. 1 Middle School. After all, the two schools are often at odds with each other. However, because of Ye Chuan's feat of wearing ten in one before, City No. 1 Middle School has been a lot more honest during that time and finally did not do anything online. Things move in a rhythm.

I'm afraid it's because I'm afraid of being embarrassed again.

"Teacher Chen, hello, hello, long time no see." After seeing the teacher from No. 1 Middle School, Teacher Jiang smiled warmly:

"You students look really confident. You must have done a lot of training."

After hearing what Teacher Jiang said, the leading teacher of No. 1 Middle School nodded and then said:

"After all, our school team this time is composed of elites from the city's No. 1 Middle School, so every child is relatively confident."

"But Teacher Jiang, why do you feel that there are many first-year students in your school team this time?"

The leading teacher knew Yinshan Middle School relatively well, because the uniforms for the first, second, and third grade students in Yinshan Middle School were slightly different, mainly to differentiate between grades. The teacher frowned slightly when he saw all the first graders.

"Oh, there are not many second graders who want to participate. We have no choice but to bring the silly boys from the first grade here to gain experience and be just babies to get points." After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, the students from the No. 1 Middle School In the team, the team members couldn't help but sneer.

"Really, but these days, it's hard to get mixed scores." After Teacher Chen finished speaking, he took the members of the school team from No. 1 Middle School to the building facade to draw lots.

"Teacher, do you know the teacher who was leading the team at No. 1 Middle School just now?" Ye Chuan walked to Teacher Jiang and asked.

"Well, he is a very strong Elf Science teacher who has trained many talented trainers. Do you think that No. 1 Middle School has no background at all?" Teacher Jiang crossed his arms and said:

"To be honest, if our Yinshan Middle School didn't have a lot of money and is not stingy in educating students, otherwise it would be difficult to say that it is the opponent of the city's No. 1 Middle School."

"Although I am very confident in your strength, I believe that a arrogant soldier will be defeated."

Teacher Jiang glanced at Ye Chuan, then patted him on the shoulder:

"After all, you are only a first-year student. Among the second-year students, especially in key middle schools, I would not be surprised at all if a monster pops up from time to time, so you must pay attention."

"Yes, I understand." Ye Chuan nodded. In fact, he has always been confident, but not arrogant. He still knows the truth about others.

Later, under the leadership of Teacher Jiang, everyone entered the building.

There was already a banner inside to remind you where the lot was drawn. Everyone followed the prompts and finally came to the place where the lot was drawn.

There were staff sitting at a table, and there was a large pool next to it, with carp kings swimming in it.

"King Carp?" Everyone had strange expressions when they saw the Queen Carp. Why would a pool be built in the sports center to house so many King Carp, more than a dozen of them.

"I know, this is a standard Carp King draw." At this time, Gu Qi said with a smile.

"Magikarp draws lots?"

After seeing the curious expressions of Ye Chuan and others, Gu Qi first cleared her throat and then explained:

"The so-called Magikarp lottery is a pool where an equal number of Magikarp will be placed according to the number of participating teams."

"Each Magikarp has a number on it. The way for participating teams to draw lots is to catch Magikarp with a fishing rod. The number you catch will determine the battle group you are in. It is very fair."

Ye Chuan and the others suddenly realized, then looked at Gu Qi:

"I didn't expect you to know so much."

"That's right." After Gu Qi finished speaking proudly, she then pushed Ye Chuan:

"Ye Chuan, go catch one and sign it out."

"Even if you say that, I don't know who my opponent is." Ye Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth. After realizing that Teacher Jiang also asked him to draw lots, he walked in front of the staff.

After taking out the student ID and alliance card to register the participating teams, the staff took out a fishing rod:

"Draw the numbers."

"Okay." Taking the fishing rod, Ye Chuan shook it, then looked at the staff and said:

"The quality of this fishing rod seems to be average."

staff member:"……"

"What good fishing rod do you need if you drop a Magikarp?!"

"Okay." Seeing the fierce look of the staff, Ye Chuan had no choice but to shrug, and then threw the bait and hook in together.

The carp were swimming inside, and after smelling the bait, several of them soon came around.

At this time, after one of the King Carp bit the bait, Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and fished it out.

This Magikarp has a waterproof sticker with the word A3 written on it.

"Yinshan Middle School, location A3."

After taking a look, the staff member pressed the machine in front of them. Soon, the school badge of Yinshan Middle School appeared on the display above their heads.

A total of sixteen teams participated.

Divided into four groups ABCD, within the group, 1 and 2 will have the knockout round, and the same goes for 3 and 4.

So Yinshan Middle School’s opponent is A4.

However, A4 already had a team at this time, and it also had a familiar school logo.

City No. 1 Middle School.

"It's really not like we are enemies." Ye Chuan smiled.

At this time, the No. 1 Middle School team in the distance suddenly started laughing when they saw that their first opponent was actually Yinshan Middle School.

This smile made me laugh...

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