Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 222 Fighting Teacher Jiang Again

Standing next to Gu Youling, Ye Chuan suddenly had a strange feeling.

The profile of his face seemed a bit familiar.

Is it an illusion?

After Ice Eevee and Flying Mantis appeared, the virtual training room also began to randomly arrange elite-level opponents.

One on the left and one on the right are a platypus and a three-in-one magnet monster respectively.

In terms of attributes, it completely suppresses Ice Eevee and Flying Mantis.

"Three seconds." Gu Youling suddenly said softly.

"Yeah." Ye Chuan smiled faintly.

In an instant, the flying mantis disappeared in place, and the next second, it appeared behind the three-in-one magnet monster——

"Zizzizi." A slash mark appeared on the body of the three-in-one magnet monster, and finally it fell to the ground and turned into blue light particles and disappeared.

"Bui!" Ice Yibu released a freezing light, which actually froze the fire duck-billed flame beast!

Ice Eevee jumped up high, its tail glowed with a metallic color and smacked it!

Iron Tail!

The ice cubes of the Platypus directly shattered into powder and disappeared into blue light.

Flash kills are all flash kills.

"Isn't that an elite level elf?" Seeing Ye Chuan and Gu Youling's complete instant kill gestures, Gu Qi thought she had made a mistake.

"So strong." Yaozao whispered.

Jiang Xue just smiled.

"These two little monsters." After seeing this, Teacher Jiang muttered, then took out a pen and wrote on the paper:

"The battle was resolved in less than ten seconds. You two should go and rest first."

"How many more games are there..." Ye Chuan asked.

"No need, you two will wait for the team competition."

"All right."

Next, Teacher Jiang trained Gu Qi and the others. Compared to the crushing strength of Ye Chuan and Gu Youling, Gu Qi had a very difficult time. Not only did she fall into a hard fight, she also failed to win in the end.

"Show some courage, how can you win in a fight like this?!" Teacher Jiang shouted loudly when he saw Gu Qi's appearance.


Gu Qi showed an ugly expression. Originally, he came here to hug Ye Chuan's thigh, but who knew that now he would also be training for the competition.

Seeing Gu Qi's pitiful look, Ye Chuan shrugged and said there was nothing he could do.

After Gu Qi was drilled hard by Teacher Jiang, Teacher Jiang looked at everyone and clapped his hands:

"Then, let's have a team competition. Five of you will challenge me."

"Challenge the teacher?!" Gu Qi thought for a while. Generally speaking, a high school teacher's strength is already very powerful if it reaches the elite level. However, Yinshan Middle School is also a famous school in this city, so Teacher Jiang should start with a master. level.

"Hey Ye Chuan, Teacher Jiang's strength is probably above the master level. Do you think there is any chance for the five of us to go together?" After hearing Gu Qi's question, Ye Chuan thought for a while and said:

"Let's try it first."

If Teacher Jiang's elf only has master-level strength, then his own flying mantis still has a chance to give it a try.

But, a minute later——

"What's wrong, little devils, can't five people hurt my wind speed dog?"

Teacher Jiang's Wind Speed ​​Dog stood there, and the flames emerging from his body were like turning into purgatory, covering the entire battlefield, making the elves in Ye Chuan extremely uncomfortable. This Wind Speed ​​Dog was really a bit ridiculously strong.

The Flying Mantis took action, and its body turned into a black stream of light and rushed directly towards the Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Cut it out with one knife.

The two-meter-tall wind speed dog roared, and the sound waves directly shook the flying mantis away, forcing it to retreat.

Wind Speed ​​Dog took one step forward, like a proud king of flames, sweeping towards Ye Chuan and others with his fiery aura.

Gu Qi and Yao Zao, as the weakest in the team and trainers of grass elves, were the first to be defeated by this fiery aura. Jiang Xue wanted to find an opportunity to let Hunting Papilion Butterfly release various debuff effects. The poisonous powder was burned out by the flames ignited on the Wind Speed ​​Dog, and there was no chance of getting close.

"The Wind Speed ​​Dog is so terrifying." This Wind Speed ​​Dog is definitely more than a master-level player!

"How about cooperation? Are you all beating yourself up?" Teacher Jiang frowned.

"Gu Youling, help me." Ye Chuan had no choice but to say.


The next second, the two elves started to take action. Ice Eevee directly sprayed out freezing light, aiming directly at the wind speed dog's legs. The ice-blue tooth-shaped light shone in the air, and finally froze. The front foot of the two characters "Wind Speed ​​Dog" was caught.

"good chance!"

The Flying Mantis struck again, and the scythe was swung out with a friction sound of cutting through the air.

"Roar!" Wind Speed ​​Dog directly propped up to guard the barrier, but what it didn't expect was that Flying Mantis's sickle could actually ignore its barrier and penetrate directly.

Just as he was about to be hit by the Flying Mantis' scythe, the Wind Speed ​​Dog's whole body burst into flames.

The heat wave hit his face, and the Flying Mantis saw that the burst of flames from the Wind Speed ​​Dog was an attack method with no dead ends, so he had no choice but to flap his wings and land on Bing Eevee's side.

Then Ice Eevee continued to release cold light, but due to attributes and levels, it had no effect at all in front of the Wind Speed ​​Dog that released a flame barrier.

As for hunting swallowtail butterflies, I had to flap my wings to look for opportunities to release the silver whirlwind to assist everyone.

But everyone was playing in a very chaotic manner, with no focus at all.

The wind speed dog growled, and the light yellow hair on his body flashed with sparks.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog is a legendary elf. Different from the legendary elves, the Wind Speed ​​Dog appears in many legends. This kind of elf is known as an auspicious beast. It is an auspicious elf that brings good luck, especially the hair on its body. When stained with sparks, it is very powerful and beautiful.

"That's enough, it's a mess."

Teacher Jiang snapped his fingers, Feng Su Gou raised his neck, and emitted a flaming red light. The next second, a stream of flames spurted out——

The blazing flames were as unstoppable as a fire dragon, making the air in the entire training room agitated.

It was about several meters in diameter and wide. Instead of saying it was a jet of flames, I thought it was a sea of ​​​​fire coming towards me, and there was no possibility of avoiding it.

Under this sea of ​​fire, the flying mantises, whose attributes were restrained, had no chance of resisting.

"Very strong." Although Ye Chuan didn't want to admit it, Teacher Jiang's strength far exceeded his imagination. Even he knew that even the owner of the diving gym was not as powerful as Teacher Jiang.

"..." Gu Youling pondered slightly.


Facing the sea of ​​​​fire, Flying Mantis took a deep breath and suddenly closed his eyes.

Its scythe began to gather milky white airflow, and the air became rippled. It slowly raised one of its scythes——

"That is?"

The sickle slashed slowly.

The speed was very slow, and the invisible sword energy was cut out as if there was no sound. Under Teacher Jiang's unexpected gaze, it cut through the sea of ​​fire like a knife cutting through paper.

Flame points.


Black bursts out, and the flying mantis appears behind the wind speed dog again. Its eyes are golden and sharp, and the sickle cuts out with a white stream of light!

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