Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 219 Before the College League

The morning classes are over.

Lunch break——

An Shiyu ate her lunch and looked at the boy beside her with her jewel-like eyes: "Aye, I heard that the school team has gathered. How many people are there?"

"Gu Youling, Gu Qi, Jiang Xue, Yaozao." After hearing An Shiyu's question, Ye Chuan read out all the names in the school team.

"They're all girls?!" An Shiyu was a little surprised.

"Gu Qinan's..."

"Sorry, I forgot." An Shiyu stuck out her tongue cutely.

"I'm going to train with Teacher Jiang in the afternoon." Ye Chuan said, then looked at his elves:

"After all, the competition is about to begin. From what he said, it seems that we need to get a good run-in."

"The fire dinosaur hasn't woken up yet..." An Shiyu said.

The fire dinosaur had been sleeping for a long time, but he was in good health. Coupled with what the diving gym leader said, Ye Chuan had no choice but to wait patiently for the fire dinosaur to wake up.

"It's better to wait."


Ye Chuan smiled: "Look, the Fire Dinosaur is gone, and Mu Mu Xiao doesn't feel good about eating anymore."

As he said that, he pointed to Mumu Xiao who was staring at the food on the plate in front of him.

The next second, Mumu Xiao lifted the plate with his wings, poured the energy cubes directly into his mouth, and burped:


Ye Chuan: "..."

forget it.

As expected of you, fat pig.

After the lunch break, Teacher Jiang applied for permission not to attend the afternoon practical class for Ye Chuan and others, so he took them to the playground.

"What is the so-called running-in?" Gu Qi asked curiously after seeing the playground.

"You'll find out later."

Teacher Jiang took out several ropes, then asked Ye Chuan and the others to stand in a row, and directly tied their feet with ropes.

Everyone: "..."

Isn't this five people and six legs?

"Five people and six legs, three laps on the playground. If anyone fails and makes a mistake in the middle, they will all come back again." Teacher Jiang said with a grin.

"Sports?" Gu Qi showed an ugly expression. This was not something he was good at.

"Ah la." Jiang Xue also held her face, as if there was something hidden under her smile.

Gu Youling and Yao had not spoken for a long time. They seemed quite confident in their physical strength.

"Is there a time limit?" Ye Chuan asked.

"No, by the way, if you don't finish today, you won't be allowed to go home from school." Teacher Jiang said with a smile.

Everyone: "..."

There was no other way, so everyone had to start doing it.

On the right side of Ye Chuan is Gu Qi, and on the left side are Yao Zao and other girls.

Three laps is not too much, and if you run normally, you can solve it in a few minutes.

But when everyone started running, they realized that something was wrong, because first of all, the heights did not match. For games like two-person three-legged or five-person six-legged, at least the heights and steps should be the same to run well.

Ye Chuan had just spent a holiday and had grown a few centimeters, about 1.8 meters tall. He was the tallest in the team, followed by Jiang Xue and Gu Youling, both girls were about 1.7 meters tall. As for Yaozao And Gu Qi, on the other hand, is over 1.6 meters tall.

After he started running, he discovered the problem. Within a short distance of less than fifty meters, Gu Qi jumped directly into the street.

"Stuck!" After Teacher Jiang shouted to stop, he said directly:


Gu Qi stood up in pain: "It hurts, it hurts. How can five people run with different heights?"

"There is no time limit, you can take your time." Ye Chuan glanced at Gu Qi's knees and then asked:

"You're not hurt, are you?"

"It's a little scratched."

"Spray some medicine first." Ye Chuan took out a bottle of spray medicine for injuries, applied it to Gu Qi, and then continued with the five people and six legs.

Originally, she kept her pace and ran a fast lap, but for some reason, Jiang Xue seemed to trip over her own heel, causing everyone to fall down.

"Stuck!" In the distance, Teacher Jiang, who was sitting on the back of Fengsu Dog, stretched out his hand:


"I'm sorry." Jiang Xue looked at her black pantyhose and found that there was a hole.

But it happened to be uninjured, just a slight bump.

"Then do it again."

The result was good. Ye Chuan and the others were making more and more mistakes. They couldn't even complete one lap. The more mistakes they made, the faster their physical strength was exhausted. They lost concentration and the mistake rate increased again, directly forming a vicious circle.

"I can't do it anymore!" Gu Qi sat on the ground, panting.

"Huh." Ye Chuan looked at everyone's situation and found that Jiang Xue and Gu Qi were in the worst physical condition. The medicine had improved much earlier, while Gu Youling was no different from usual, not even sweating at all, just on his cheeks. Slightly rosy.

"Shouldn't we train elves? Why train trainers?" Gu Qi complained.

"Maybe it's because of the team competition." Ye Chuan said. After all, the college league is divided into individual teams, and the team competition still depends more on the cooperation between trainers.

"If we continue like this, we will never be able to run less than three laps." After Gu Qi finished speaking, he lay down on the track.

"What should we do, Ye Chuan." Yaozao also looked at Ye Chuan.

"Let's discuss it. After all, continuing like this is not an option." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he suggested:

"Longer legs should be slower to cooperate with Gu Qi and others, so that everyone's steps should be as consistent as possible, so that mistakes are less likely to occur."

"Okay, then try again."

Finally, everyone broke through the circle, but in the middle, they were slow because of the medicine, causing another mistake.

"Stuck!" Teacher Jiang shouted from a distance: "Do it again!"

"I'm sorry!" Yaozao clasped his hands together and apologized in a panic.

She had been sweating just now, and the mist accidentally blurred her lenses, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

"Then, let's try again." Ye Chuan said.

Others also agreed, but not long after, another mistake occurred because of the medicine.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Yaozao kept apologizing.

"Maybe it's because of the glasses." Ye Chuan looked at the white mist remaining on her lenses and said with a smile.

"Then take off your glasses. It's okay to run anyway." Gu Qi said from the side.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Yaozao's face, but Jiang Xue noticed it and said with a smile:

"Myopic people feel more uncomfortable without glasses. Let's try again."

"All right."

Everyone started running again, and this time it went smoothly. However, when they came to the corner on the second lap, Yao fell down for the first time.


The third time, nothing happens.

Yaozao looked like he had done something wrong, his face full of disappointment:

"Failed again."

"Would you like to take off your glasses and try..." Gu Qi was about to speak when she was stopped by Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan looked at Yaozao and said, "Let's do it again."

"That's right." Jiang Xue stood up with a smile and took a deep breath.

"..." Gu Youling said nothing, just wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

"Everyone..." Yaozao raised his head.

"It's okay if you don't pick it off, just relax." Gu Qi stretched out her hand and pulled up the medicine:

"Come on, stand up."

"Work harder, if you don't want to go home and have a hot dinner." Ye Chuan moved his shoulders, then looked at Yaozao and said with a smile:

"You haven't tried hard enough, right?"

Not working hard enough...

Yaozao pursed his lips slightly and watched everyone comforting him gently.

She reached out and took off the glasses from her face.

"Yechuan, how about eating ramen together tonight?"

"No, I have dinner cooked by Shiyu."

"Eh--" Gu Qi said a word or two, and suddenly noticed that Yao had already taken off his glasses. His original rustic appearance seemed to have undergone a huge change. The cute little face under the glasses also reflected in Gu Qi's eyes. Qi eyes.

"You, you're not that..." Gu Qi looked shocked, then looked at Yaozao with an expression of disbelief.

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