Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 212 [Husband]

Ye Chuan felt so many eyes looking at him, but his face did not change. He looked at the slightly nervous girl beside him and asked softly:

"What, nervous?"

"Just a little bit." An Shiyu said, then stared at the pair of dark eyes in front of her, a smile appeared on her face: "Now that Aye is by my side, everything is fine."

Ye Chuan stretched out his arm to wrap his arms around the girl's slim waist. Seeing her cute blushing look, his face was full of smiles.

At this time, after some polite words, witnessed by many guests——

Ye Chuan held a silver ring and slowly put it on An Shiyu's slender white finger. This was a silver dream produced by Cresselia Company. It was a unique existence among engagement rings. Because ordering this The ring requires both men and women to be in love with each other for the first time.

Silver and crystal are intertwined into a ring shape. Under the light, it shines with an extremely moving luster. The silver dream - a pure and dedicated emotion, is one of the highest-rated engagement rings in the industry.

An Shiyu's face was filled with a charming blush at this time. She looked at the ring on her finger and her eyes were shining brightly.

Then she stretched out her fingers, pinched Ye Chuan's palm, and then slowly put the ring on her hand.

The crystal is made of extremely pure water stone. This extremely pure gem is different from the ordinary blue water stone. It is transparent and colorless. At the same time, because the evolution stone emits power when it comes into contact, the two silver fantasy stones When the holder of the ring is within a certain distance, the crystal in the ring will emit a faint light. Especially in the dark, the shimmer emits light particles, which is like a dream.

After putting the ring on Ye Chuan, An Shiyu leaned against him gently.

"Congratulations to Mr. Ye and Miss An on their happy marriage!"

The guests applauded from the audience. Although they did not know Ye Chuan and were curious about Ye Chuan's identity, they still blessed this moment.

"Fiancée..." An Shiyu looked at the ring on her finger, and happiness suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"Should I call you wife?" Ye Chuan suddenly smiled.

An Shiyu's face instantly turned red into an apple. She looked at Ye Chuan and stammered:

"O-Old old old wife?!"


An Shiyu immediately turned her back to Ye Chuan, holding her face in her hands to refuse.

"Why?" Ye Chuan showed a curious expression.

"Not yet married!" An Shiyu said loudly.

"Then... let's talk about it later." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, hugged the girl into his arms, and then whispered in her ear:

"How about it."

An Shiyu looked around, and finally made a shy mosquito-like sound: "Yeah."

An Shiyu's body was soft and Ye Chuan's hug felt a little warm. However, the guests here were all looking at him, so of course he couldn't hold him all the time. After letting go of his hand, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "Today, An Shiyu seems to be the best." Grandpa’s birthday.”

An Shiyu nodded, and then looked at Mr. An, who was always smiling next to him: "Grandpa, happy birthday."

"Hey, seeing you like this makes me happy." After Mr. An finished speaking with a smile, Father An walked over:

"Dad, we have guests. They are all your old friends."

"Really? Then you two take your time and have some fun. I'll go chat with my friends first." Mr. An said something to Ye Chuan and the others and left quickly.

"I'm eighty years old, but my energy and energy are still so good." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that An Shiyu beside him was holding his arm and not speaking.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked.

An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan's face, and after a few seconds, he lowered his head again: "Nothing."

"Really?" Ye Chuan reached out and pinched her cheek, then asked in a low voice:

"Can't even tell me?"

"Dear..." An Shiyu whispered.


"I want to kiss..." An Shiyu stretched out her hand, pulled Ye Chuan's clothes and whispered, then lowered her head and muttered:


"There seem to be a lot of people here looking at us, why don't we change places?" Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"Yes." An Shiyu responded gently.

The two left the hall and moved to a quiet corner to kiss...

Half an hour later.

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu returned to the banquet and found that Mr. An was still chatting with his friends. After all, after the engagement, the real theme was Mr. An's eightieth birthday, and the guests were all interested in Mr. An and An Shiyu. Father's past.

"Would you like something to eat?" Ye Chuan asked, pointing to the exquisite pastries on the table beside him.

An Shiyu shook his head, and then whispered: "I just ate a lot..."

Ye Chuan smiled: "No matter how much you eat, you won't get fat."

An Shiyu blushed and stuck out her tongue. She found that her legs were a little weak, maybe because she had stood for a long time and spent a lot of energy. At this time, she suddenly noticed a bulging bird on the dining table. ball.

"Bu!" The certain ball was naturally Mumu Owl. Because An Shiyu was not around, it could be said to have enjoyed the meal directly.

Fat and paralyzed.

Mu Mu Xiao looked satisfied.

"Mumuxiao, how can you eat so much." An Shiyu walked over, then took a look and found that Pikachu was also lying there with a bulging belly, and the two balls were born so perfectly.

"On this day, it doesn't matter if it tastes good just once." Ye Chuan just smiled at this time.

"Okay." After hearing what Ye Chuan said, An Shiyu had no choice but to nod.

After finding a place to sit down, An Shiyu straightened the folds of her skirt, then sat down with a happy face:

"I can finally sit down, I'm so tired."

"Here, drink some juice." Ye Chuan handed a glass of juice to An Shiyu.

An Shiyu's jewel-like eyes flickered for a moment, then looked at the wine aside:

"Aye, I want to drink some wine."

"Have you forgotten what you looked like last time?" Ye Chuan said. The last time he went to the hot spring, An Shiyu got drunk after drinking just a little bit, and even made him facial cleanser, which made Ye Chuan feel a little embarrassed at the time. .

Although the aftertaste is pretty good.

An Shiyu was obviously recalling the last time she was drunk. She muttered something, and then whispered: "Just get drunk."

Ye Chuan seemed to understand An Shiyu's thoughts, but he still shook his head and refused to give An Shiyu a drink.

After all, this is not home. If there were no outsiders at home, no matter how drunk An Shiyu was or how he behaved, it would be fine no matter what they did.

An Shiyu looked at the ring on her finger, and then touched it cherishedly.

Then, with a smile on her face, she leaned on Ye Chuan's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"What, are you tired?"

"No, I just want to lean on your shoulder." After An Shiyu finished speaking, he placed his hand on Ye Chuan's larger palm.

Ye Chuan smiled slightly, interlocked his fingers, and held An Shiyu's soft hand in his hand.

The two rings were placed close together, giving off a dreamy shimmer.

Suddenly, a mosquito-like sound came from the side:


Ye Chuan turned his head slightly unexpectedly and saw An Shiyu opening her beautiful eyes and sticking out her tongue cutely:


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