Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 210 Childhood Memories

An Shiyu took Ye Chuan to the alley at the corner of the street.

There are not many people here. To put it simply, there is no traffic at all. It is similar to this kind of alley in a residential building. Ye Chuan has no idea what An Shiyu brought him here for.

While walking, Ye Chuan suddenly came to his senses.

Could it be some kind of outdoor PLAY?

But thinking about it carefully, An Shiyu’s temperament is unlikely. Shiyu stopped in front of him, and Ye Chuan found that she stopped in front of a shop. It seemed to be a grocery store, and there were A certain year.

The ten-cent bubble hall, plastic toys, scratch cards, and various snacks in glass jars, whether they are cat ears or anything else, are a place full of childhood atmosphere.

I didn’t expect to see such a place full of memories in this city where the economy is not bad.

"Grocery store." Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze, and then looked at the girl next to him. So, what was Shiyu bringing her here for, and how did she know about this place?

"Aye...what do you want to eat?" An Shiyu smiled sweetly and glanced at the snacks in the grocery store.

"What to eat?" Ye Chuan thought for a while, looked at the snacks, and finally stretched out his finger:

"That rice cooker."

An Shiyu also took some snacks and handed them to the shop owner.

"A total of four and a half dollars." The shopkeeper was an elderly woman. Although she was old, her eyes were particularly energetic. After looking at An Shiyu, she suddenly asked:

"It's you. If I remember correctly, you should have run here often when you were a child."

"Well, yes, long time no see, shopkeeper grandma!" An Shiyu smiled sweetly, then looked at the small toys, and suddenly whispered:

"Is there still that thing?"

"Something?" The shopkeeper thought for a while, and finally pointed his finger as if he was remembering something:

"There seem to be a few more over there, take a look."

An Shiyu immediately smiled and nodded.

A few minutes later, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were sitting on a bench outside the store, eating snacks that cost 50 cents a pack. Seeing the girl next to him eating so happily, Ye Chuan also slowly bit the vegetarian fat in his mouth. Beef jerky.

So sweet...

"I used to come here often when I was little." An Shiyu kicked her slender legs, and then said with a smile:

"This is my secret base!"

"A secret base?" Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

"Because my father had just started his own business at that time, and my mother often quarreled with him, even in my hometown." An Shiyu said, her voice became softer, and then she changed her tone:

"But, whenever they quarrel, I will come here."

"It's amazing. It's always quiet here, and it seems to make people feel at ease." An Shiyu looked at the eaves of the grocery store and said with a smile. The sun shone slightly, leaving a glimmer of light on the girl's face.

"Really?" Ye Chuan took another bite of the snack in his hand.

Then, Ye Chuan's eyes noticed that the plastic bag next to An Shiyu seemed to contain something:

"That is……"

After being discovered by Ye Chuan, An Shiyu's face became pink, and she took out the contents of the plastic bag.

Ye Chuan took a closer look and found that they were actually a pair of plastic rings!

"Ring?" Ye Chuan took the ring and took a look at it, and found that the words "wedding ring" were written on the outside of the plastic packaging.

Then there is a reminder: children are not allowed to eat.

After seeing this, Ye Chuan looked at An Shiyu and found that the latter had a red face and whispered:

"When I was young, my dream was to marry Aye..."

"I always wanted to buy this plastic ring, but it was hard to explain when I brought it back, so I couldn't forget it."

An Shiyu said, then lowered his head shyly:

"That's great."

"The ring is still there, the shop is still there, and even the dream I had back then is still there..." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan, with a sweet smile on her cute face:

"Aye, I like you the most."

When the girl he liked said that he was her dream, Ye Chuan showed a soft smile and stretched out his finger to open the ring inside the plastic package.

Under the girl's surprised eyes, Ye Chuan slowly put the ring on her white finger.

"Aye..." An Shiyu looked at the ring on her finger. Although it was rough, it had a gentle magic power.

"Practice it beforehand." Ye Chuan also put the ring on his finger and said with a smile:

"In a few days, it will be real."

An Shiyu's pretty face turned red, and then she hummed softly.

She moved her body closer to Ye Chuan, then closed her eyes and nervously raised her chin for a kiss.

Ye Chuan's fingers gently stroked the girl's pretty face. Looking at her gently twined eyelashes, Ye Chuan kissed her and took her soft jelly-like lips into his mouth.

When the old lady in the store saw this, she couldn't help but smile kindly, and then glanced at a photo frame under the counter - inside was a photo of an old man and the old lady.

Their lips parted, An Shiyu's eyes sparkled, she stretched out her hands, held Ye Chuan's neck, and whispered:

"Aye, I feel so happy, what should I do?"

"What if we separate one day?"

Seeing the nervous An Shiyu, Ye Chuan stretched out his finger and flicked her forehead. The girl covered her forehead in pain, and then looked at him pitifully: "Aye, this is too much."

"Do you want us to separate?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile.

"No!" An Shiyu's head shook like a rattle.

Seeing her cute appearance, Ye Chuan's tone softened:

"Instead of thinking about what is there and what is not, it is better to take a good look at the person in front of you."

"I've been here all along." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Yes." An Shiyu threw herself into Ye Chuan's arms, showing a sweet smile.

Ye Chuan stroked her long, satin-like hair and thought carefully about it. They seemed to have been together since childhood, and the time they spent apart was far less than the time they spent together. Perhaps they had already become accustomed to each other and regarded each other as their life partner. part.

"Yechuan without An Shiyu would not be Ye Chuan." Ye Chuan said such a sentence out of nowhere.

An Shiyu raised her head, her eyes filled with water. She whispered, "An Shiyu without Ye Chuan is no longer An Shiyu."

The two suddenly looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go, let's go pick out an engagement ring." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and scratched An Shiyu's nose.


Ye Chuan and An Shiyu stood up. At this time, the shop owner's grandma slowly walked out with a kind smile on her face.

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu left under her watch. Although her eyes were not working well, the shop owner's grandma could still clearly see——

On the intertwined hands of Ye Chuan and An Shiyu, two plastic rings were placed closely together.

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