"Whether this Devouring Demon can be untrustworthy?"

Mu Qing wondered in his heart

and he now knows it, it turns out that he is not The only thing is that there are others cultivated demonic energy. Once there was a demonic cultivator lineage in the universe, but almost all demonic cultivators followed the demon ancestor to the road of Sovereign.

Mu Qing guessed that the road to Sovereign should involve the Sovereign realm, and the Mozu is obviously a Supreme, leading the entire demonic path to seek the Sovereign realm.

"It's just that why did the Mozu seek the Sovereign realm and still bring the entire demonic path?"

Mu Qing doesn't know how many powerhouses there were in the demonic path, but it has disappeared. Demonic path, anyhow, Supreme is in charge. It is a Supreme force. It shouldn't be bad!

Is there any benefit in bringing so many people to seek Sovereign realm?

Mu Qing can't help but feel a little confused.

Soon, he had some guesses.

Sovereign realm may be related to faith!

If the strength of Faith is enough, maybe a breakthrough to the Sovereign realm!

No matter how bad it is, it can help.

This is probably the reason why the demon ancestor took the entire demonic path lineage on the road to Sovereign.

Take Diluo Star Domain as an example, the original air luck can allow any creature to have the realm of God Emperor Peak.

Afterwards, as long as there are sufficient resources or accumulation for a long time, you can gradually increase your strength to the power of God Emperor Peak.

This is the wonder of the power of luck, even a newly born creature can immediately have the realm of God Emperor Peak!

And if it is the Peak race, that huge power of luck can even make any creature own the Great Emperor Realm!

Even after the Star Domain of Diluo was completely unified by Luo Daozhong, the power of air transport was even greater, and the power of vigorous air transport had enabled two creatures to unconditionally possess the realm of the god emperor Peak.

Since the demon ancestor takes the entire demonic path to seek the path of Sovereign, then maybe it really has something to do with the power of luck. Maybe luck can help the demon ancestor to break through the realm beyond Supreme!

"What realm am I now? Still don't think about it."

Soon, Mu Qing threw away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

This kind of thing is not something he can imagine and guess.

As for the words of Devouring Demon, he still has some doubts.

The ghost knows if the other party has a ghost?

It's not that Mu Qing is suspicious, but that he really can't guess the idea of ​​Devouring Demon, and it is impossible to see through with his strength.

Not to mention that the other party hasn't even appeared a shadow, but the voice is transmitted to his mind, and it is even more impossible to infer the idea of ​​Devouring Demon.

But waiting is not an issue.

After all, since they were shrouded in gray mist, they really haven't suffered any crisis, at least not around him.

Heaven's Chosen died in the Ruthless Hall, but it has nothing to do with him. He is eager for the deaths of the Celestial Court and the Ruthless Hall.

No matter from Ji Yang's mouth or the attitude of Jiansan before, it can be seen that there is definitely a huge crisis in the gray mist.

Otherwise, Jiansan will not rush to urge sacred relic to escape.

And Mu Qing and the others all the way down, insisted on talking about the crisis, they really haven't encountered it.

Perhaps what the Devourer said is true, it operates in a dark box.

"The strength of Jiansan is higher than ours, at least it can be said to be comparable. After all, they are all the lower emperors of the fifth rank and sixth rank."

"They seem to have encountered an unforeseeable crisis, which is more miserable than us. It seems that Devourer is really helping us in secret."

Looking at some blood stains on the ground from time to time, Mu Qing has an answer in his heart. .

The situation on Jiansan's side is absolutely tragic, at least the danger encountered is much higher than that of them.

"In any case, put the target on Jiansan first, and get the complete sacred relic statue, and you can also get out from here." Mu Qing breathes deeply.

Grey Mist’s recognition of the extreme Emperor Treasure is tempting, but if there is any conspiracy in it, his ten lives are not enough!

Being someone else, I think about danger lurks within the riches and honour. After all, that is the extreme Emperor Treasure. Many people will never see the extreme Imperial Capital in their entire lives.

But for Mu Qing.

Not very attractive!

Although he is only the realm of God Emperor Peak, the twelve paths are all tempering nine times. This is probably an achievement that no one in the entire universe can achieve!

Not to mention, he still has a Supreme Item on him, the Supreme Item of the old Celestial Emperor!

There is also a Supreme Item, Wanyu Star Chart.

Although the Wanyu Star Chart is more damaged than the Sky Forbidden Bottle, but it also cannot be restored, it has great potential!

The best way is to use indestructible power to recover, just like the sky forbidden bottle.

But there is another way, using the core essence of the higher planet to enrich it, and it can still be restored!

I said unceremoniously, Mu Qing is now a big boss with two Supreme Items.

even more how, the Devourer didn't tell him the specific location of the gray mist core, how did he find it?

It's better to find Jiansan and get the sacred relic statue to leave here.

Mu Qing kept silent, and continued to follow the crowd, without telling others about the existence of Devourer.

"Save me! Save me!"

Everyone followed the blood to look for, and soon a silhouette rushed out. This is a sixth rank lower emperor, but the breath of the body It's quite messy.

He obviously encountered unexpected danger.

Xiao Xuan stepped forward, grabbed the lower emperor of the sixth rank, and blocked his body with several immortal Qi imprints.

"What happened to you? Where is Jiansan?"

While stabilizing his injury, Xiao Xuan asked in a low voice.

"Save me...Save me!!!"

This great emperor has obviously lost a certain amount of sanity. He yelled at Xiao Xuan, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Be careful! Get out!"

Purple Gold Yuan caught a glimpse of a wound on the back of the emperor, pupil shrink, and immediately drank it.

Xiao Xuan's reaction was naturally quick, and he slapped the emperor's chest with a palm, and then moved a certain distance away with the force of the counter shock.

A harsh voice came from the belly of the great emperor, and the monster rushed out with all his heads.

A sword light emerges directly from Tianyin's palm, and it is fleeting. Pu Chi beheaded the eight-legged monster with a single sound.

"Same as the previous monster." Lei Ting is frowned.

The emperor encountered before and after was parasitized by monster in his body!

"What you encountered is a parasitic demon. The three monsters we have left are me, parasitic demon, and red demon. They have three powers: devouring, parasitic, and flame." Devourer's voice Passed to Mu Qing's mind at this time.

Mu Qing looked all around without a trace, but still did not find the other party's whereabouts.

"It seems that only by relying on the power of the sacred relic statue can we confirm the specific location of the Devourer." Mu Qing secretly said in one's heart.

He touched his chin, thinking of the words the Devourer said in his mind.

Three monsters are devouring demon, parasitic demon, and red demon.

In this way, these monsters should have been created by these three monsters. The gnaws that Mu Qing encountered before were monsters with devouring abilities.

Although these eight-legged monsters look the same as the eater, they have different abilities. They are parasitic in others and eat everything!

"I don't know how many these parasitic monsters are? These existences are enough to threaten the emperor." Mu Qing breathes deeply.

"Go on, it is estimated that Jiansan is not far from us. They are in danger. Impossible has been moving. We should be able to catch up soon."

Mawson looked at the blood under his feet, opened the mouth and said.

Everyone immediately chose moved towards the front and rushed away.

In less than a moment, I realized that the gray mist in front of me was surging violently, and there seemed to be a group of people fighting.

All of a sudden, everyone rushed over.

"no! Sword Three! You can't die!"

The mournful scream sounded out, with resentment and hatred in his tone.

Everyone rushed to see this scene.

That is a fifth-order lower emperor. Everyone has seen him. At the beginning, it was Jiansan's subordinate.

But now, this great emperor was stabbed through the chest by the Sword Trinity Sword, with a hideous face!

Sword's face was stained with blood, without any emotion, his eyes were full of indifference.

"I just help you get rid of that's all, being parasitized by monsters, even if I can't save you, and you will only suffer endless pain and torment, not equal to me, give you a joy !"

"no! I don't want to die yet!"

The face of the great emperor was distorted, roaring hysterically.

Even if he knew that Jiansan was right, he still wanted to live.

The sword shook three hands, and countless sword qi burst out, tearing the body of the great emperor in front of you!

Together with the monster in his body, also kill it!

Behind Jiansan, there are only two men left, a 7th grade lower emperor, and a fifth grade lower emperor. The two of them looked at all this and were silent.

They knew that Jian San did this to help the other party reduce their pain, but if it was them, it is estimated that they would be like this person.

Jian San was stained with blood, he slowly raised his head and looked towards the group of uninvited guests in front of him.

Having finally killed all the monsters who had raided, but didn't expect to catch a breath before they met Mu Qing and the others.

"You are really fateful."

The long sword in Jiansan's hands trembled, making a sword cry, and his cold eyes looked at the Mu Qing people.

Immediately, Jiansan's eyes slightly shrink, he found that almost no one in Mu Qing and the others had fallen, not even injured!

"This is impossible! They are also in this gray mist, how can they not be attacked by monsters?"

Although there is no expression on Jian San's face, his heart is very incomparable Shocked.

Jian San knows exactly what the degree of danger in the gray mist looks like.

He didn't even have time to leave the death formation with the sacred relic statue!

A batch of monsters rushed out, and another batch after killing!

Almost endless, the monster rushed tirelessly.

Even if Jiansan possesses the strength of the lower Peak, he can't hold it.

More importantly, these monsters are also good at parasitism. If they are not careful, they will follow the wound and enter the body.

If you are parasitized by a monster, you can basically declare death. Even Jiansan doesn't think that he can deal with this parasitic terrifying ability.

The lower Peak's large Emperor's Power can't get rid of the parasitic monsters in his subordinates.

In the end, he can only kill his subordinates personally to minimize torture and pain.

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