Somewhere in the fog.

The three swords took a deep breath, holding a long sword, and completely stabbed the half-dead monster under the feet.

Beside him, there are gnawing corpses everywhere.

He glanced at the corpse beside him, his face gradually becoming heavier.

The gray mist shrouded them, and immediately rushed out a large number of monsters, losing all of the gods' subordinates in the fight.

There was even a great emperor who didn't know what had happened to him, and got into the grey mist and escaped after attacking his companion.


Jian San screamed secretly, he had completely lost his way, and he could only let the emperors around him follow him closely.

He knows that the real crisis has not yet come, and a large group of monsters rushed out before, just tip of the iceberg that's all!

Even, he knew that there was a terrifying existence with wisdom staring at him in the gray mist!

Because once Jiansan uses the sacred relic statue to try to leave the death formation, the surrounding gray fog will rush out a large amount of monsters to stop him.

If he insisted on going his own way, Jiansan suspected that he did not use the sacred relic statue to leave here, he would have been torn into pieces by countless monsters!

As long as the sacred relic statue is not used, although the surrounding gray fog will continuously rush out of the monster, the number and strength are not that many, which is considered to be within the range that can be handled.

"Be careful."

Jiansan walked forward with a few great emperors moved towards, and at the same time waved a sword, splitting a monster that was slaughtered by him into two half.

He strained his nerves all the time, observing all around.

It’s okay for the monsters to appear from the front, but many monsters appear silently behind them, and they will be injured if they are not careful.

While killing the monster in the gray mist, Jian San was thinking of other things in his heart.

The mutation that occurs in the gray fog is probably caused by Mu Qing and the others. He suspects that Mu Qing and the others are not dead yet.

Jian San wants to find Mu Qing them.

Of course, if he knew that there were only a few gnawing people on Mu Qing's side, he would probably vomit blood with anger.

There is a big difference in treatment between the two sides. The gnawingers on Jiansan's side continuously rushed out of the gray fog, and at least one hundred of them appeared each time!

"Be careful behind!"

An emperor yelled out loudly.

Sword Three reacted immediately, and turned around with a sword. Sword light shattered an eight-legged monster!

These people are wary of each other, because these monsters use the special power of the gray fog to appear silently, so be careful at all times.

Jian San even suspected that these monsters could move freely within the scope of the gray mist.

"Boss, do we still have any hope to go out?"

Several emperors have been covered in dirt at this time, and their eyes are bloodshot.

They are tense all the time, feeling that their heads are about to explode.

Now, they would rather go to the main battlefield and the three Supreme forces to kill the enemy than here!

Even one of them complained, muttering why Sir Demon Lord moved Mu Qing and the others into the Death Formation?

Since it can intervene in Mu Qing and the others' transmission location, then directly teleport them to the outside world. Many great emperors in the Holy Land directly besiege, and Mu Qing and the others can be destroyed.

In fact, Jiansan is also very confused about this point, and I don't understand it from the bottom of my heart.

Why change the transmission location of Mu Qing and the others here?

Because this place is special, it depends on this place to interfere with their Space Teleportation......

Or, to send Mu Qing and the others here, are there other intentions?

Jian San looked at the dense gray mist in front of him, thinking in his heart.

Indeed, the gray fog appeared abnormal after Mu Qing and the others came in, and the Demon Lord has a high status. Maybe the evil god instructed him to do so, throwing Mu Qing and the others into death Formation, The mutation that caused the fog.

Is this to understand the secrets in the gray mist?

"And we are all victims..."

Even if I believe in the Holy Lord's sword three, I can't help but body trembled at this moment.

No matter how pious the faith is, in the face of the fear of death, it is also impossible to withstand a single blow!

Jian San's pupils gradually enlarged, and a horrified conjecture emerged in his mind at this time.

He is probably just a victim!

Perhaps, compared with the secrets in the gray mist, he, the powerhouse of the lower emperor Peak, is not worth mentioning in Divine Eyes!

Even if he was once a devout believer!

"No! You must find a way to survive! Mu Qing, they are likely to be the key to the mutation of the fog."

"Yes! Find them!"

Jian San has a goal, his eyes are fierce.

At the same time.

Another place in the fog.

Mu Qing and the others are also moving towards a certain direction.

Although they don’t know where the goal is, it’s better to stay in place.

Ji Yang is supervised by both Mawson and Shu Ling, especially the heart of Ji Yang in the hands of Shu Ling, and there is a curse on it. Once Ji Yang has any changes, he can immediately restrict it!

As for Ji Yang himself, he also knows this. He gathers the Sea King Bloodline Strength in his body very secretly, but the progress is very slow, so he must always pay attention to whether his actions will be discovered by others.

Along the way, there are not many dangers encountered. Basically, every time the gnawing person appears, it is one head and two heads. With the strength of everyone, it is solved with no difficulty.

Mu Qing suddenly raised his brows, his eyes were weird, he glanced at the gray mist all around.

Just now, he actually felt a burst of demonic energy!

"Why is there a breath of demonic energy? And it came from within the gray mist!" Mu Qing took a deep breath, very surprised.

No one else noticed it. The breath should be very subtle, flashing in the gray mist.

Everyone knows that there is an existence in the gray mist that will swallow all power, including the strength of Divine Soul, so everyone will not idle and use the strength of Divine Soul to explore the situation in the gray mist.

But Mu Qing is different. He has the Demon Race bloodline, and the cultivation in his body is pure demonic energy. He can clearly capture the appearance of the demonic energy.

Several conjectures suddenly appeared in Mu Qing's heart.

Why does demonic energy appear in the fog?

Along the way, there is a terrifying existence in the depths of the gray mist. It is suspected to be a very high variety of gnawingers, with wisdom, and always paying attention to them.

But the other party did not make a move!

Is it because I also have demonic energy, so that existence has never been shot?

According to the words of Jian San and Ji Yang, this gray mist should be terrifying and dangerous, and it is definitely not the way we are now. Only one or two gnawing people attack each time.

In other words...the existence that creates the gnawing person, like him, has demonic energy!

Mu Qing couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He thought he was the only Demon Race in the entire universe, but later discovered that something was wrong. Some people could have demonic energy through some way.

Moreover, demonic energy is not, or the strongest, power. Many powers are comparable to demonic energy, such as Chaos Energy, Super Life Power, and so on.

"Golden Nine Yin! Golden Nine Yin!"

At this moment, Tianyin suddenly shouted.

"Damn it!" His face was gloomy and cursed.

In the Celestial Court team, the man in grey has disappeared!

The name of the other party attracted Mu Qing's attention.

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