"Something is devouring the demonic energy in my body. It seems that the sacred relic statue can't completely deter some monsters in the gray mist!" Mu Qing's face was solemn.

I thought that there was a sacred relic statue, and the power in his body would no longer be disappeared.

However, in fact, an existence within the gray mist can still devour his power.

In this way, the role of the sacred relic statue is not as powerful as imagined.

In other words, half of the sacred relic statue in his hand has lost many functions!

Mu Qing glanced at the sacred relic statue in his arms, still couldn't help being sighed.

This thing is only half a piece, it is broken, and the effect is not very good.

Judging from just two consecutive waves of attacks, the monsters in the gray fog will not be affected by the sacred relic statue golden light, and can still enter the golden light enveloped area to attack them.

"The group of guys in the gray mist are jealous?" Mu Qing looked at the quiet gray mist again, and was a little puzzled.

There must be something terrifying in the gray mist, just like the two monsters just now.

"Are they invisible or don’t have too much wisdom?"

"If you realize that golden light can’t affect them, it should take action on us, why suddenly There is no more movement?"

Mu Qing is very confused about this in his heart.

The previous two monster raids can be understood as temptations.

This temptation is also very effective. The monster in the gray fog can completely enter the range covered by the golden light, and even killed a tempering Heaven's Chosen in the Ruthless Temple nine times!

This is enough to prove that half of the golden light of the sacred relic statue does not have much suppressing power against the monster in the gray mist.

But now there is no movement in the gray fog.

Even the dark shadows that had been running around were gone, and the violent gray mist calmed down.

"I seem to have seen these monsters somewhere." After a while, Mawson spoke suddenly.

Everyone looked towards him, but they frowned soon.

Tianyin, Purple Gold and the others don’t believe it.

They all think that Mawson in this ruthless temple is a bit weird, always talking nonsense. What they said before is the Supreme of Nirvana, and you can get the inheritance of Nirvana by killing Wanke.

Now that he has seen these monsters.

"I have seen it too." At this time, the curse spirit suddenly agreed.

This surprised everyone. Isn't Mawson lying?

"Where have you seen it? What are these monsters?" Tianyin asked the curse spirit.

Although he is the Captain of this Celestial Court operation, he is very careful and jealous of the curse.

The people in the evil palace are all lunatics. The ghost knows if they will make any amazing moves, even more how. Now the curse spirit has been tempering ten times. It is the most powerhouse present!

The curse was silent for a while, and the evil spells on her face almost all disappeared at this time, revealing a delicate face.

She seemed to be reminiscing, after a moment, she opened the mouth and said: "I saw it in the ancient book in Celestial Court. It mentioned a kind of monster, the gnawing person, which was created artificially. "

Hu Yibiao hearing this scratched his head, "I never knew."

Tianyin coughed a few times and didn't answer. In fact, he was also curious. It turned out that they Celestial Is there such an ancient book in the Court?

These Heaven's Chosen, they are cultivation all day long, especially at this stage, they are all sprinting ten temperings, and there is no time to read ancient books.

Lei Ting glanced at Tianyin and Hu Yibiao, and said: "There are many ancient books in the Heavenly Book, many of which are brought back by the Celestial Court and Celestial Emperor over the years or written by themselves. , Can increase a lot of knowledge."

She often goes to the Heavenly Book Pavilion to read the ancient book of Celestial Court, but she has never seen the gnawing person said by the curse.

"Yes, it's the gnaw." Mawson was nodded, and then a dignified look appeared on his face, "According to the ancient book of our Ruthless Temple, the gnaw was created by a certain force or a certain powerhouse It’s a kind of species specially used for fighting."

"And what we have just seen is probably just the lowest species among the eater!"

Mosen added .

The description he saw in the ancient book said that these gnawingers were created by people, but it is not clear who they are or a certain force.

"The gnawing person, this name is quite consistent." Mu Qing glanced at the blood on the ground.

The previous monster came up and swallowed the Heaven's Chosen that had been tempered nine times, leaving only a pool of blood, which was quite terrifying.

And there is an existence in the gray mist, which can swallow the power in their bodies in the air!

"Couldn't the one in the gray mist be the bitter with higher rank, right?"

Mu Qing thought.

Mo Sen smiled slightly, "But we don’t need to worry too much. According to the ancient book, the guys who created these gnaws have all fallen. Our opponents should be just these out of control. The bitter."

"Be careful, you can deal with it!"


Seeing Mawson's relaxed look, everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Tianyin looked towards Shuling, with a questioning look on his face.

The curse spirit shook the head, "The ancient book I saw in the Heavenly Book cabinet only briefly described a few sentences. I don’t know if it fell. The description on the ancient book is just It disappeared."

"Have you read the ancient book?" Little Fatty looked towards his big brother and Xuanmu and the others at this time.

Xiao Xuan scratched his head awkwardly, Xuan Mu directly shook his head.

"There may be this kind of ancient book in Ancient Immortal, but we usually don't have the time to read it." Purple Gold coughed a few times, said with a smile.

"We can't believe the words of Mawson and Shu Ling, we still have to be careful." Purple Gold sounded a sound transmission to everyone at this time.

Mu Qing nodded, indeed, Mo Sen said all fell, while Cursed Spirit said disappearance.

Maybe, the powerhouse that created these gnaws is in the gray mist!

The news that Mawson and Shu Ling said was not very helpful to everyone.

I just know that the names of these monsters are gnaws, and there is no specific news at all.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes.

No, maybe Mawson and Shu Ling know more, but they didn't say it on the spot, but sounded all the details to their own people.

No matter what, everyone still watched all around vigilantly, in order to deal with the gnawing people who would rush out of the gray mist at any time.

For the next period of time, the gray mist was calm and tranquil.

This makes everyone more cautious.

Until ten minutes later, the gray mist finally began to roll violently.

Suddenly, everyone is ready to fight, and one by one is alert all around.

"Be careful, at the moment when the gnawing person rushed to me, all the power in my body was swallowed by an existence."

"Always pay attention to the people around you and take action. Rescue!"

Mu Qing faced Purple Gold and the others sound transmission. This was the problem he encountered when he was raided.

This point is very important. The former Heaven's Chosen, who had been tempering nine times in Ruthless Temple, fell before even telling the story.

Mu Qing was the only person present who knew this. He did not say it directly, but at this time sound transmission to Purple Gold Yuan, Xiao Xuan and the others.

However, just when everyone is ready to fight.

The gray mist has dispersed like a tide!

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