The sacred relic is the key to getting in and out of this Formation. If everyone wants to leave this Formation, they can only find a way to seize the sacred relic.

As for the original Space Transmission Array... it has long been destroyed by the Emperor of the Holy Kingdom.

After Space Transmission Array transmitted them, the remaining power turned into special graphics, but these have been erased.

"Jian San and this guy should have sacred relics, and one must be captured." Mu Qing's eyes flickered.

He hasn't forgotten where they are now.

This place called Death Formation not only trapped them.

Since this Formation is called death, it must be dangerous. The longer they stay here, the more dangerous it becomes!

So we must take sacred relic from this blue-haired man or Jiansan.

"hua! ”

The Trident in the hands of the blue-haired man directly moved towards Mu Qing, spurring a sky full of waves, behind which the Holy Spirit emerged, a stalwart silhouette, but Quite vague.

This person comes from the Holy Spirit universe, is the Sea King Holy Lord Lineage, and belongs to the descendants of the Sea King Holy Lord, but the bloodline is beyond the third generation.

But his identity is still very high, holding a sacred relic to the death Formation, and Mu Qing is regarded as a prey.

"The strength is not enough for the sword three, and it is not even as good as Tianxun!"

At the moment when the blue-haired man takes the shot, Mu Qing probably already knows the strength of the opponent.

It's really strong, but it's not as good as the Heavenly Xun who is an angel of Holy War.


Mu Qing's death magic knife appeared, slashed out, and flashed like black lightning!

The wave rushed forward and was cut open with a single knife. The blade light was cast off without any reduction, and it left a scar on the face of the blue-haired man.

The blue-haired man with eyes shrank found that Mu Qing's strength was more powerful than he thought.

But this aroused his desire to fight even more.

"hahaha! Good! It's been a long time since I met an opponent like you. In the Sea King Palace, even the elders are not my opponent under suppressing power!"

The blue-haired man laughed, seeing the hunting eagerly, suddenly burst out all his strength, all around the void gushing out of waves, turning this place into an ocean.

In the ocean, the blue-haired man who owns the sea king bloodline becomes more powerful. He steps on a huge shark.

Mu Qing was enveloped by the ocean, but he rushed out in the next instant.

In the ocean, sea beasts roared out to swallow Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is coldly snorted, the death magic knife in his hand is cut out, countless blade lights are swayed down, and the sea beasts are strangulated, dyeing the entire ocean into red.

"Death Power? What is the relationship between you and the Holy Lord?" The blue-haired man couldn't help but frowned upon seeing this and asked Mu Qing.

"He is my son!" Mu Qing plunged into the black hole, appeared behind the opponent in an instant, slashed down, the gods twilight!

The blue-haired man had a numb scalp, his body was chopped in half, and the shark under his feet was shattered by the terrifying blade light.

But the two halves of the corpse immediately turned into sea water flowing away.

In the distance, the sea surges and regroups into the blue-haired man.

At the critical moment, the blue-haired man used a substitute method to avoid Mu Qing's terrifying offensive.

"It's very risky. If Death Power invades the body, it's no joke." The blue-haired man secreted sweat on his forehead.

If you are entangled by Death Power, it is really terrible.

In the Holy Spirit universe, Death Power is the most terrifying force, there is no one!

Death can make any life wither, and it is also the strongest power that the Holy Lord originally mastered.

And the death of the Holy Lord is the descendant of the original Holy Lord!

Although the blue-haired man is very puzzled how Mu Qing obtained and controlled Death Power, he did not have the courage to resist.

Suddenly, a pale color appeared on Mu Qing's face, but it was quickly covered up.

Almost at the same time, Mu Qing exploded with a powerful breath.

The blue-haired man felt happy in his heart, "This guy seems to be holding on! Excessive consumption! He needs a lot of energy to control Death Power!"

He said nothing, A flash body appeared in front of Mu Qing, Trident swept away in his hand, containing terrifying power on it, and the space in this place was shattered.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, the Death Magic Knife in his hand resisted the blow, but a shocking force came back and shook him back.

This made the blue-haired man's eyes brighten, he laughed, and the offensive became more and more fierce, secretly said in one's heart, this guy looks powerful, in fact it is only this.

He the more fights the more brave is, as a descendant of the sea king Holy Lord, his Holy Spirit is also the sea king, and the energy in his body is as vast as the sea.

During this period, the blue-haired man pierced Mu Qing's chest with a halberd, poke a big hole.

Mu Qing look pale, back constantly.

The blue-haired man continues to pursue!

As for Mu Qing's situation, no one came to rescue him. Xiao Xuan glanced around and then each minding their own business went to fight.

Little Fatty and Mei Third Young Lady in the dragon cover of the nine Heavenly God are not worried at all.


The three swords that are fighting Purple Gold Yuan, Cursing Spirit and the others moved towards here, he glanced at this side, and suddenly cursed.

He yelled immediately, "Quickly go, you are trapped!!"

"en? Are you talking to me?"

Blue The man's offensive couldn't help but a halt, a look of doubt appeared on his face, and he was still thinking about whom Jian San was talking to.

He has a great advantage here, and he will not be caught...

Suddenly, the blue-haired man felt an ominous premonition.


Mu Qing changed his previous weakness, his face quickly became ruddy, and a pair of eyes burst into endless moonlight.

Lunar Dreamland!

The cultivation realm of the blue-haired man is much higher than that of Mu Qing, but Mu Qing’s Soul Power has the Holy Spirit bonus, which still has a certain impact on it.

The blue-haired man was in a trance. When he came back to his senses, a dark tree appeared in the sky behind him, and countless branches fell down.

A few black leaves fell on him, and the rich Qi of Death contained in the black leaves made his heart tremble.

The blue-haired man wanted to dodge, but unfortunately it was too late.

He could not resist the power of the old dead tree, and his branches were trapped and tied tightly to the trunk.

Mu Qing strode into the air, every time he took a step, his breath became more violent!

Behind him appeared the shadows of twelve Demon Gods. The dark lightning in his palm throbbed, condensing into a Thunderclap Spear.

“bang! ”

Mu Qing is like Demon God, tall and magnificent, Thunderclap Spear fiercely threw it out, forcibly piercing the blue-haired man’s chest, nailing it to the ancient death On the trunk of the tree.


The blue-haired man made a mournful scream, and he was hit hard. The old dead tree contained unimaginable Death Power, which directly invaded his body like a tide.

Divine Soul and Fleshy body are all seriously injured!

At the critical moment, the rays of light flashed on the blue-haired man, and the Holy Spirit emerged.

That was the Sea King Holy Spirit, now it is no longer blurry, it is very clear, a big hand reached down, and it passed through the power of the ancient dead tree and took away the blue-haired man!

Mu Qing's complexion condensed, and the moment this force appeared, his thoughts were frozen to a certain extent.

It is the power of Supreme level!

Mu Qing has a trace of fear in his heart. Fortunately, the Supreme power stored in the blue-haired man's Holy Spirit is only so small, and it is only used to save his life.

Otherwise, just give him the power of Supreme, he may be shot to death on the spot, and Divine Soul will fall apart!

The blue-haired man who suffered severe damage to his body and soul is very embarrassed at this moment, looking towards Mu Qing, his eyes are red, his voice is hoarse, "I won't let you go!"

He I thought I was a hunter, I thought Mu Qing was merely this, who would have thought that he would be hit like this by the other party before he even played against him!

Mu Qing hearing this sneered even more.

"You can't even see my simple temptation. You are too naive. You are just a flower in the greenhouse. I guess you haven't really tried it. Those elders deliberately let you."


"Your combat experience is too bad, it's totally shit!"

"Don't say it's me, Heaven's Chosen who is here, just come and abuse you!"

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