"You Celestial Court will really spend your money. After returning from the Sea of ​​Silence, did you spend less resources?"

Looking at Tianyin and the three of them are nine There were even two more Heaven's Chosen who had been tempering nine times. Xiao Xuan couldn't help but speak.

This group of guys must think that they will break through to nine temperings after they get the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of immortal power, so the brace oneself approached the Celestial Court executives to ask for resources.

Xiao Xuan and the others breakthrough to nine temperings are related to the indestructible heavenly materials and earthly treasures obtained by Inheritance Land.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to break through to nine tempering?

However, five and nine tempering powerhouses suddenly appeared on Celestial Court, which is quite strange.

Inheritance Land and Celestial Court have not gained any benefits. Where are the resources used to impact the tempering nine times?

Only ask for it from the top.

"We Celestial Court Sannomiya dísciple are all Tianzong dísciple. It is very easy to hit the tempering nine times."

Tianyin's face did not change in the slightest.

Lei Ting feels a little bit sorry as soon as this remark came out. Who will believe this?

Purple Gold Yuan, Xiao Xuan, and the others snort disdainfully, the ghost believes this. Since they are all gods, why don't you show me a breakthrough on the spot ten times now?

"The rough man next to Naiyin, named Hu Yibiao, is a descendant of Emperor Zhentian. It’s not surprising that he can reach nine temperings, but the man in gray is not clear about his origins, and he is usually not in the Celestial Court. I have seen it before, so be careful."

Xuanmu's sound transmission was sent to the Mu Qing people, apparently they also noticed another person who had been tempering nine times.

They knew Hu Yibiao, and felt that it was no surprise that the other party reached nine temperings. After all, the last tenth-level father was there, asking for some resources, and even ten temperings were hopeful.

However, the gray-clothed men, they have been dealing with Celestial Court for a long time, but have never seen them. This is the first time they have seen Heaven's Chosen powerhouse.


One after another rays of light emerged, and another group of people was teleported over.

It's the powerhouse of Ruthless Palace!

"Ji Jia!" Mu Qing condensed his eyebrows. He saw a familiar voice, a classmate from Earth.

However, the opponent now appears in the ruthless palace team.

Six people came to the Temple of Ruthlessness, five tempering nine times, and one eight tempering.

Compared with the overall strength!

Purple Gold Yuan's face showed a bit of bitterness, and didn't expect that in the end, their eight-person team in the Ancient Immortal world became the weakest party.

The appearance of the Ruthless Hall made the Celestial Court faces serious and took them seriously.

Captain of the Ruthless Temple is a young boy who smiles at hehe. He seems to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, but no one underestimates him. His breath has reached nine temperings.

Except for this person, the five people behind him are expressionless.

Ji Jia is also tempering nine times. She doesn't seem to know Mu Qing at all. She even reveals a breath of silence.

Mu Qing is quite unbelievable. He feels that Ji Jia's cultivation progress is a bit too fast.

"Everyone, aren't we here to save people? What is the situation now?"

"If we don't save people, we can just leave."

The young man in the Temple of Ruthlessness looked around and looked curiously, then looked towards Celestial Court and everyone in the Ancient Immortal world.

He behaved rather indifferently, as if this action was irrelevant to them.

"This group of guys follow the same path of cultivation. They call it Heavenly Dao. Heavenly Dao is ruthless, so they try their best to express as emotionless as possible until all emotions are cut off to strengthen themselves."

"They may really not care about the death of their companions."

Little Fatty sound transmission to Mu Qing.

He really doesn't want to deal with people from Ruthless Palace.

The people of Celestial Court are pretty good to say, after all, the Ancient Immortal community and Celestial Court have been fighting for so many years, and they know each other very well.

The Temple of Ruthlessness is quite mysterious, and Temple Lord of Ruthlessness, that Supreme even calls himself Heavenly Dao!

"Mawson, don’t forget, we’re an alliance this time. Even if you don’t want to save Divine Soul, you have to help."

"Let’s explore all around first. , After all, if you want to go back, you can only go through this place." Tianyin took the lead in speaking, trying to become the leader of the three teams.

Of course, this is not realistic.

From the Ancient Immortal world, they all cast their eyes on the Purple Gold Abyss.

Of course, Mawson dominates the Temple of Ruthlessness.

Everyone checked all around, half an hour passed, and returned to the original place again.

Many Heaven's Chosen glanced at each other, all shook the head, nothing was gained, nothing was sensed, withered trees and dry land everywhere.

In this place where they are, there are three special graphics branded on the ground.

This is their capital to go back. When Space Transmission Array transmitted them, it left behind power. If you want to return, you have to go through here.

But now, they can’t even find Divine Soul anywhere...

Mawson, who is very special existence in the Temple of Ruthlessness, laughed at this moment and suddenly asked .

"I heard the rumors before that you were fighting in the Sea of ​​Silence. As a result, so many Heaven's Chosen, the inheritance of the Supreme Supreme was taken away by an evil god?"

hearing this, the faces of Ancient Immortal and Celestial Court are a bit unsightly.

Xiao Xuan gritted his teeth and glanced at Mawson, not knowing where this guy got the news.

It stands to reason that the news about the Inheritance Land of the Sea of ​​Silence should have been deliberately concealed.

However, the Ruthless Palace is also a Supreme force, maybe there is some way to find out the news.

Even... There are people in the Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal circles!

Tianyin also glanced at Mawson, which is not good.

"If you want to ridicule or ridicule us, then you don't have to. It saves us from joining hands and punching you first." Tianyin coldly snorted.

Inheritance Land, there are so many Heaven's Chosen, but the inheritance was not seen, and it was taken away by an evil god. It is indeed a shame to spread it out.

But Wanke is the tenth-order high-ranking emperor after all, and Heaven's Chosen is no match for them.

It's not that they can't, but the opponent is too strong.

Tianyin comforts himself.

Mosen hehe smiled, "I don't want to taunt you, but I have some news, I want to inquire."

He has a smile on his face since he arrived here. , But now it gradually converges.

Mawson's face was solemn, said solemnly: "That Wanke really acknowledged allegiance to the evil god? Or did I pretend to acknowledge allegiance? I suspect that Supreme simply didn't die!"


These words surprised everyone.

"I suspect that Nawank is the Supreme Item. After all, the Sea of ​​Nirvana is a Supreme Item that is constantly growing. Finally, it is merged into three Supreme Items by the Supreme Item. It is no small thing, and it will definitely not be an outsider. It can be recognized!"

"Wanke is not so much an Inheritor, it is better to say that he is a hidden Supreme of annihilation!"

Mosen gets more excited as he speaks.

And this news also shocked everyone.

Supreme is still alive?

Wanke is the Supreme?

This news is too shocking!

Mu Qing frowned, where did Mo Sen get the news.

How did the other party know that the person who got the inheritance of Nirvana is called Wanke?

Wanke may be the news of the extinguishment of Supreme, it looks very hot, but who knows true or false, after all, it sounds too ridiculous.

The most important thing is, why did Mawson tell them this news?

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