"Outsider, do you need to lead the way? Just some high-level Divine Stones."

An Aite came forward and asked Mu Qing.

This person has a low cultivation base. He is just a True God. Although he is carrying Peak bloodline, he is extremely miserable in the Peak race.

In the Peak race, the basic currency is the high Divine Stone!

Unfortunately, Mu Qing doesn't have many high-level Divine Stones. He is usually lavish.

In addition to the nine temperings, basically a large number of high-level Divine Stones burn directly, using that strong force to wash the Taoist rules.

"No need." Mu Qing glanced at the Aite clansman, waved his hand, and walked forward.

The appearance of the Aite people is very special. There is no hair or nose, the skin is pure golden, and the body contains a strong strength of yang.

Mu Qing observes the city of Aite.

Since the cross-border Space Transmission Array is here, it also shows that this city should be the most powerful one among the central stars of the Aite clan.

Although there is no Heaven Prying pupil, relying on the powerful Soul Power, he can still feel some of the conditions in this huge Great City!

Five lower emperors and one upper emperor!

This is what Mu Qing perceives based on his powerful Holy Spirit Divine Soul.

The breath of the lower emperor can be clearly felt, but the upper emperor is a little vague, vaguely feeling a terrifying breath that's all.

"The strength of this Aite tribe should be inferior to Angel Race and Titan Race." Mu Qing quickly came to a conclusion.

It is also the Peak race, but on the central star of the Aite tribe, there is only one high-ranking emperor in the most powerhouse.

Perhaps with all the stars in the entire Aite Star Domain, there are many emperors, but it is estimated that the number of emperors is far less than Angel Race.

After all, as long as a lower emperor appears, it can be called a Peak race!

It takes a lot of time to develop into a truly powerful Peak race, which is impossible overnight.

Mu Qing wears a black robe with the power of a black hole, restraining aura walking in this city.

Every central star of the higher and Peak races has many foreigners coming and going, most of them want to use the Space Transmission Array, but there are also many contacts and trades.

There are many good things, all kinds of heavenly materials, earthly treasures, weird ores and metal materials.

However, Mu Qing has no eyes on ordinary things, and the ordinary emperor-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures do not do much to him.

Maybe the veins of the advanced Divine Stone will be more useful to him, the veins are burned out, and the huge energy gushing out to wash the channel can still be somewhat effective.

However, the high-level Divine Stone veins are the roots of the Peak races, buried in the ground of prosperous cities.

Even if Mu Qing can't get it with the use of hacking, he will be discovered by the powerhouse of the Peak race.

"Nine tempering is the limit. It is too difficult to achieve perfect ten tempering." Mu Qing shook the head.

Even if it was him, he couldn't help being sighed.

Too difficult!

Ten times of tempering, it is estimated that there will be a qualitative leap!

Mu Qing walked on the streets of city and took out a communication rune.

I just wanted to contact the Ancient Immortal world...


The communication rune vibrated, just at this time, someone contacted him!

A sound came into Mu Qing's ear, it was heavenly punishment.

Recently, the people in the Ancient Immortal world who were in charge of contacting Mu Qing seemed to be heavenly punishment.

"Come to the Immortal Valley star of the Aite people."

In a simple sentence, heavenly punishment seems to know that Mu Qing has come to the world of heaven and earth.

Mu Qing thinks carefully, it seems that whether it is Angel Race or Titan Race, the cross-border Transmission Formation leads here.

After all, the construction of such a cross-border Transmission Formation requires an extremely large amount of resources and energy, and it is unlikely to be available everywhere.

He used a few high-level Divine Stones and learned the exact location of the Immortal Valley star from an Ait clansman.

In Star Domain, every star is very close, and there is no need to resort to Space Transmission Array or cosmic spaceship.

He can use the black hole teleportation to arrive in a short time!

"Sixth Imperial Prince! It's the Sixth Imperial Prince!"

"The Sixth Imperial Prince is back! Did he kill the Great Emperor Level monster?"

"Sure enough, he is the prince with the most innate talent of the Aite clan. Just breakthrough the emperor, he can kill the emperor!"

Countless exclamations and sighs sounded all around.

A prince of the Aite tribe wearing luxurious clothes, with sunlight brilliance haunting him, strode forward.

He opened his hands, feeling the worship of Aite clansman in the city and the awe of foreign creatures, his vanity was satisfied, he closed his eyes and looked intoxicated!

Just before, he killed a Great Emperor Level monster who was in trouble in the Tianchen realm.

Although the opponent doesn't have much spiritual wisdom, his strength is only the lower Rank 2 and he relies on external forces.

But I just broke through the emperor, this is still skipping grades to kill!

I believe that when my father heard this news, he would also look at himself with admiration and reward me with many good things, right?

This Aite Sixth Imperial Prince thought elated in his heart.

In the Aite tribe, a powerful upper emperor unified, known as the Aite Emperor.

Every prince showed his own strength and innate talent as much as possible, and wanted to become the heir to fight for the next emperor.

The cheers stopped abruptly for some reason, which made the Sixth Imperial Prince very puzzled.

At the same time, I feel chilly on my body.


Aite female screamed.

I don't want to worship my own scream...

The very puzzled Sixth Imperial Prince opened his eyes and found that everyone around him was looking at him with weird and peculiar eyes.

It's like... watching a pervert?

Looking down, the Sixth Imperial Prince was shocked to find that all his clothes were gone!

In a city unremarkable, a black hole shrunk and disappeared......

After a while, Mu Qing descended on the Immortal Valley star.

This is also a star in the Aite Star Domain, but the name makes Mu Qing a little concerned.

Immortal Valley ……Ancient Immortal?

Is it possible that Ancient Immortal Realm would ask for a star directly from the Aite Clan as a base?

Divine Soul explored all around and didn't see half of the silhouette. The energy intensity here is also low, and it seems that no one wants to come here.

Mu Qing touched his chin, and then took out something from the black hole space.

Looking at some luxurious clothes, Mu Qing was expressionless, and wisps of magic fire rose up and burned it.

It seems that I still lack the control of the magic power of stealing the sky and changing the sun. I accidentally stole everything from the other person.

"But it has also grown a little bit, and it only used a small ball of air." Mu Qing chuckled lightly.

Then his face gradually became serious.

In his hand, a crystal clear and near-transparent crystal appeared. The crystal was semi-transparent with a starlight shining inside.

Look carefully, Mu Qing eyes shrank, there is a star in this piece of crystal!

And as long as you inject energy into it, you can get the power of the star in the crystal, which can be used for battle or for other purposes!

Mu Qing felt a familiar aura on the Sixth Imperial Prince before. He couldn't help but be curious, and directly used it to get it.

"This is the legacy of the Star Dynasty, didn't expect you to get him."

Heavenly punishment I don't know when he appeared behind Mu Qing, and walked slowly.

He glanced at the crystal, and then lightly said with a smile: "This thing is called the star crystal."

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