
"What transaction?"

Mu Qing suddenly became interested.

Didn't this guy still want to kill him before, why is he thinking about a deal now?

"What can I do with you, don't you find that you can't kill me, are you counseling?" Mu Qing sneered.

The Emperor Qi of Tianxun is anxious, with blue veins violent on his forehead.

He clenched his fists, resisting the urge to suppress and kill Mu Qing, and took a deep breath.

"I'm not here to fight with you, I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

"Return my five principles to me, and I will help you make one Things!"

The Emperor Tianxun gloomy face.

He is in a bad mood!

For the hymn suddenly returned to Angel Race, Emperor Tianxun was very surprised, but when he thought of the hymn, maybe Mu Qing would follow.

Otherwise, the hymn is a traitor, what is the confidence to return to Angel Race?

Are you not afraid to report yourself?

The Great Emperor Tianxun took the initiative to find the door, and he found that Mu Qing was there!

He has been recovering from his injuries during this period, and his injuries have not been completely recovered, but he found that his cultivation realm has fallen.

The cultivation base of the fifth-ranked lower emperor Peak, with fifty principles in his body, and one more discipline, it is the sixth rank!

However, now there are only forty-five principles left.

Theoretically speaking, the Tao is broken when it is broken. At worst, it takes a while to reconcile it.

But later, Emperor Tianxun was shocked to discover that his way was deprived!

Can't restore it!

These five principles are almost a hindrance. His path has been taken away. If you want to continue cultivation, you must find your own principles!

The Great Emperor Tianxun was shocked in his heart. He didn't know what the Emperor Treasure of Mu Qing's white bottle was, and he could do this step!

Or some kind of divine ability?

The Emperor Tianxun didn't know, but he knew that he had to replied.

Otherwise, the strength cannot grow, how to find the controller? How to get revenge on Angel Race?

"Do something for me?"

Mu Qing laughed.

He walked up to Emperor Tianxun and looked directly at the opponent, but he was coldly snorted.

"Your strength is also only this, you have lost the five principles, and you are no longer my opponent."

"You can't help me at all!"

Mu Qing is telling the truth.

Although Tianxun is an angel of Holy War, his battle strength is invincible, and his fleshy body is also metamorphosed to the extreme. If the Emperor Tianyue had not appeared at that time, Mu Qing would not even be his opponent.

But it's different now.

The five ways of Emperor Tianxun are in Mu Qing's hands, and Mu Qing's recovery is faster than Emperor Tianxun's. It is really going to fight, and now Emperor Tianxun is no longer an opponent.

Of course, Emperor Tianxun knew this too, so he had no plans to fight Mu Qing at all.

"If you want your five ways, you can actually." Mu Qing made his request at this time, "submit to me Demon Race, be my man!"

Mu Qing's eyes flashed the rays of light.

The battle strength of Emperor Tianxun is completely comparable to the Heaven's Chosen of the Supreme forces, and even more powerful than Heaven's Chosen!

He has taken a fancy to the strength of Emperor Tianxun, if the other party is willing to acknowledge allegiance to him, it is naturally excellent.

With such a great emperor, I will save a lot of trouble.

Of course, the premise is that Emperor Tianxun is willing to acknowledge allegiance himself.

Mu Qing does not think that the other party will acknowledge allegiance to himself, the chance is very small, it can even be said to be impossible!

Sure enough, a trace of coldness appeared on the face of Emperor Tianxun.

He icily said: "This matter is absolutely impossible!"

Holy War angels will never bow to people!

"Then there is nothing to talk about, let's go." Mu Qing looked indifferent.

Anyway, he is holding the handle in his hand, sitting on the ground and starting the price.

"No, the Tao must pay me back!" Emperor Tianxun didn't mean to leave.

A terrifying force suddenly burst out of his body, which turned into a storm and swept over half of the stars!

The hymn not far away, the whole body was lifted out, coughing up blood.

The Angel Race on the stars was shocked.

"We are all approached, my cultivation has a little setback, now it is at a critical moment, no one is allowed to approach, offenders die!"

The hymn endured severe pain, Drinking back his men.

A crowd of Heavenly God looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they don’t know why such an astonishing breath erupted in the residence of the chant, they still obeyed the order and did not get close.

The subordinates of the chant can't help but guess, this aura, is the chant to break through and become the emperor?

In a sacred palace.

Mu Qing watched the imposing manner erupting in front of the Emperor Tianxun, but took a step forward.

The black hole physique was absorbing and devouring the breath and coercion that erupted from the emperor Tianxun, and could not have any influence on him.

"Do you want to attack me here? Or do you dare?" Mu Qing was quite calm, he smiled lightly, "Although I am not from Angel Race, once the Angel Race people know you are Holy War Angel, do you think they will target you or me?"

The Emperor Tianxun's face was stagnant, his expression was rather ugly, and he was very aggrieved.

But he still put away the explosive imposing manner.

Mu Qing said nothing wrong!

Here, if he shoots at Mu Qing, the emperor’s burst of power will pass through, and it will attract the attention of other emperors of Angel Race.

Once the identity is revealed, between Mu Qing and him, there is no doubt that Angel Race will definitely act on him first!

After all, the top level of Angel Race still has the controller. It is very easy to deal with Emperor Tianxun, and can completely control Emperor Tianxun!

A trace of cold sweat overflowed from the forehead of Emperor Tianxun.

He doesn't want to live a life like a puppet!

The Emperor Tianxun breathes deeply, he wants to be free, he must destroy the controller, now is not the time to get angry!

He said solemnly: "You know this request is impossible, change the terms."

"Help you twice, this is my bottom line!"

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, and he also knew that it was a bit impossible to let the Emperor Tianxun acknowledge allegiance.

But now the Five Paths are in his hands, and he is the one who has the advantage and the right to speak.

"Take three shots, plus the secret technique to detonate the Divine Item." Mu Qing drank low.

He was very interested in the method of detonating the Divine Item used by Emperor Tianxun last time.

The normal Heaven Grade Divine Item can explode the power of the God Emperor, and the Sovereign level Divine Item can explode the power of the Lower Emperor!

This detonation method completely squeezes out the power of Divine Item and detonates perfectly.

Mu Qing can use his own power to explode the Sovereign level Divine Item.

But is that called detonation?

That can only be called blast, and the power of the blast is equivalent to the emperor's blow at best.

Mu Qing has many Divine Items in his body. In the black hole space, there are a lot of Heaven Grade Divine Items, and there are also many Sovereign level Divine Items.

If you can get the means to detonate Divine Item from Emperor Tianxun, these Divine Items that are of no use to him can become bombs that you carry with you.

Formidable power is powerful and wide in scope.

It's a must-have for killing people!


The Emperor Tianxun was quite entangled and hesitant. After staring at Mu Qing and thinking for a while, he finally spit out a word of gnashing teeth.

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