At this moment, heaven falls and earth rends within the entire star.

The three great emperors made an all-out effort, and this force was almost about to smash this star at once!

These three emperors are all degenerate lineage.

The dark power, the blood-colored rays of light, the three fallen angels, and the way through Heaven and Earth!

In Thunder Tribulation, there is an angel who is enveloped by golden light and ten thousand zhang of sacred light.

The sacred wings behind Holy Spirit escape the golden light, protecting her!

Her Taoism is also full of Holy Power.

A golden-bright and dazzling sacred bow is condensed in her hands.


One arrow came through!

But it was aimed at the three great emperors, a touch of white glow was carried out to the extreme, tearing everything apart.


The headed Emperor Tianxun sneered. He had a giant sword in his hand. Evil Power was diffused, and he left with a sword, smashing the white glow.

hong long!

The collision of the two forces of sacred and depravity, burst out a dazzling energy light group.

A terrifying power surged, causing the two third-order lower emperors to change their colors.

They looked at each other and saw the horror deep in each other's eyes.

This is the power of seven tempering?

I have completely surpassed the god emperor and reached the emperor!

"What are you still doing? Quickly do it!"

The Emperor Tianxun drank lightly.

Although the two Angel Races around them are both saints, their strength is respected, and the status of Tianxun the fifth-order lower emperor is not bad at all.


Two Angel Race greats responded, the black wings vibrating behind them, rushed into the Thunder Tribulation range, and shot one after another.

Holy Spirit has a sacred bow in his hand, with an elegant posture, and every arrow shot out seems to be able to shoot through the stars.

But she is still inferior to the siege of the three emperors!


The Emperor Tianxun cut it down with a sword, and he cut off a lot of Thunder Tribulation, and wounded the Holy Spirit.

"You must die today! Just like your father, you will be cut off your wings and fall!" The Great Emperor Tianxun shouted loudly.

Holy Spirit’s pretty face is extremely cold, her voice is like a silver bell, and she said: "I will never let you go!"

She escaped from her curvaceous lovable body.

The moonlight is like a gauze, this energy is quite soft, but it has caused the three great emperors around to change their colors.

The Great Emperor Tianxun's face was solemn, and he felt a breath of horror.

Next moment, I saw a dazzling moonlight rushing out of the Holy Spirit's body. It was a mirror, and there were even several cracks.

The moment the mirror appeared, it seemed that the space all around was frozen.

There is a force to escape, to run through the torrent of time, to the past and the future!

"Moon God Mirror!"

The Great Emperor Tianxun changed his color and said in amazement.

He knew that there was a Supreme Item on Holy Spirit, but he didn't expect it to move!

Could it be said that Holy Spirit has been approved by Luna Mirror!

After all, the Luna Mirror is the Supreme Item, even if it is obtained, it is not available to all who can use it.


The Emperor Tianxun burst out loud.

"The future me... please help me!"

Holy Spirit whispered in a low voice, she couldn't get the Moon God Mirror to fight for her, she could only rely on the Moon God Mirror Power to pray for the future self.

Of course, if she does not appear in the future, then it means that she does not exist in the future and is already dead.


The sky is broken!

The entire star is tragically destroyed, and a force is shrouded in it!

The Emperor Tianxun stared wide-eyed, I can’t believe it.

That is a white and flawless palm, slender and slender, but extremely large, shrouded from the stars, covering the sky and the sun!

Thunder Tribulation was annihilated under this force, and the white jade-like palm with the destruction aura, crushed to the Emperor Tianxun and the others.

When Holy Spirit sees this, I am happy in my heart.

This proves that she is still alive in the future, she will not die here!


Holy Spirit's breath soared, and Dao Ze's rays of light rushed away.

Thunder Tribulation is broken, she has become an emperor!


The gods of Angel Race were unwilling, they couldn't resist this force at all, their bodies burst, and Divine Soul was crushed.

No god emperor can resist this force!

The chant is also frightened, he keeps retreating violently, but the power of the palm is almost indiscriminately attacking.

The three great emperors of Angel Race are too busy to take care of themselves, it is impossible to help him!

"Master, save me!" The chant yelled hysterically.

This power cannot be resisted by the emperor at all!

Excited, the power in the hymn was exposed, and strands of demonic energy escaped, surrounding the body.

His heart is beating, the demon heart is like a big drum, and the demonic energy is pouring out wildly.

The demonic energy of chant cultivation is naturally not as good as Mu Qing, but it is much stronger than divine force.

The magic seed in my mind did not respond to the hymn, after all, this is just an ordinary magic seed.


The power of that Baijie's palm, after feeling the demonic energy in the chant body, converged back!

The fatal threat of death dissipated.

The hymn was stunned, and looked at all around.

Heaven and Earth are still collapsing. The three great emperors gnashing teeth in the distance guarded themselves bitterly, with blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths.

Only a small area on his side is fine!

"What's the matter?"

The hymn was shocked.

He then realized that it seemed to be the demonic energy on his body.

The power of Baijie's palm, when he felt the demonic energy in his body, he chose to take a detour without hurting him!

He was shocked when the heaven overflowing giant wave was raised in the heart of the hymn.

What kind of race is Demon Race?

He cultivated demonic energy, so that power won't hurt him?

At the same time, Mu Qing who was not far away was also very surprised.

He was naturally confident of resisting this force, but this force did not harm him.

"Is it possible that the future Senior Sister knows that this power belongs to me, so he didn't hurt me?" Mu Qing pondered.

This seems to be the only reason.

But he was still surprised by the power of the Moon God Mirror.

I can summon my own power to help myself in the future!

This is simply unheard of!

What makes Mu Qing puzzled is that the Supreme Item of the Moon God is actually in the hands of Holy Spirit.

When the Celestial Emperor killed the Moon God, didn’t it take away the Moon God Mirror?


At this time, two Tier 3 lower emperors of Angel Race were injured by this force and flew upside down.

The Emperor Tianxun’s teeth bite hemorrhage, battered and exhausted.

"Across time and space... The loss of power is too great..."

A sigh echoed all around.

The white palms turned into dots and disappeared.

Even with the help of the Moon God Mirror, the power has crossed time and space, but there is too much loss, only a small amount of power is left, and it has not been able to help Holy Spirit kill the three Angel Race great emperors in front of him.

But the power escaped, and all the other gods fell apart except the hymn.

The entire prosperous star has also become a ruin, with yellow sand and barren everywhere.


The Great Emperor Tianxun stood up, covered in blood, but his breath was still strong.

There was something next to him, it was a serpentine statue, but it was broken at the moment.

It is this power that completely resists the power of the future Holy Spirit!

Although the other two third-tier lower emperors were seriously injured, they still have the power to fight!

Holy Spirit's face also changed slightly.

She tried her best to activate the Luna Mirror once, which consumes a lot of money.

Even if she has become a great emperor, she consumes too much power and she does not have much strength to fight on!

"Suffer to death!"

The Emperor Tianxun also saw the weakness of the Holy Spirit, the body's Inner Strength exploded, and the evil giant sword slashed away.

But in a flash.

A silhouette appeared in front of Holy Spirit!

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