Luo Daozhong was ecstatic, he himself didn't expect Mu Qing to be so strong, and cut the great emperor of Angel Race with a single knife!

Now, the domain master is definitely his!

It's just that, what made him hesitate a little, Angel Race one fallen Great Emperor, this is not a trivial matter.

When the time comes Angel Race, will you come to Xingshi to inquire?

"No matter what, when the time comes, let Angel Race go to Demon Race. It shouldn't be a little god emperor, right?"

Luo Dazhong simply Regardless, be your own domain owner first.

I am not a domain owner, his life essence is exhausted, and he will be powerless in a few years!

Only through breakthrough can we have a chance to live!

Great Elder Luo Yang looked decadent, he prepared a long-term plan, and in the bottom of his heart, he planned to slowly erode other Elder forces step by step.

A red-haired old man is helping him, he wants to become a domain master with no difficulty!

However, all these plans died at this moment.

Luo Yang had to lower his head, and he knew from the bottom of his heart that if he wanted to live, he couldn't provoke him.

In the next few months, the entire Star Domain people were alarmed, and Luo Daozhong became the new domain master. With the help of the luck on the domain master token, breakthrough God Emperor Peak!

He used to be low-key, but now he has shown iron-blooded means to exclude dissidents, and any resistance forces will directly kill, silk ruthless.

Luo Yang has already acknowledged allegiance, so he dare not make any mistakes.

The original Shenluo star was slashed by Mu Qing, Luo Daozhong picked a new star and named it the Shenluo star.

Although the new Shinra star has just started, this star previously absorbed the imperial energy of the red-haired old man after the fall, so it doesn't have to be different from the original Shinra star.

Luo Daozhong arranged another place for Mu Qing.

According to Luo Daozhong, a large Space Transmission Array will take several years to build.

Mu Qing can only temporarily put down the matter of returning to the Black Tortoise Star Domain.

Now the most important one, or Saint Linger!

According to the red-haired old man, Holy Spirit did not seem to have died, but was chased by the powerhouse of Angel Race.

Holy Spirit is his Senior Sister, he naturally wants to save it!

Mu Qing sits in a quiet place, behind an old tree full of Death Aura swaying.

After killing the red-haired old man, the old death tree swallowed the Death Power of his corpse and fed it back to Mu Qing.

Part of the power makes the Magic Knife of Death even stronger, and the ancient tree of death seems to retain some of its original abilities, allowing Mu Qing's fleshy body to gradually improve.

Mu Qing suspects that if he finds a battlefield for the ancient dead tree to absorb, he is estimated to be able to make his fleshy body strength soar!

Now his fleshy body is comparable to the lower Emperor Treasure, and his fist can resist the Emperor Treasure!

Unfortunately, I was unable to absorb Death Power in the Sea of ​​Silence at that time.

Central Continent of the Sea of ​​Silence is the battlefield between the Celestial Court and the Ancient Immortal world. There is a large amount of Death Power in it, but it is a pity that Mu Qing did not have the opportunity to absorb it there.

Some time ago, heavenly punishment informed Mu Qing of some things through the newsletter rune.

The evil gods have begun to develop their power!

In the battle of the Sea of ​​Silence, in the end, the illusory shadows differentiated by the Primal Chaos Giant and Celestial Emperor were all shot, but they still failed to kill the evil gods.

I don’t know how the evil gods did it, so Wanke obtained complete annihilation inheritance!

Wanke has the inheritance of nirvana. Although it was only initially obtained at that time, it was still able to set off some of the power of the sea of ​​nirvana.

The Sea of ​​Silence is quite special, it is a very powerful Supreme Item, and it even seems to be a combination of three Supreme Items!

As a result, Supreme cannot enter, and Celestial Emperor can only differentiate into illusory shadow to achieve cross-border.

The evil god did not die, afterwards Wanke gradually grasped the power of the sea of ​​nirvana, and even moved the sea of ​​nirvana away in the air, without knowing where he was going.

This is the news from the heavenly punishment to Mu Qing, about the evil gods.

And the ancient Immortal world who helped to detect the news of Mu Qing's parents, also had some eyebrows.

The astrological emperor is in the extreme position of breakthrough, and got specific news that Mu Qing’s parents’ Divine Soul is somewhere in the universe!

It’s not clear what exactly it is, but it can be known that the other party is not targeting Mu Qing.

The Divine Soul of Mu Qing's parents, together with many other Divine Souls, are all imprisoned, and there is no danger for the time being!

The conclusion drawn from the Ancient Immortal world is that a certain Supreme force made a hand!

"Go to save Holy Spirit first. If Divine Soul happens to my parents, the Ancient Immortal community will immediately notify me." Mu Qing breathes deeply, and his eyes are full of killing intents.

No matter which Supreme force it is, he must let the other party taste the price!

Holy Spirit's current suspected location, he has been tortured from the mouth of the red-haired old man's Divine Soul.

Mu Qing spent most of the next time studying the Heaven Prying pupil, and he had some eyebrows about the chaos talisman In Literature there is in this pupil.

Using the Secret Technique of Chaos to communicate with Land of Primal Chaos and pull Chaos Energy down.

He used Chaos Energy to condense the chaotic rune in Heaven Prying's pupil, but the process was unexpectedly difficult.

Mu Qing painted the bottle gourd, and finally used Chaos Energy to recondense that chaotic rune, but it collapsed into Chaos Energy in an instant.

Even Chaos Energy failed to stay, and collapsed directly in the sky.

Mu Qing frowned, he has condensed the chaotic rune several times, and it is exactly the same as the chaotic rune in Heaven Prying's pupil, but he can't maintain it.

Where is the missing point?

Mu Qing wondered, is it possible that his Chaos Energy is not enough? Or is it insufficient realm?

At this time, Luo Daozhong came to visit.

Luo Daozhong looked respectful, and then took out a corpse from the storage space.

It was a man with a handsome face and a coquettish appearance. His skin was slightly bronze, and he was wearing luxurious golden robes. His body was filled with a touch of imperial prestige. He was obviously a great emperor.

Something's wrong!

Mu Qing's brows suddenly frowned. He didn't care about the emperor corpse that Luo Daozhong said, but when he looked at it now, he found that there was something wrong with this emperor's corpse!

Luo Daozhong seems to know some problems with this emperor's corpse.

He said: "When the previous Diluo domain master got this emperor corpse, he was ecstatic, but no matter what, he couldn't perceive the existence of Dao Ze from this emperor corpse."

"After that, I didn't know how many methods were used, and the emperor's corpse was not damaged. In the end, it could only be hidden."

Luo Daozhong has the Heaven Prying pupil, When the previous territorial landlord got the emperor's corpse, he knew everything that happened.

The same is true, he has no nostalgia for this emperor corpse.

Because this emperor corpse is so weird!

If a god emperor Peak obtains an emperor corpse, don’t be too mad with joy. Refining the emperor’s corpse and body energy has a high probability of breaking through to the emperor.

Even if you don't have a breakthrough, you can greatly improve your strength!

However, the identity of this emperor corpse is unknown, and it is not known which race the emperor is.

The former Territory Lord has used various methods but failed to refining the slightest energy in the emperor's corpse, and even the power of Dao Ze in the emperor's corpse could not be sensed.

Baoshan is empty, but I can only look at it!

Mu Qing frowned, the mighty strength of Divine Soul rushed out, covering this emperor's corpse.

The corpse of the emperor contains unimaginable energy fluctuations, at least the corpse of a high-ranking emperor!

However, when Mu Qing continued to explore with Strength of Divine Soul, he did not find any Dao principles.

"The Tao of the emperor's corpse has long been taken away for refining?" Mu Qing was surprised.

But soon he overthrew this idea, because the energy in the emperor's corpse was quite stable and had not been destroyed by anyone!

"This force is not a divine force!"

Mu Qing's face is heavy, he found the difference of this emperor's corpse.

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