
The divine emperor's foreign aids who came later were all dumbfounded, and they were speechless.

Luo Daozhong is behind, but he is a little nervous.

In the bottom of my heart, he kept cursing the cosmic robber, and even provoke Mu Qing with a disagreement. Now it's good, maybe when the time comes Mu Qing will anger him.

"The Great?!"

The cosmic bandit's eyes widened, he was unbelievable, and his breath was fading at the speed visible by naked eye.

He immediately puffed, knelt down on the ground, hit his knees on the ground, and made a deep hole.

This guy is quite decisive. After realizing that Mu Qing's strength exceeds him too much, he immediately admits it!

Just kidding, the power surpassed him so much, and he shattered his god emperor world with one punch.

This is definitely the emperor!

However, Mu Qing did not wait for him to say a word for mercy, Demon God crushed the void, and thunder pool suppressed!


The opponent made a mournful scream sound, the thunder pool was crushed down, countless thunder strikes, and it became a piece of coke in the blink of an eye!

This god emperor Peak is not as good as the landlord, and it is not even Mu Qing's opponent.

At this point, bloodline is not important!

Even the god emperor Peak of the Peak race cannot withstand Mu Qing's strike.

Only the more tempering the road, the wider the road in the future!

For those great emperors who can break through without tempering, the limit is the upper emperor, and they will never reach the extreme position.

Only with more than six tempering breakthroughs, the gate of extreme position will be opened!

"Big... the emperor is forgiving!"

A group of foreign aid from the gods and emperors knelt down on the ground one after another. They were one of the members of Xingshi.

Who could have imagined that such an old man in Luo Daozhong could find a great emperor!

Mu Qing returned to his yard.

Don't say, the residence arranged for him by Luo Daozhong is quite quiet, and there is a medium-sized Divine Stone vein under this yard.

Although Mu Qing doesn't like it, living in a place full of energy is still a lot more comfortable.

The foreign aid of the god emperor smiled with joy and sighed in relief. It seems that the emperor did not intend to pursue punishment.

But at the next moment, a black hole appeared under everyone's feet, and everyone fell into it.

"Keep them off for a few months." Mu Qing's voice came and fell into Luo Dao's ears.

Mu Qing did not intend to kill these guys.

But I still have to give these guys a bite to eat, and throw them directly into the black hole space, let them get lost for a while.

With Mu Qing's current power, a black hole space can be created at will, as long as it is not the power of the emperor, it will not be able to come out!

Luo Daozhong naturally doesn't have any opinions, and he even hopes that Mu Qing will kill all these guys!

Most of the emperors he invited were focused on the resources and various heavenly materials and earthly treasures in his hand.

Luo Daozhong’s true confidant is only one Diluo clan’s mid-term divine emperor, and no one else can believe it!

Mu Qing stabilized nine temperings in the yard arranged by Luo Daozhong, as well as the application of quantitative principles.

His Tao can be transformed into Demon God, even more powerful than External Body Incarnation divine ability!

But he thinks the mysterious of Taoism is more than this!

Perhaps the power of Taoism needs to enter the Great Emperor Realm before it can be used proficiently.

But Mu Qing knows a person, even if it's only the God Emperor Peak, but he can use his only path skillfully!

That person is Little Fatty!

Mu Qing and Little Fatty have been in contact during this period. Regardless of what the other party usually does, in fact, the application of Taoism is still above the many Heaven's Chosen in the Ancient Immortal world.

Five times of tempering, Little Fatty was able to turn his Dao into an Eight Trigrams Mirror, and all treasures within a radius of five hundred miles would be presented in the form of pictures!

This ability is already against the sky, and after Little Fatty six tempering, the scope of the Eight Trigrams Mirror treasure hunt has doubled, and the sound can be captured!

This is all monitoring!

The reason why Little Fatty's Eight Trigrams Mirror has so much improved is not because of the increase in strength, but the deeper understanding of the Tao.

Mu Qing is also trying to see if he can deepen his understanding of the demonic path.

A few days later, Mu Qing reluctantly retracted the twelve roads into his body, shaking his head and sighing.

No progress!

"It seems that the perception and understanding of Dao Ze is not made overnight." Mu Qing whispered.

He then took out the Heaven Prying pupil.

In the next day, he intends to study this pupil, which is full of Power of Primal Chaos, which is suspected to be the pupil of Chaos Creature!

Take out the Magic Knife of Death and wave it to cut it. As a result, a force of counter-shock surges, fingers numb.

A strange color appeared on Mu Qing's face. The hardness of the pupils was beyond imagination, definitely harder than the upper Emperor Treasure!

According to Luo Daozhong's statement, he directly injected demonic energy into it. Sure enough, a chaotic force emerged and he wanted to pull away his Divine Soul.

This force is not overbearing, as long as you have a cultivation base above the God Emperor Early-Stage, you can resist it at will.

Of course Mu Qing didn't have to resist, Divine Soul followed the traction of Power of Primal Chaos and entered Heaven Prying pupil.

A starry sky is in your eyes!

The starry sky is shining brightly. Mu Qing saw the Diluo Star Domain. There are hundreds of stars, echoing each other.

Relying on the power of Heaven Prying Hitomi, his Divine Soul seems to be infinitely expanded!

If Luo Dao uses the Heaven Prying pupil, Divine Soul's detection range can have five Star Domains, then Mu Qing now relies on the power of Heaven Prying pupil, Divine Soul's detection range, can have fifty Stars Domain!

Ten times!

Mu Qing's Divine Soul is very powerful. Through the Heaven Prying pupil, a mysterious Power of Primal Chaos expands his Divine Soul infinitely, and the detection range reaches the size of fifty Star Domains.

This size is almost a bit horrible. The Divine Soul of the Ordinary Great Emperor can cover almost ten stars.

Mu Qing's Divine Soul is powerful, but at most it can cover 30 stars.

Divine Soul entered Heaven Prying pupil, Mu Qing focused his main attention on the Shenluo star, and knew everything well.

He saw a huge palace in the center of the Shenluo star with Divine Eyes totems everywhere, which was in line with the style of the Diluo tribe.

At this moment, Elder Qi, the five gods and queens, including Luo Daozhong, gathered together for a meeting.

Mu Qing is a little curious, watching Divine Soul closely.

The Chamber of the Domain Lord’s Palace.

Five Elders had an impromptu meeting, and two of them looked solemn.

Among the five Great Elders, these two people are currently the most likely to win the domain master position Elder, Great Elder Luoyang and Second Elder Luo Yue.

Luo Daozhong is Third Elder, followed by Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder.

These three human rights are not as good as the first two. If it is a normal competition, you will need to withdraw later and choose one of the first two.

Luo Daozhong is confident now, but he hasn't revealed it at all on the surface.

He was just a little puzzled, why did Luo Yang and Luo Yue suddenly hold a temporary meeting?

Moreover, this temporary meeting is only eligible to participate in this temporary meeting.

According to Luo Yang's words, only the late Emperor Shenhuang is eligible to participate in the affairs of the Diluo clan.

"Cough cough, everyone." Great Elder Luo Yang saw everyone sitting down, his face solemn, said solemnly: "Just a few days ago, the treasure vault on the Space Transmission Array was stolen. There were five middle Divines. Stone mineral veins disappeared!"

Second Elder Luo Yue slapped on the table with a fierce look and shouted: "I know you all want to fight for the position of the domain master, and also find many foreign gods to do things. Help, there is no lack of God Emperor Peak!"

"But the origin of this group of people is unclear. This time the five medium-sized Divine Stone veins were stolen, it is very likely that this group of foreign gods did it. I hope you all Find out who the prisoner is as soon as possible!"

The three of Luo Daozhong were shocked and surprised.

Compared with the confusion of Fourth Elder and Fifth Elder, the Luo Dao center suddenly stunned, recalling that when I found Mu Qing with Heaven Prying, it seemed that the other party was on the Space Transmission Array side!

"Isn't it the King of Ten Thousand Demons..."

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