Little Fatty finally did not get what he wanted.

Even if Mu Qing is willing to take him to play missing, there is no second chance.

Xiao Xuan's face was dark, and he dragged Little Fatty away from Mu Qing's thigh, and decided in his heart that he should educate this kid!

"Do you want to come with us?" Heavenly punishment asked Mu Qing.

With Mu Qing's current strength, it is completely comparable to the Heaven's Chosen of Peak such as Xuanmu!

He wants to take Mu Qing to the Ancient Immortal world, when the time comes, he will naturally cultivate it vigorously.

With Mu Qing and Ning Feng Zhenjun some connections, maybe you can join Heavenly Master Path cultivation.

"No." Mu Qing shook his head, rejecting the kindness of heavenly punishment.

He still has important things to do.

To thoroughly find the whereabouts of his parents' Divine Soul, the only clue at present is Titan Race.

But Titan Race is also a Peak race anyway. There is an extremely great emperor who is in charge. With his current strength, he is not an opponent at all!

He doesn't think that the Ancient Immortal world will help him to destroy Titan Race.

Even if the Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal circles have temporarily ceased war, they are still in a state of checks and balances.

Heavenly punishment Knowing Mu Qing’s thoughts, he sound transmission said: "Your parents’ downfall, I will let the Ancient Immortal world help you find it."

"Now we The temporary truce with Celestial Court is to deal with the evil gods, but it's okay to check the news for you."

"many thanks!" Mu Qing said gratefully.

He knew that the Ancient Immortal world was unlikely to help him deal with Titan Race, but pressure was still okay. With the astrological emperor, he might be able to get news from his parents.

A few days later, heavenly punishment and Zhenjun Ning Feng left with Little Fatty and the others.

But Mu Qing still stays on this star.

Before leaving, Lord Ning Fengzhen told him that this was a remote area in the Hunyuan World, and nearby was an advanced Star Domain called Diluo Star Domain.

The star is now peaceful, mountains and rivers have formed, but there are very few creatures, only some wild beasts.

Such stars are barren stars, Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is thin, and no creatures containing spiritual wisdom have been born.

Mu Qing walked in the air, and after leaving the Silent Sea, his power was no longer suppressed. Although the entire star was very large, it could be completed in a few steps.

"This star is too barren, without any heavenly materials and earthly treasures." Mu Qing shook the head.

He fell into a mountain and took out three golden-bright and dazzling fruits.

It is the immortal fruit of Inheritance Land!

A total of 18 Immortal Fruits, the scene was chaotic at the time, but Little Fatty succeeded in it, and then through the distribution of Ning Feng Zhenjun and the others, Mu Qing got three.

These three immortal fruits contain incomparable surging energy!

Mu Qing's face condensed, he is about to try tempering nine times!

He has been tempering eight times, but still does not feel the limit, so he wants to use the power of these three immortal fruits to impact nine tempering!

After all, this is the power that Supreme Realm can have, helping him to break through with no difficulty!

Mu Qing sat on the top of the mountain, twelve Demon Gods appeared, guarding all around, three immortal fruits were directly swallowed by Mu Qing in one breath.


Suddenly, a burst of indestructible energy burst into Mu Qing's body. This indestructible energy is too rich, almost turning into a golden The beam of light, straight into the sky!

Mu Qing's body shook. This time it was different from the previous one. There was no vertical motor to the critical point, which led to Thunder Tribulation.

He didn't worry, he began to absorb the immortal energy in the refining body, and washed the twelve Demon Gods around him with this huge indestructible energy like a stormy sea.


Twelve Demon Gods also issued roar.

They are changing and becoming stronger and stronger!

At this point, every tempering will greatly improve the quality of Taoism.

The twelve Demon Gods are derived from Mu Qing's twelve ways, and they are constantly getting stronger.

At the same time.

Beyond the stars, more than a dozen people are driving a cosmic spaceship.

This is a small cosmic spaceship, but there is this powerful aura on it, reaching the emperor!

Although this is only a God Emperor Early-Stage, in the vast universe, it can be regarded as an extremely powerful expert.

This god emperor wore a luxurious robe with emerald eyes and a tall figure.

"Luo Hua Young Master, I have explored this star a long time ago. There are tens of millions of creatures in it, but they are all just born. Without any spiritual wisdom, it can only be regarded as a wild beast."

"You take this star blood sacrifice, it is enough to promote the Soul Heavenly Sword to the Sovereign level Divine Item!"

A Heavenly God next to him came forward in the late stage, and his face was flattering. color.

"Such the best." Luo Hua Young Master is very cold, nodded.

In the depths of his eyes, there was a trace of expectation.

Luo Hua Young Master is the Young Master of the Territory Star Domain, and his father is the Territory Lord of Territory, possessing the power of the God Emperor Peak!

The Diluo Star Domain has seventeen god emperors, dominating a hundred stars.

Luo Hua Young Master, as the son of the territorial master, possesses a large number of resources, and recently broke through to the realm of the Emperor Early-Stage.

He is not satisfied, but wants to promote a Heavenly God Artifact in his hand to Sovereign level Divine Item!

The soul sword has reached its limit, Luo Hua Young Master has already blood sacrificed fifteen stars, and then only one more blood sacrifice star is enough for the soul sword breakthrough to be promoted!

Of course, Luo Hua’s Young Master blood sacrifices are all stars of low-level civilizations, and some don’t even have living creatures.

After all, he is not a domain owner. He has just entered God Sovereign Realm. If he goes to blood sacrifice those stars where there are a lot of spiritual wisdom beings, I am afraid his father will not be able to keep him.


This small cosmic spaceship entered this star. Suddenly, Luo Hua Young Master was taken aback and found that there was a violent energy fluctuation in this star.

He squinted his eyes, those emerald eyes twinkling divine light.

Next moment, Luo Hua Young Master's face was shocked. He saw a golden beam of light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, and exuded a strong energy breath, very attractive!

"What's going on? There are heavenly materials and earthly treasures on this rubbish star?" Luo Hua Young Master's expression gradually became hot, his eyes flashed with greed.

His eyes are emerald-colored, very special, unique to the Diluo clan, able to see through everything.

Any energy fluctuation cannot escape their eyes!

At the moment, the energy fluctuations of that golden beam of light are too surging. The aura seems to be stronger than the sun in their Terro Star Domain!

Luo Hua Young Master suddenly became excited, he felt that his own opportunity had met!

Maybe his eyes can evolve to Divine Eyes!

"Young you still need blood sacrifice?"

Heavenly God Peak cautiously next to him.

He felt that Luo Hua Young Master was a little abnormal.

"blood sacrifice! Of course, blood sacrifice! You prepare quickly, this time I will blood sacrifice the whole star in one breath!"

Luo Hua loudly shouted.

His eyes are full of excitement.

Luo Hua didn't expect that this star will have such a strong energy, with his Divine Emperor Early-Stage cultivation base, naturally he can't sense the existence of Mu Qing.

He planned to blood sacrifice the entire star in one breath, and at the same time he was promoted to his Divine Item, he absorbed that energy at the same time.

Luo Hua is completely unaware that this energy belongs to Mu Qing.

Because that golden beam of light was formed by the power of the immortal fruit escaping, Mu Qing's own aura completely condensed, so Luo Hua completely misunderstood.

A dozen Heavenly Gods of the Diluo tribe began to arrange on this star, each holding a banner in his hand, and arranged them in various places of this star.

Three days later.

Luo Hua found a mountain. His expression was pleasantly surprised. He saw a golden beam of light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth rushing out of this mountain!

He mobilized the power in his body, his eyes flashed, condensing the seal method.

Suddenly, a huge force swept across the stars!

The white sky dimmed, showing a bloody color, and the wild beast without spiritual wisdom turned into blood without any sound.

Eighteen blood-colored vortex appeared in the stars, frantically devouring the energy of this star and the vital functions of creatures!

Luo Hua himself also took out a banner with a blood-colored weird text on it.

As soon as this banner appeared, the energy that Eighteen's blood-colored vortex had absorbed and swallowed was transmitted across the air and landed on him!

Luo Hua sent this power to a long knife next to him. This knife is already Heavenly God Artifact Peak and will soon be promoted.

And Luo Hua himself moved the banner in his hand towards the mountain where the golden light beam was.

He saw that the mountain was a bit mysterious, but he didn't bother to explore it.

The Shenluo blood sacrifice flag given to him by the Diluo domain master is the Sovereign level Divine Item, a total of nineteen, and the one in the hands of Luohua Young Master is the main banner.

The devouring strength of the main banner is even stronger. Luo Hua directly throws the main banner into the golden beam of light. You don't need to see what treasure is there in this mountain, and you can completely swallow its energy!

Luo Hua nodded with satisfaction.

The Soul Soul Heavenly Sword trembled lightly, rushing into the sky, apparently about to be promoted soon.

And the main banner binds to its Divine Soul, absorbs the power of the golden beam of light in front of you, and passes it to yourself, and it may be able to break through to the middle or even late stage of the emperor at once!

Soon, a trace of doubt appeared in Luo Hua’s eyes. The main banner formed a vortex, madly absorbing the energy of all around between Heaven and Earth, but why didn’t it absorb the energy of this golden beam of light?

hong long!

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

"en? Soul Soul Heavenly Sword is finally going to be promoted?" Luo Hua's attention was attracted, and a beam of joy appeared on his face.

A powerful Thunder Tribulation appeared as soon as he was promoted. It seems that the Divine Item of the Soul Soul Heaven Sword has more potential than he thought!

After that, Luo Hua looked suspicious.

Why... the power of this Thunder Tribulation seems to be too big...


A golden Thunder Tribulation falls, there can be thousands The size of a meter is almost like a huge True Dragon roaring down.

a loud explosion sound, the soul sky sword burst!

No fragments were left behind, they were directly chopped into slag!


Luo Hua was implicated, and wow he spit out a mouthful of blood, then stared wide-eyed, and found that a silhouette appeared on the golden beam of light!

What made him even more shocked was that around that silhouette, there were twelve incomparable gigantic shadows, which exuded a terrifying aura and directly shattered the space of this star!

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