
The scarlet sun burst out with incredible energy aftermath.

The space all around has completely collapsed, and the entire mountain range has appeared like abyss-like gullies, which are cracking everywhere!

The power of Supreme is too terrifying!

This is just a Remnant Soul, but only part of the formidable power is restored, and the entire Inheritance Land is torn apart!

Everyone in the Ancient Immortal realm and Celestial Court looked shocked, and everyone relied on the cursed flower of the cursed spirit and Little Fatty's nine Heavenly God dragon cover to barely be under the aftermath of this earth-shattering energy. Alive.

Mu Qing looked at the battle in the sky and rarely felt insignificant.

His twelve principles, all tempering three times, are not inferior to the Heaven's Chosen of the Supreme forces!

But facing Supreme Remnant Soul, I found myself like a trivial ant.

There is no resistance!

Everyone is like a calm boat in the sea, and will be overturned by stormy sea at any time.

"The Supreme Remnant Soul should be restored to the strength of the ultimate emperor." Xuan Mu gave a wry smile.

The daoist robe given to Little Fatty by Ancestral Master is a high-ranking Emperor Treasure specially used for defense. Relying on the nine Heavenly God dragon covers inspired by daoist robe, all the talents barely survived this remaining power.

"Position..." Mu Qing whispered.

He has seen a lot of extremely great emperors, but he has never seen the true strength of extremely great emperors.

"Wanke was suppressed by the Inheritance Land, only the strength of the tenth-order lower emperor, but now the opponent can fight against the blood ancestor..."

Xiao Xuan frowns, in fact everyone There are also guesses in the bottom of my heart.

Purple Gold Yuan coughed, and a dignified look appeared on his pale face, "It seems that Wanke has really gotten annihilation inheritance."

"That Wanke, What is going on?" Xuanmu looked towards Mu Qing.

Wanke was originally an undercover agent arranged by the Ancient Immortal world in Celestial Court, but it didn't expect that he would betray the Ancient Immortal world in the end.

Regarding the matter of Wanke, Heaven's Chosen is also half-knowledgeable, and one after another turned their attention to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing lightly coughed, said: "Wanke is not our universe, you should know the Holy Spirit universe?"

Xuanmu and the others nodded.

As Heaven's Chosen in the Ancient Immortal world, they naturally know some secrets.

The Ancient Immortal realm is located in a special space, above an endless sea of ​​clouds, and under the sea of ​​clouds is another universe!

That universe is called the Holy Spirit universe.

Mu Qing said solemnly: "Wanke belongs to the Holy Spirit universe. He helps evil gods. The specific purpose is probably to help evil gods resurrect."

"Evil Gods The evil god of the Paragon Seal back then?" Xuan Mu was surprised.

Purple Gold Yuan was shocked, Wanke's purpose turned out to be this!

"So, we should stop him..." Xiao Xuan said halfway, and fell silent.

Blood Ancestor’s imposing manner is terrifying against the sky, this Supreme Remnant Soul, the explosive power is enough to affect the entire Inheritance Land, turning into a sun in the sky.

But his opponent, Wanke, did not lose the wind at all. In the terrifying energy storm, between raising hands and feet, Inheritance Land, there is a strong force of annihilation coming from everywhere, injecting Onto his body.

Wanke obviously has the inheritance of nirvana. He can control the nirvana power of the Inheritance Land to fight for himself.

Xiao Xuan glanced at Wanke fighting against the blood ancestor, and he was only half talking.

Wanke is no longer something they can deal with!

"The power of the sea of ​​nirvana? You are just a dísciple, why do you have the Supreme Item of nirvana?"

The blood ancestor was shocked.

He fought with Wanke, and found that the opponent's strength was obviously very weak, but he had drawn a great power of Nirvana in the air to contend with him.

Even dominated the battle!

The blood ancestor is very familiar with the power of Wanke.

That is not the power of nirvana from Wanke’s own cultivation, but the power from the sea of ​​nirvana!

What is the existence of the Sea of ​​Silence?

That's the Supreme Item that killed Supreme!

Nannihilation Supreme itself is not strong, but it has an infinite way to make the Nirvana Sea grow. Later, the Nirvana Sea is getting stronger and stronger, far beyond the power of ordinary Supreme.

The power of this nirvana sea can only be activated and used by nirvana Supreme!

"Why? Why did old thief nirvana easily spur his dísciple?" The blood ancestor did not understand.

Even if it is Direct Disciple, it is impossible to have this treatment!

Wanke smiled lightly and said: "Blood Ancestor, you are too old. I said before that the Supreme is dead, and the Sea of ​​Silence has recognized me."

The blood ancestor hearing this frowned even more.

He was a little reluctant to believe Wanke's words.

The blood ancestor knows the strength of Nirvana Supreme, how could it die?

Even if Celestial Court makes a move, it can't kill and die, right?

After all, there is a sea of ​​nirvana in the hands of the nirvana Supreme, which is enough to stop everything!

Seeing the blood ancestor meditating, the expression on his face changed, but Wanke did not keep his hand, pointing away, one after another terrifying power came in the air.

It was a vast ocean, split open space surged, filled with a strong breath of death.

Wanke who gets the inheritance of the nirvana can directly summon the power of the nirvana in the inheritance land.

At this time, the blood ancestor stared wide-eyed, he actually felt the breath of his own Supreme Item from this part of the dying sea!

The blood ancestor body trembled, he thought of a lot.

Back then, he had a hostile relationship with Niubi Supreme, but it was too difficult for Supreme to kill.

However, one day, Nirvana Supreme came to the door and annihilated his orthodoxy, threatening to use three Supreme Items to promote his Supreme Item and become an existence above Supreme!

The blood ancestor thought that Nirvana Supreme was crazy, but in fact, the nihilization Supreme acted like a madman, costing a great price, forcibly killing the blood ancestor.

The fall of a Supreme has caused the entire universe to tremble, and visions appear everywhere!

Nowadays, the blood ancestor uses some special methods to resurrect, but he has never perceived the existence of his Supreme Item.

The birth of Supreme Item was formed by a hundred sublimation and transformation of the Supreme Dao at the time of the Supreme Emperor’s breakthrough!

It can be said that the Supreme Item is the "rule" of every Supreme!

The loss of the Supreme Item made the blood ancestor's strength unable to fully display, and it is even worse than Wanke, who is currently relying on the power of Nirvana Sea.

But now, the blood ancestor body trembled, he was shocked to find that he sensed the breath of his Supreme Item from the dying sea.

However, he has no way to take back his Supreme Item.

Because according to the perception of the blood ancestor, his Supreme Item no longer exists, turned into countless powers, mixed in the water of silence!

"He succeeded? Three Supreme Items...really able to promote Nirvana Sea?"

Blood Progenitor as if was struck by lightning, he is unimaginable, above Supreme Is there really a realm?

At the same time, he also felt the breath of the other two Supreme Item in the Silent Sea.

Obviously, in addition to his Supreme Item, two other Supreme Items have also been integrated into the Sea of ​​Annihilation!

"Blood Ancestor, don't resist, your appearance surprised me, but for the Holy Lord's plan, you must sacrifice."

Wanke looked at the Blood Ancestor, his face There was joy on the surface.

This Supreme Remnant Soul, if it is absorbed by the Holy Lord, it may be able to recover its strength faster!

This is an unexpected joy!


Wanke urges the power of the sea of ​​nirvana, the endless power of nirvana envelops the blood ancestors, shattering all the power of blood energy.

Behind Wanke, the illusory shadow of the evil god emerged. This is the current Holy Spirit of Wanke, but the leader is the evil god.

When the blood ancestor saw the evil god, his pupils suddenly shrank, "Supreme Remnant Soul?"

The Supreme Remnant Soul exactly like him!

It's just that he hasn't seen the appearance of the other party. Is it the new Supreme that appeared when he was sleeping and feigning death?

The evil god smiled grimly, and a huge head appeared on the scarlet armor.

A horrible Devouring Power shrouded the blood ancestor in an instant!

The blood ancestor was shocked in his heart, unable to move even a little bit, he found that it was also the Supreme Remnant Soul, but he was not an opponent at all!


The hideous head covered the sky and covered the sun, biting down the blood ancestor with one bite, and swallowing the nearby space.

In the same place, only a large piece of pitch-black nothingness is left!

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