"Mu Qing! I'm fighting with you!"

Little Fatty's complexion is red, and he lifted the Eight Trigrams Mirror to take a photo of it moved towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing glanced at him, waved his big hand, and Little Fatty plunged into the black hole.

Next moment, a black hole appeared at several hundred li high in the sky, and Little Fatty fell directly from it.

With a bang, Little Fatty fell to the ground and fell confused.

The battle ended soon, and the overall strength of this group of Celestial Court god emperors was quite strong, but it was a pity that they met Mu Qing.

The personal combat capability of Mu Qing's body is quite terrifying, and the power of the twelve principles is added together, and no one can resist it with a single cut!

The dream of the Moon God and the large number of talisman strikes that charm the Third Young Lady are the nightmare of this group of Celestial Court god emperors.

The Moon God dream is silent, you never know whether everything you see in front of you is real or a dream, perhaps unconsciously, Divine Soul has disappeared.

In the face of someone weaker than himself, Mu Qing’s dream of the Moon God is undoubtedly the ultimate weapon. As long as the strength of Divine Soul is sufficient, you can kill as many as you want!

As for Mei Third Young Lady, it is also quite terrifying. Compared with the weird Lunar Dream, it is even more daunting.

Hundreds of terrifying thunders fell as soon as they were shot, and everything around was completely turned into a thunder hell. It was difficult for the Imperial Capital to resist, and Dao Ze was explodes into waste in an instant!


Mu Qing loudly shouts, enters the black hole with Mei Third Young Lady and Little Fatty, and teleports to several hundred li.

When they fought, they didn't deliberately conceal their breath. The energy fluctuated sharply there, and it must have been discovered by other Celestial Court god emperors.

Capturing the immortal fruit, unhurried for a while, their advantage lies in their flexibility. They have Mu Qing's black hole teleportation in a short distance, a long-distance movement talisman that fascinates the Third Young Lady, and Little Fatty's defense in battle. Heavenly God Dragon Cover!

"It seems that around the golden lake, there are already a large number of Celestial Court powerhouses guarded." Mu Qing frowned, he is strong or strong. In the case of one-on-one, even eight temperings The powerhouse is not afraid.

But if all Celestial Court gods gather together, then this power will be too terrifying.

It's easy for the three to massacre more than 80 Celestial Court gods, but who knows how many Celestial Court gods are coming in now in Inheritance Land?

With the preciousness of immortal power, Celestial Court will definitely send a large number of gods to guard it!

It is easy to kill more than 80 Celestial Court gods now, but you should know that the most powerhouse is only four tempering.

What about the Celestial Court God Emperor who came to more than 80 tempering four times?

Even hundreds, thousands!

Even tens of thousands!

They are only three, are they opponents?

Mu Qing has no doubt that Celestial Court has this power completely. You must know that in the central battlefield, the powerhouses of the gods on both sides have a whole number of 100,000!

Not to mention that there are countless gods powerhouses in their respective territories that have not been on the battlefield!

Mu Qing is conceited that the god emperor is invincible, and dared to fight for nine tempering, but facing the huge number of Celestial Court god emperors, even he has to weigh it.

"We can defeat them one by one. They seem to be guarding outside this golden lake separately."

Mei Third Young Lady said.

Mu Qing nodded, indifferently said: "Yes, our advantage lies in flexibility, and we will retreat in one blow!"

Then he browses frowned and said: "The problem lies in Celestial Will the people of Court give us this opportunity?"

Although they are likely to face the many powerhouses of Celestial Court, the fruit of immortality is right in front of them, and they must not give up!

The power of immortality is something that Supreme Realm can only come into contact with. Usually the extremely large Imperial Capital may not be exposed to such a huge power of immortality.

This golden lake has a huge temptation for the three Mu Qing.

And the three of them don't want this place to fall into the hands of Celestial Court, at least they can't let the other party easily succeed!

Such a lake, all pale-gold, is probably formed by immortal power, and there are immortal flowers and grasses on the hill, and some immortal grasses grow more than one person. Taller!

There is also that dead tree. It seems that it hasn't been watered for many years and is about to die. But the eighteen fruits on the dead tree are undoubtedly more precious than the immortal flower and the immortal grass. Of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

Even if it is destroyed, it cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of Celestial Court!

The three of Mu Qing glanced at each other, and they all saw each other's thoughts.

The comprehensive strengths of Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal are the same, otherwise it would not be impossible to tell the winner after so many years of fighting.

But if the people of Celestial Court have obtained so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain immortal power, I am afraid that the comprehensive strength of the younger generation will far exceed the ancient Immortal world!

This is the Inheritance Land. The emperor cannot enter. When the time comes Celestial Court, I am afraid that he can act wilfully and take away the inheritance of the Supreme!

This is absolutely forbidden by everyone.

"Notify Xuanmu and them, we can't eat so many immortal spiritual objects." Mu Qing said to Little Fatty.

He doesn't have the Xuanmu communication rune, but Xiao Pan has.

Furthermore, although Mu Qing is in the Ancient Immortal world, he doesn't have much contact. It is better for Little Fatty to come forward for this kind of thing.

Call Xuanmu and the others to their advantage!

Mu Qing never thought that he could monopolize this golden lake.

If the Celestial Court gods are separated and let them break one by one, there is still a chance...

But would Celestial Court be so stupid? Will you give them a chance?

The answer is obviously no...

Since you don’t want to give up the golden lake, and you don’t want to go to war with all the gods in Celestial Court, then you have to make the scene chaotic!

"Tell Xuanmu about the situation here, and let him bring the gods and emperors of the Ancient Immortal world. When the time comes, we fish in troubled waters, there may be unexpected gains!" Mu Qing lightly said with a smile.

Mei Third Young Lady and Little Fatty's eyes brightened. Indeed, their three people are extremely flexible. As long as the scene is chaotic enough, their advantage will be more obvious!

"Okay! I'm going to inform Xuanmu!" Little Fatty was so excited that he quickly took out a newsletter rune.

He was also worried that Xuanmu was not very motivated, so he used his Eight Trigrams Mirror to take a screenshot of the golden lake and passed it on to Xuanmu!

Somewhere in Inheritance Land.

This is a swamp, full of miasma, Xuanmu is here with a whole number of thousands of emperors!

Thousands of emperors are just the dísciple of his Xuan Fire Dao view. In other places in the Inheritance Land, there are also divine emperor dísciples such as Heavenly Master Path and Dousik Palace. The number is not less than the number of emperors behind Xuanmu!

This power is extremely terrifying anywhere in the universe, but Xuanmu still has doubts in his heart.

This number is less!

In the concept of Xuanmu, Inheritance Land will have more than 100,000 powerhouses swarming in. After all, it is related to the inheritance of Supreme. The senior leaders of Ancient Immortal will definitely not let it go. Most of the gods are invested here.

As a result, so many days have passed, and the sum of the dísciples of the Three Great Influences of the Ancient Immortal world is less than fifteen thousand!


A giant anaconda rushed out from the side, a pair of scarlet eyes full of fierce light, and culled Xiang Xuanmu.

Xuanmu glanced at it, and a ray of red fire rushed away between his fingers, and when he touched the anaconda, it blasted into a large fire sea and burned it into coke.

"Eldest Senior Brother, all this swamp has been searched on one side, there is no lingering inheritance, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures are almost cleaned up."

There is a six-tempering one next to it. The emperor's face was joyfully said.

They have gained a lot!

Xuanmu nodded nodded, before saying anything, suddenly took out a communication rune, and a stream of light rushed into his forehead.

next moment, his eyes widened to the boss, with a look of horror.

Xuanmu took a deep breath, unable to calm the shock in his heart for a long time.

That stream of light, Little Fatty gave him the sound transmission and the panoramic picture of the golden lake!

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